Error: cannot find module ./candy-machine-v2-cli.ts

# Metaplex Candy Machine This is sort of the "missing guide" on how to use the metaplex candy machine (espescially the command-line or cli interface). It's based on me just reading code and figuring out how it's meant to be used--so don't assume I'm right or completely correct about anything. This guide and the accompanying candy-machine-mint web starter kit enable you to launch NFTs on Solana with zero knowledge of Rust. ## Preamble WTF is a candy-machine you ask? It's a system for managing fair mint. Fair mints: - start and finish at the same time for everyone - won't accept your funds if they are out of NFTs to sell Technically, the candy-machine is an on chain Solana program (smart contract) that governs fair mints. `metaplex` is a command line tool for interacting with the candy-machine program. We will use it to: - _upload_ your images and metadata to arweave, then register them on the solana block-chain - _verify_ the state of your candy-machine is valid and complete - mint individual tokens with _mint_one_token_ :::info `metaplex upload` handles more than just sending files to arweave. It will: - initialize your projects candy-machine - swap SOL for AR and send files to arweave - register those assets with your candy-machine's inventory ::: ## Getting Started ### Running candy machine command line utility - ensure you have recent versions of both `node` and `yarn` installed - clone the project -- if you're me: ```bash $ git clone :metaplex-foundation/metaplex.git \ ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex ``` :::info This project is under active development. If you're running into issues use `git pull` to ensure you're running the latest and greatest version. ::: - install `ts-node` -- if you're me: ```bash= $ npm install -g ts-node ``` - run the command line utility: ```bash= $ ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts help Usage: candy-machine-cli [options] [command] Options: -V, --version output the version number -h, --help display help for command Commands: upload [options] <directory> verify [options] verify_price [options] create_candy_machine [options] update_candy_machine [options] mint_one_token [options] sign [options] sign_candy_machine_metadata [options] help [command] display help for command ``` ### Prerequisites Read the Solana Command-line Guide Install the Solana Command-line Tools #### devnet for the win Devnet serves as a playground for anyone who wants to take Solana for a test drive, as a user, token holder, app developer, or NFT publisher. NFT publishers should target devnet before going for mainnet. :::info I highly recommend making devnet your default solana url: `solana config set --url` ::: #### Create devnet wallet (for testing) :::info Read the fine manual `solana-keygen help new` ::: If your me, you'll redact your mnemonic, store it somewhere safe and take advantage of the `--outfile` flag. ```bash $ solana-keygen new --outfile ~/.config/solana/devnet.json Generating a new keypair For added security, enter a BIP39 passphrase NOTE! This passphrase improves security of the recovery seed phrase NOT the keypair file itself, which is stored as insecure plain text BIP39 Passphrase (empty for none): Wrote new keypair to /Users/levi/.config/solana/devnet.json ===================================================================== pubkey: 7zMqBkHowtpEC8iayNmCoT42T8dKjikzmTbZX5aNJbhJ ===================================================================== Save this seed phrase and your BIP39 passphrase to recover your new keypair: # REDACTED ===================================================================== ``` :::info I also recommend making devnet your default keypair: `solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/devnet.json` ::: #### Fund devnet wallet :::info First, go read the fine manuals `solana help config`, `solana help balance` and `solana help airdrop` ::: If you're me, you're confirming your config right now to ensure you're on devnet, because we're going to rely on this to make subsequent command line invocations simpler from here forward. Here's how you check it: ```bash $ solana config get Config File: /Users/levi/.config/solana/cli/config.yml RPC URL: WebSocket URL: wss:// (computed) Keypair Path: /Users/levi/.config/solana/devnet.json Commitment: confirmed ``` And here's how you can fund that wallet: ```bash $ solana balance # check your initial balance 0 SOL $ solana airdrop 10 # request funds Requesting airdrop of 10 SOL Signature: 2s8FE29f2fAaAoWphbiyb5b4iSKYWznLG64w93Jzx8k2DAbFGsmbyXhe3Uix8f5X6m9HRL5c6WB58j2t2WrUh88d 10 SOL $ solana balance # confirm your balance 10 SOL ``` ### Uploading #### Organizing your project assets Here's how you should organize the files you want to upload. Notice that these come in numerical pairs. eg: 4.png and 4.json are two halves of the NFT -- one is the art, the other is the metadata. If you have a 10k collection, then there should be 20k files in this directory. Also notice that we're starting with 0.json + 0.png, because that's the default value for the `--start-with`. Staying close the defaults ensures you don't have surprises like publishing fewer NFTs than you meant to. And finally, the directory name `assets` doesn't really matter. You could go with anything you like here. ```bash $ ls assets | sort -n 0.json 0.png 1.json 1.png 2.json 2.png 3.json 3.png 4.json 4.png 5.json 5.png 6.json 6.png 7.json 7.png 8.json 8.png 9.json 9.png # ... REDACTED ``` #### Validating your project assets :::warning Don't speed run this section. This is where permanent mistakes are made. ::: :::info First, go read the fine manual ::: This is going to feel tedious, but remember that bugs in this data are forever. Also remember that bugs in this data determine whether you get paid or not. Be espescially