Bidi bidi bom bom lyrics in english

please remember! this translation is my personal work. it is sometimes difficult to translate word for word from spanish to english, so it may sound awkward in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. but i think you can get the general idea!
bidi bidi bom bom
bidi bidi bom bom
every time, every time i see him walk by
my heart goes crazy
and begins to throb
"bidi bidi bom bom"
and it gets excited, it doesn't reason
i can't control it
"bidi bidi bom bom"
and it gets excited, it doesn't reason
and it starts to sing,
it sings to me like this:
Bidi bidi bom bom
bidi bidi bom bom
bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom
bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom
Every time, every time i hear him speak
even my legs start to shake
and my heart as well
"bidi bidi bom bom"
and it gets excited, it doesn't (react) reason(ably)
i can't control it
"bidi bidi bom bom"
and it gets excited, it doesn't (react) reason(ably)
and it starts to sing,
it sings to me like this:
When i hear this song,
my heart wants to sing like this:
it sings to me like that
every time i see him walk by
my heart goes crazy
every time i see him walk by
and it starts to throb
like that, like that

This song is about a girl who’s madly in love. The singer talks about how her heart starts beating and her leg starts shaking every time she sees this man walk by. Her heart begins to sing “bidi bidi bom bom”. 

Singer: Selena   

Bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 

Bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 

Cada vez 
Cada vez que lo veo pasar 
Mi corazón se enloquece 
Y me empieza a palpitar 

Each time 
Each time I see him pass by 
My heart goes crazy 
And it starts to beat 

Bidi bidi bom bom 
Y se emociona (y se emociona) 
Ya no razona 
No lo puedo controlar 
Bidi bidi bom bom 
Y se emociona (y se emociona) 
Ya no razona 
Y me empieza a cantar (cantar) 
Me canta así, así, así, así 

Bidi bidi bom bom 
And it gets excited 
And it doesn’t reason 
I can’t control it 
Bidi bidi bom bom 
And it gets excited 
And it doesn’t reason 
And it starts to sing (sing) 
It sings like this, this, this, this 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 

Cada vez 
Cada vez que lo oigo hablar (cada vez, cada vez) 
Me tiemblan hasta las piernas (las piernas) 
Y el corazón igual (bidi bidi bom bom) 

Each time 
Each time I hear him speak (each time, each time) 
My legs shake (legs) 
And same with the heart (bidi bidi bomb bom) 

Y se emociona (y se emociona) 
Ya no razona 
No lo puedo controlar (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Y se emociona (y se emociona) 
Ya no razona 
Y me empieza a cantar (cantar) 
Me canta así, así, así, así 

And it gets excited (and it gets excited) 
And it doesn’t reason 
I can’t control it (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom 
And it gets excited (and it gets excited) 
And it doesn’t reason 
And it starts to sing (sing) 
And it sings like this, this, this, this 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 
Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom 

Cuando escucho esta canción 
Mi corazón quiere cantar así 

When I listen to this song 
My heart wants to sing like this 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Me canta asi 
Me canta a ti 
Cada vez que lo veo pasar 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
It sings like this 
It sings for you 
Each time I see him pass by 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Mi corazón se enloquece cada vez que lo veo pasar 
Y me empieza a palpitar así, así 

Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
Bidi bidi bom bom (bidi bidi bom bom) 
My heart goes crazy every time I see him pass by 
And it begins to beat like this, this