Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks

Good and bad news. The good is that nice people have adopted both of my cat's kittens together without splitting them up.

The bad: someone told me 6 weeks was old enough, but now I found out 8 is the actual minimum suggested age and some people siggest more than that.

The kittens have been eating solid food and using a litter box for about 4 days now. Will they be ok having been adopted together, even though they're just six weeks old? The new owners have taken care of kittens in the past, and they thought six weeks would be ok.

Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks


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asked Apr 8, 2016 at 2:10

Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks


As you've subsequently learned, 12 weeks seems to be the recommended age for separating kittens and puppies from mama.

However, given that it's over and done with, and the kittens seem to be doing well, I wouldn't worry about it. A few decades ago, 6 weeks was widely accepted as an OK time to adopt out kittens and puppies. And although we now know that it's better to wait a little longer, most of those kittens and puppies did just fine. The fact that both kittens are staying together will probably do a lot to offset the stress of leaving home a little early.

answered Apr 9, 2016 at 3:00


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There is a big debate on when kittens should leave mum, and generally I believe it works on a cat by cat basis. I have previously worked in a rescue shelter, and as long as kittens are toileting normally by themselves, and are fully weaned onto solid food, then we would often start splitting them from mum over a two week weaning period at around six weeks of age.

As long as the kittens are putting on adequate weight and doing the above mentioned toileting and eating activites healthily, then there will be no real health detriment. Moving into a new home at six to eight weeks of age can have a very positive effect on a kittens social development. During this period of their life they are very open to experiencing and accepting new things as the norm, so a new home will be more easily accepted by an 8 week old kitten than one rehomed at 12, as this one may have already gone through a lot of it's social development and find all the new sensations overwhelming and quite difficult to cope with.

From the sounds of it, your kittens will be doing fine. The big deciding factor we used to use is whether or not the kittens were vaccinated, usually the first dose should be given no earlier than seven weeks old, so any time after that if the kitten is healthy should be fine.

answered Apr 15, 2016 at 13:42

Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks

It’s better to bring kittens at home when they’re of 8 weeks. They shouldn’t be separated from their mothers until the eight-week period is covered.

To begin with, many kittens aren’t totally weaned by the age of six weeks, in which case they shouldn’t be separated from their mother.

Kittens who leave while they’re younger are more likely to suffer from emotional and developmental issues. 

The kitten, for example, may suckle on both people and inanimate items. The ideal age for adoption is 12 weeks, but 8 weeks is acceptable.

It’s a significant change. Kittens should stay with their mothers for 8-12 weeks. At six weeks, they’re still reliant on mom cat, learning to use litter boxes and eat food.

People love to keep kittens as pets. They’re so cute and innocent, it feels like a delight to support them. 

In this article, I’ll be talking about the comparison between the ages of the kittens to be brought home. I’ll also address several other FAQs too. 

Let’s get started.

  • What Happens If You Bring Home A Kitten At 6 Weeks Instead Of 8 weeks? Is There Much Of A Difference?
  • Are Kittens Like Human Beings? Is it Too Early To Keep Them At 6 Weeks?
  • What Happens If You Adopt A Kitten At The Age Of Six Weeks?
  • 6 Or 8 Weeks; When To Bring Kittens Home?
  • Is It Possible For A 6-Week-Old Kitten To Survive On Its Own?
  • Is It Possible For A 6-week-Old Kitten To Thrive Without Its Mother?
  • Does It Make A Difference If A Kitten Is Brought Home At 6 Weeks Or 8 Weeks?
  • When Is The Optimum Time To Spay A Kitten?
  • When May A Kitten Be Separated From Its Mother For The First time?
  • Final Thoughts
  • Other Articles

What Happens If You Bring Home A Kitten At 6 Weeks Instead Of 8 weeks? Is There Much Of A Difference?

At 8–12 weeks, unless the kitten is in danger of dying, it’ll be physically and socially healthy. 

Foster kittens are placed in new homes at the age of 12 weeks, and they’re programmed to explore and adapt to their new surroundings.

Litter box issues, poor health from not drinking enough, and inability to empty the bladder or intestines without assistance can all occur after 6 weeks.

Then there’re the social difficulties of a lonely kitten in need of company, as well as the fact that a lonely kitten is destructive and/or too clingy. 

