Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs
Common Centipede, Vancouver Island, BC

Centipedes and millipedes can be found all over Vancouver Island. Centipedes can easily be distinguished from millipedes by counting the number of pairs of legs arising from most body segments, millipedes have two pairs, while centipedes bear one pair per segment, with the first pair of legs being modified into fangs.

Centipedes are generally flattened and have a pair of well-developed antennae on the head. Some centipedes, such as the house centipede have long legs and are capable of running rapidly.

The largest centipedes may grow to be about 15 cm long. Millipede bodies are rounded or somewhat flattened. Legs are short and movement is slow, with the movement of legs appearing wave-like. Most species are less than 4 cm long.

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs
Harpaphe Haydeniana Millipedes, Vancouver Island, BC. photo by Bud Logan

Centipedes and millipedes spend the winter as adults in protected habitats and become active in the spring. During the warmer months, females lay eggs in the soil and cover them with a sticky substance, although some species give birth to living young.

Immature stages (larvae) hatching from eggs several days later are similar to adults but smaller, having fewer leg bearing body segments. Additional leg bearing segments are produced with each molt. Millipedes develop through about seven stages in 21 to 25 weeks. Some centipedes are known to live to 6 years.

Centipedes and millipedes prefer to live in moist habitats and during the day hide underneath rocks, logs, and other objects in contact with the ground. They are active at night. Centipedes feed on insects and spiders. They kill by grasping prey with their powerful fangs and injecting venom. The fangs are located on the body segment just below the head. Millipedes feed on decomposing organic matter, but will occasionally damage seedling plants by feeding on leaves, stems, and roots.

Common Centipede

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs
The common centipede that lives in the Pacific Northwest is a brownish red in color with long antennae at the front and a pair of long legs at the back that reach out almost as far as the antennae. The Common centipede can crawl backward almost as easily as it can crawl forwards. Read More….

Harpaphe Haydeniana Millipede

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs
Harpaphe Haydeniana Millipedes (almond-scented millipede) are a common sight in the Pacific Northwest, it stands out with its bright yellow spots running the length of the black body. These spots are a warning to predators that this millipede is poisonous. Read More….

Stone Centipedes

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs
They have a flattened, segmented body, long antennas, and many legs. The centipede’s body is divided into two parts, the head, and a segmented trunk and they breathe through holes in their body. Centipedes have a hard exoskeleton that protects their soft internal organs. Read More….

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Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

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Bumblebee millipedes seemingly gone

  • Thread starter Ian Tomlinson
  • Start date Mar 24, 2019

  • #1

JoinedMar 24, 2019Messages2

Hey, I very recently decided to start raising millipedes and decided to get some bumblebee millipedes. They arrived on Thursday and I put them in a terrarium that I used to raise dart frogs in. They went in and immediately burrowed into the substrate. Since then they have completely diapered. I have no clue if they are dead, or escaped, or are burrowing, or are hiding in some hard to see place in my tank. The millipedes I got were fairly small (ordered 2 but got 5) and I was just wondering if there is any kind of explanation to this. Can they not survive in high humidity environments? Are the small isopods in there killing them? Are they molting? if anyone could give me any clue as to what is going on I would greatly appreciate it.

  • #2

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

JoinedDec 26, 2018Messages1,689

The isopods could have potentiallyeaten them while they were molting or they’re all still down there. How long has it been since they disappeared and can you show us pics of the terrarium? If it was intended for a dart frog I’d imagine that almost any millipede would completely disappear since they are generally reclusive and all the soil, plants, and dead leaves would make a perfect place for them to hide. How large where they? 1-2”? These guys aren’t the largest out there and are quite small so you could have hd a mature male or female. Pics of the setup would help as well but for now my main concern would the isopods. What kind of isopods, dwarf whites or regular porcellio or armadillium? The latter two would definitely munch on a soft millipede. Pics of the setup and size of the pedes would help. Also this should be in the myriapods section not the insects, you might be able tog et more help there

  • #3

JoinedMar 24, 2019Messages2

The isopods are dwarf white, I used to have them in there to feed to my dart frogs. I think the millipedes were about 1 1/2".
My tank looks like this

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

I am sorry I didn't realize this was the wrong place to put this thread. I literally made this account to ask this question so I am sorry that I do not know how to use this website well. Is there a way to change the location of threads?
I would also like to mention that the dirt is very moist. I didn't think this would be much a problem but if it is, I would like to know. Thank you.

  • #4

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

JoinedDec 26, 2018Messages1,689

They’d definitely hide in that, no need to worry and I don’t think dwarf whites will hurt them. One thing I suggest NOT doing is trying to dig them up since there is a high chance that you could crush a molting pede.

  • #5

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

JoinedNov 8, 2018Messages112

I caught some bumblebee millipedes in Florida a few days ago and successfully "smuggled" (it was legal but saying I brought them on a plane sounds lame) them back to MN. They only come out at nighttime. They really like cucumbers and strawberries which is a way to draw them from the soil. Most millipedes stay hidden a lot and are rarely seen but bumblebee millipedes in my experience do come out, its just only in the night.

  • #6

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

JoinedDec 26, 2018Messages1,689

I believe that they also emerge in massive droves during or after rain storms as well.

  • #7

Can i keep bumblebee millipedes with tincture dart frogs

JoinedDec 24, 2017Messages278

My bumblebees have settled into a routine of appearing on the surface only every 3 to 6 days or so, and as mentioned above, mostly at night. They're a very nice looking millipede, but shy.

One thing I've done in the past is keep Bumblebees and Florida Ivories in the same enclosure. Ivories tend to be more active at the surface even during the day, which keeps things looking interesting between surface visits from the Bumblebees. Of course that can make it confusing which species is reproducing, but even that eventually comes clear after several months of growth.

Good luck with your new millipedes, and enjoy learning their habits

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What animals can live with poison dart frogs?

There are several smaller species of tree frogs (lemurs, bird poops, hourglass, and clown tree frogs, all arboreal and active at night) that can do quite well with some dart frog species (terrestrial and active during the day) when set up properly.

What can live with millipedes?

You can successfully keep millipedes together with isopods, beetles, snails and cockroaches if you provide enough living room for each species, and the needed living conditions are more or less the same for each species.

What substrate is best for millipedes?

For a millipede, substrate = life. Substrates should consist of a mix of soil, wood, and leaves. Josh's Frogs Milli Mix is specifically designed to be the best substrate for your millipedes. Over time, any substrate will be exhausted of calcium.

Can millipedes live with isopods?

Isopods are commonly found living together with millipedes and centipedes in mulch, in leaf litter, and under items. Pillbugs and sowbugs feed primarily on decaying organic matter. They have also been found to feed on and damage the new roots and leaves of plants, particularly bedding plants.