Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

Q: “I’m going on a plane soon and it’s a long flight. I’m wondering how do I listen to my music on my iPhone 13 if I have Spotify premium and I’m on airplane mode.” – from the Spotify Community

Most of us are familiar with Airplane Mode. It’s designed to turn off all the Bluetooth, cellular, and data connections on your smartphone and other portable devices. When turning on Airplane Mode, you won’t be able to access the content on the internet. However, during the flight, all of us prefer to read some books and listen to music. Does Spotify work in Airplane Mode? Sure! Here you’ll find the way to help you play Spotify in Airplane Mode.

Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

  • Part 1. How to Listen to Spotify Premium in Airplane Mode
  • Part 2. How to Play Spotify in Airplane Mode without Premium
  • Part 3. FAQs about Using Spotify in Airplane Mode

Part 1. Can You Listen to Spotify Premium in Airplane Mode?

After getting Spotify Premium, you can enjoy ad-free music and get better sound quality. The most important thing is that you can play any Spotify song on any device even without an internet connection. So, if you want to listen to Spotify while in Airplane Mode, you can download your liked songs in advance. Then you can enjoy those downloaded songs on Spotify.

Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

Step 1. Open Spotify on your mobile or tablet and then log into your Spotify premium account.

Step 2. Go to your music library and find the album or playlist you want to listen to during the flight.

Step 3. Tap the Download button to save Spotify music to your device and then go back to the home screen.

Step 4. Under Settings, tap Playback and switch Offline on. Now you can listen to Spotify in Airplane Mode.

Part 2. Can You Play Spotify in Airplane Mode without Premium?

For those free Spotify users, you cannot download Spotify music for listening in Airplane Mode. So, it is possible to listen to Spotify music in Airplane Mode without premium? This, of course, is possible. You can try using a Spotify music downloader to download Spotify songs to your device. Then you can use the built-in music player for playing Spotify songs in Airplane Mode.

Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter is a good option when it comes to the Spotify song downloader. It can not only download any track, album, playlist, artist, and podcast from Spotify but also convert Spotify content to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, and M4B. Then you can transfer Spotify songs to your mobile device for listening at any time.

Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

Key Features of Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter

  • Download Spotify playlists, songs, and albums with free accounts easily
  • Convert Spotify music to MP3, WAV, FLAC, and other audio formats
  • Keep Spotify music tracks with lossless audio quality and ID3 tags
  • Remove ads and DRM protection from Spotify music at a 5× faster speed

Even though you’re a newbie, you can easily use Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter to download your liked songs. Go to download and install Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter on your computer, then follow the below steps to save Spotify songs.

Step 1 Choose Spotify songs to download

Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

The opening of Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter will automatically load the Spotify app on your computer. Select songs you want to download on Spotify and copy the music link then paste them into the search bar. Click the + Add button to load the songs into the conversion list. Alternatively, you can drag and drop Spotify songs to the main interface of the converter.

Step 2 Set the output format of Spotify

Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

When all songs are added to the converter, you can click the menu bar and select the Preferences option to personalize your music. In the settings window, you can set MP3 as the output audio format. Otherwise, you can adjust the bit rate, sample rate, and channel according to your personal demand.

Step 3 Download Spotify music to MP3

Can you listen to spotify on a plane without premium

When all is set well, you can click the Convert button to start downloading songs from Spotify. Just wait for a minute and Tunelf will handle the conversion at a fast speed of 5×. After completing the conversion, you can see the converted music in the history list by clicking the Converted icon and then locate the folder where you store those songs.

Part 3. FAQs about Using Spotify in Airplane Mode

About Spotify in Airplane Mode, there are lots of questions that the user frequently asks. Here we’ll reply to those frequently asked questions and help you solve your problem.

Q1. Can you play Spotify in Airplane Mode?

A: Spotify supports offline listening, so you can play music while there is no internet connection. But it is only available for those premium users.

Q2. Can’t listen to Spotify while in Airplane Mode?

A: In this case, make sure that you have downloaded Spotify music to your device and then turn on Offline Mode in Spotify.

Q3. Does Spotify use data in Airplane Mode?

A: In Airplane Mode, all the devices don’t have cellular and Wi-Fi. So, it is impossible to use data in Airplane Mode, let alone use Spotify.


The premium feature of Spotify enables users to listen to music offline. Thus, you can play Spotify in Airplane Mode when you don’t have an internet connection. For those free Spotify users, you can try using Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter to download and save Spotify songs. Then you can also enjoy Spotify in Airplane Mode.

How can I listen to music on a plane for free?

Part 1: Top 9 Music Apps that Work on Airplane Mode.
Spotify. ... .
Apple Music. ... .
Deezer Music Player. ... .
Gaana. ... .
Google Play Music. ... .
Groove Music. ... .
Napster. ... .
Slacker Radio..

Can you listen to Spotify on a plane without WiFi?

As we all know, only Spotify Premium subscribers can enjoy songs offline. So it won't be a problem if they go somewhere without WiFi or they turn on airplane mode on their devices, the music can still play as long as they're downloaded.