They haven’t learned how to play well with silky paws at six weeks, which leads to kittens being abandoned because they’re too much trouble.

Are Kittens Like Human Beings? Is it Too Early To Keep Them At 6 Weeks?

Yes, it’s too early to get a kitten at 6 weeks.

Cats grow at a different rate than humans, which might be difficult to comprehend. However, the kittens’ ages are as follows:

A six-week-old human child is a one-year-old human child. They are able to walk, grip objects, and comprehend a great deal. 

However, if you don’t look after them, they can easily harm themselves; they still benefit immensely from milk, and many wear diapers.

It’s like a 7-year-old human child at 8 weeks old. If food and protection are supplied, they can take care of themselves and grow up decently.

They’re still young, however, and would benefit from being with their mother. At 17 weeks, kittens go out like we teenagers do.

They’re ready to explore the world. They can look out for themselves.

Kittens just like us humans, probably quarrel with their mother and want to leave the house. They still require a safe atmosphere for a few weeks, as they’re risk-takers and inexperienced, as are most teenagers.

Mom would start chasing them away from her domain in the wild. As a result, pay attention to all of the other helpful tips and take good care of the toddler.

Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks
A mature African-American woman in her 40s smiles at the camera while cuddling a cat against her cheek.

What Happens If You Adopt A Kitten At The Age Of Six Weeks?

Because the kitten will still be breastfed by its mother, this is usually a significant concern. In Sweden, a cat should be kept for 12 weeks and a puppy should be kept for 8 weeks.

The kitten’s mother teaches him how to urinate and defecate in the proper places. So, a 6-week-old kitten hasn’t learned everything he needs to know.

To your kittens, everything must be introduced gradually and in little increments.

All in all, when kittens are six weeks old, their carers have a lot less work to do. 

The kittens should be able to clean themselves (as well as brush each other to strengthen their sibling relationships) and use the litter box.

Kittens at this age are capable of running and are energetic and lively.

6 Or 8 Weeks; When To Bring Kittens Home?

That two-week period has a significant effect. 

The kitten will live and be physically healthy, but she may not be totally litter trained. My cat didn’t start litter training until its mother taught him to do so.

If a kitten is taken from its mother before the age of six weeks, it’s at risk of emotional trauma, and the mother may be emotionally affected as well.

Kittens continue to be nursed for 6 weeks, but it’s no longer for sustenance. Their mothers do it for the sake of their mental wellness.

Plus, it’s illegal to get rid of kittens before they’ve reached the age of eight weeks where I live because it’s considered cruel.

Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks
Cats have so many breeds with varying characteristics.

Is It Possible For A 6-Week-Old Kitten To Survive On Its Own?

No, a six-week-old kitten’s ability to survive on its own is extremely limited. It’s not only about eating and going to the bathroom.

Humans are lousy substitutes when it comes to social development.

A kitten that’s too young to be socialized will nonetheless grow up without the queen’s help but will have different quirks than a fully socialized cat.

Even at eight weeks, it’s too early.

At twelve weeks, when they’re old enough to be separated from the queen and littermates, kittens are still ridiculously cute.

To address your question, separating a six-week-old kitten from the litter and queen is a significant matter. Separating an eight-week-old kit is also a major issue, though marginally better.

If you already have a kid, work closely with your veterinarian to ensure a healthy and happy start to your new life together.

Overall, I’d say that you’ll be harming a cat if you keep them at 6 weeks. It’s the equivalent of informing a four-year-old that they’re on their own.

Nothing you can do will ever be able to replace what they should be receiving from their mother.

Things you should know about kittens!

Is It Possible For A 6-week-Old Kitten To Thrive Without Its Mother?

It’s recommended to keep the kittens with their mother until they’re at least eight weeks old if not twelve. They’re close to the bare minimum at six weeks.

However, other feeding guidelines are sound. The first year of a kitten’s life should be spent feeding it kitten chow.

If the kitten has been abandoned and the mother isn’t around, the timeline is less important.

At the age of four weeks, our youngest cat was abandoned in a dumpster.

He was found by a young girl, who “fostered” him for a while until we were able to have him at about 7 weeks. He was delighted to join our family, which included two “elder brothers.”

He was well acquainted with others. He enjoys playing and cuddling with the older cats, as well as socializing with “the people.”

Can kittens leave mom at 6 weeks
Kittens are so small that they can be situated in a basket.