careful with checking `seller_fee_basis_points` and `properties.creators` -- details below: - ensure you have a recent version `jq` installed #### check the total number of assets, json and image files confirm these add up. ```bash $ find assets -type f | wc -l # count the total number of asset files 20 $ find assets -type f -name '*.json' | wc -l # count the metadata files 10 $ find assets -type f -name '*.png' | wc -l # count the images files 10 ## confirm those numbers are all what you would expect. ``` #### check `image` and `properties.files` values ```bash ## make sure your json and file name agree ## 0.json should refer to 0.png in the .image and .files props ## 1.json should refer to 1.png in the .image and .files props ## 2.json should refer to 2.png in the .image and .files props ## etc ``` #### check `name` values ```bash $ find assets -type f -name '*.json' | xargs jq -r '.name' | sort | less ## this command lists then sorts all of your name values. ## for most projects, your just paging through and confirming ## the pattern looks like you'd expect it to. ``` #### check `symbol` values ```bash $ find assets -type f -name '*.json' | xargs jq -r '.symbol' | sort | uniq -c 10 YANAPE ``` #### check `properties.creators` ```bash $ find assets -type f -name '*.json' | xargs jq '.properties.creators' | jq -c '.[] | [.address,.share]' | sort | uniq -c 10 ["<address-1>",60] 10 ["<address-2>",30] 10 ["<address-3>",10] ## this command flattens, then counts the unique properties.creators values in your metadata. ## for most projects, you should see a consistent count across all parties (address-[1..3]) $ find assets -type f -name '*.json' | xargs jq '.properties.creators' | jq -c '.[] | [.address,.share]' | sort | uniq | jq '.[1]' | jq -s 'add' 100 ## this command extends the prior command by extracting the shares & summing them up. ## you should expect this to output 100. ``` #### check `seller_fee_basis_points` ```bash $ find assets -type f -name '*.json' | xargs jq '.seller_fee_basis_points' | sort | uniq -c 10 420 ## this command extracts unique seller_fee_basis_points, then sorts and counts them. ## for most projects you should see a consistent count across all metadata. ``` #### Uploading your project assets Now that your wallet is funded and your assets are organized and validated we can do the fun and important part! :::info First, go read the fine manual `ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts help upload` ::: Building up commands with lots of long arguments can be challenging and error prone. To avoid the pit of despair, I recommend keeping the output of these commands visible: ```bash $ ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts help upload Usage: candy-machine-cli upload [options] <directory> Arguments: directory Directory containing images named from 0-n Options: -e, --env <string> Solana cluster env name (default: "devnet") -k, --keypair <path> Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided") -l, --log-level <string> log level -c, --cache-name <string> Cache file name (default: "temp") -n, --number <number> Number of images to upload -h, --help display help for command ``` ```bash $ solana config get Config File: /Users/levi/.config/solana/cli/config.yml RPC URL: WebSocket URL: wss:// (computed) Keypair Path: /Users/levi/.config/solana/devnet.json Commitment: confirmed ``` With these visible, you can now construct the correct command line instructions for uploading to devnet. Here's what mine looks like: ```bash $ ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts upload ./assets --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/devnet.json Processing file: 0 Processing file: 1 Processing file: 2 Processing file: 3 Done ``` :::info `ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts upload` sends files to arweave __and also__ registers those files with your candy-machine. After a successful run, both arweave __and__ Solana are initialized. ::: :::warning It's normal for the `ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts upload` command to emit numerous errors, espescially on larger collections. The program authors are aware of this and carefully designed the program so that it's safe to simply re-run the upload command until everything goes through completely and cleanly. ::: :::warning arweave is rarely able to show your your assets right away. It's not uncommon for me to wait 10-15 minutes to see it serve images and metadata. I don't fully understand the replication process, but know that it takes time. ::: #### Validating your candy-machine You can confirm the health of your on-chain assets using `ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts verify`: ```bash $ ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts verify Looking at key 0 Name {redacted-name} 4 with{redacted-tx-id} checked out Looking at key 1 Name {redacted-name} 1 with{redacted-tx-id} checked out Looking at key 2 Name {redacted-name} 2 with{redacted-tx-id} checked out Looking at key 3 Name {redacted-name} 3 with{redacted-tx-id} checked out ``` #### Updating your candy-machine Set a start date and or price using: ``` ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts \ update_candy_machine \ --env devnet \ --keypair ~/.config/solana/devnet.json \ --price 1 \ --date "26 Sep 2021 00:12:00 GMT" ``` ## What about the web app?? There's a boilerplate community project available here. It is currently very new, so please report issues on GitHub. The goal of this project is to let you: - fork it - configure it - customize your own ui - deploy it to your own mint subdomain # Tips If you found this helpful, consider sending a tip to the author. NFTs welcomed :) `JUskoxS2PTiaBpxfGaAPgf3cUNhdeYFGMKdL6mZKKfR` --- # License MIT License Copyright 2021 Levi Cook Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.d