Does It Make A Difference If A Kitten Is Brought Home At 6 Weeks Or 8 Weeks?

Yes, there is a distinction.

Kittens should be kept with their mothers until they reach the age of three months. Mother cats teach their kittens how to use the litter box and basic survival tips and tricks.

They’ve grown up and are ready to separate from their mothers. Many kittens, however, are adopted at the age of two months.

People prefer the appearance of little kittens, and they’re more likely to be adopted than a more grown cat.

At six weeks, the kitten is too frail to have in a house. If it ventures outside, it may be killed or have a paw broken. 

You’ll have to keep it inside till it’s a little older. At that age, it just demands more compassion and care than at two months.

If the kitten is litter box trained, it can look after itself for two months.

When Is The Optimum Time To Spay A Kitten?

At five to six months. Each cat is different, therefore you might be advised by the vet to spay or neuter your cat.

It’s recommended to spay or neuter kittens around the age of five to six months. 

Spaying and neutering are not for kittens only, adult cats can also be spayed.

The greatest method to help reduce the number of unwanted cats in the Baltimore area is to spay or neuter your cat.

However, the advantages of spaying and neutering your pet goes beyond population control.

Fixing your kitten can assist in preventing your cat from engaging in various unpleasant behaviors and acquiring a variety of major health problems.

Breeds Characteristics
Abyssinians These energetic cats are busy,
 lively, purposeful, and affectionate.
Bengal Inquisitive, active, and athletic.
Ocicat A strong, active, and sociable cat.
Norwegian Forest Cat A breed that is fond of hunting and climbing.
Cat Breed and Traits

When May A Kitten Be Separated From Its Mother For The First time?

When a kitten stops suckling on its mother, he’s usually ready to leave before the age of six weeks. Although a cat can live if fed kitten replacer milk from a young age, it’s not suggested if the mother is present.

It’s a little early for a 3-week-old baby. I prefer 6 weeks, but I’ve also bottle-fed kittens whose mother passed away during delivery.

You may need to bottle-feed formula every 2-3 hours until they can lap it out of a bowl if you don’t have a mother. You can switch them to softer cat food once they can eat out of a bowl.

Because they don’t have as many maternal antibodies from nursing, they should be dewormed and immunized a little early (6 weeks for vaccinations).

If you’d want to consult, I’d be delighted to do so. It’s a difficult age to care for, but with the correct care and attention, they can develop into healthy kittens.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, I’d say that,

  • The age of kittens must be considered before you bring them home.
  • If 6 weeks is too early to separate a kitten from its mother, 8 weeks is somehow acceptable.
  • A kitchen is much like a human being in terms of pampering and nourishment. An eight-week-old is an undernourished and innocent pal. 
  • It needs a mother’s love, care, and affection in order to be nourished.
  • Kittens are toilet and litter trained when they’re over 8 weeks old, otherwise, you’ll have to train them yourself.
  • Alternatively, if a mother is not around and you find a kitten without its mother, you can take it home without a second thought.
  • In the event that the kitten is separated from its mother before the age limit, they become annoyed and irritated with a lot of behavioral changes.
  • All in all, it is seen that 8 weeks is the bare minimum to keep a kitten at home without its mother.

There are a lot of guidelines for how to neuter and spay kittens that might help you with the caretaking of small innocent kittens.

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Can a 6 week old kitten survive without its mother?

If you find a six-week-old kitten, they still need to be kept with the mother. What is this? Kittens this young still need need their mother to help them get big and strong even though they are looking like a real kitten. However, if no mother is found, that is not a death sentence to your kitty.

Can you leave a 6 week old kitten alone?

A: You can leave a kitten home alone for short periods of time. Kittens younger than four months of age should not be left alone for more than a couple of hours. Over four months, they can handle up to five hours. When they turn six months, they should be able to handle your 8-hour workday.

Do 6 week old kittens need milk?

It should be weaned off after four weeks. However, weaning is a gradual process. You should try giving kittens a mixture of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) and dry kitten food (3:1) or KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) and wet kitten food (2:1). You can decrease the amount of liquid as the kitten ages.

Can kittens leave mum at 7 weeks?

It's important to separate the kittens from the queen when they're ready. Don't separate them before they reach eight weeks of age, as they will still be learning from their mum.