Acl reconstruction and meniscus repair recovery timeline

Tearing the anterior cruciate ligament is a fairly common injury in athletes and recovery times vary widely. Progress needs to be made at a certain pace without compromising knee reconstruction surgery. Here’s an idea of what patients can expect during their recovery from ACL reconstructive surgery.

ACL Recovery Timeline

One to Two Weeks After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Pain and swelling should be controlled at this point. Light movement, elevation, compression, and ice can help to reduce the swelling. The incision site must heal before you will regain a full range of motion to the affected knee. By the second week after surgery, you should be able to extend (straighten) your leg completely. Although the time it takes to fully bear weight on the knee varies, wearing a brace for support may help to provide additional comfort and security. However, there is no research documenting any clinical benefits of bracing in the immediate post-surgical period for ACL reconstruction alone (i.e. no other ligaments injured or repaired).

In the first couple of weeks following surgery, it’s vital to regain activity in the quadriceps and hamstrings, as these muscle groups are the prime movers and dynamic stabilizers of the knee joint. You should be able to drive a car within one to four weeks of your surgery depending upon your individual recovery, which side was injured and the type of vehicle that you drive.

One to Two Months After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
It should take about a month to be able to climb stairs comfortably following surgery. Most patients have returned to a normal daily return with no pain or swelling after the first month (and often sooner). However it is extremely to important to remember that, no matter how great the knee feels, the new ligament is very susceptible to stretching and re-injury for up to six months after surgery. For this reason it is NOT recommended to begin running, biking or other sports earlier than recommended, even if you feel you are a “quick healer.”

Two Months or More Following Knee Surgery
At this point, patients who have undergone reconstruction surgery should be able to take on light jogging, depending upon the range of motion of the knee, swelling and pain. Patients can begin sprinting if they are able to run without a limp. At about two to four months following surgery, patients should be able to begin regaining all of their functional movement patterns.

Six months to One Year Following Knee Surgery

Acl reconstruction and meniscus repair recovery timeline
Full strength in the quadriceps should return about nine to twelve months following surgery. To return to sports, you should regain about 90 percent of your strength on the opposite side of your body. The strength of the quads is one of the deciding factors for when athletes are deemed “ready” to play their sport again. Hamstring strength is also a factor in the recovery process, as this group of muscles works directly with the anterior cruciate ligament.

Good balance should be achieved within this time frame, and the ability to regain strength is one of the most important factors before returning to sports and other activities.

If you would like to learn more about recovery from anterior cruciate ligament surgery, please click here.

The stronger you were when you suffered the injury, the easier it is to return to physical activities. No matter how long it takes to recover from reconstructive surgery, the process can be long, tedious, and often difficult, but with the right advice and therapy following surgery, a full recovery is possible.

Next, learn about ACL Reconstruction.

ACL and meniscus tears are both common sports injuries that occur in the knee. Often, the two injuries occur at the same time.

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a ligament that runs diagonally in the middle of the knee. The ACL helps to hold the joint in place by preventing the tibia (shinbone) from sliding in front of the femur (thighbone). The ACL also helps stabilize the knee. An ACL tear can be very painful and may affect knee stability.

A meniscus is a wedge-shaped piece of cartilage located between the thighbone and shinbone that acts as a cushion and shock absorber for the knee. Your knees actually have two menisci—one on each side of the joint. Like ACL tears, meniscus tears can be painful, but most people are still able to walk on the injured knee.

Dr. Casey specializes in both ACL and meniscus surgery, and often sees patients who have sustained both injuries at the same time. Dr. Casey has over 20 years of experience in orthopedic surgery. He also treats sports injuries in many local athletes in the Terrebonne Parish Recreation District through his involvement with the Community Sports Institute at Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC).

Causes & Symptoms of ACL and Meniscus Tears

Both ACL and meniscus tears often occur during sports activities. These injuries can occur during direct contact or collision with another player. They can also happen when landing a jump incorrectly, rapidly changing direction, coming to a sudden stop during play, or accidentally twisting the knee.

Knee injuries like ACL and meniscus tears can produce similar symptoms, so it is important to be evaluated by a qualified medical professional to confirm the injury. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Inability to move the knee through its full range of motion
  • Feeling the knee give out from under you

With both ACL and meniscus tears, walking may be painful. However, patients with ACL tears may have more difficulty walking and putting weight on the knee because it may feel unstable. In addition to the above symptoms, meniscus tears can also cause the knee to catch or lock up if the torn piece of meniscus comes loose and drifts into the joint.

Some small or minor meniscus tears can be treated with nonsurgical methods like rest, ice, compression, and elevation, but surgery may be recommended for larger tears. A torn ACL will not heal back together without surgical reconstruction, so surgery is typically recommended for active patients.

Surgical Procedures for ACL & Meniscus Tears

Dr. Casey typically uses arthroscopy for both ACL and meniscus surgery. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical method that involves inserting a small camera into the knee to view the damaged structures in the knee and repair them by inserting surgical instruments through small incisions. Because the procedure utilizes smaller incisions, patients often have less scarring and less pain after surgery.

The procedure varies based on whether the tear is in the meniscus, the ACL, or both. If both the ACL and the meniscus are torn, Dr. Casey will typically do both procedures at the same time.

Meniscus Surgery

If the meniscus is torn, the damaged tissue is typically trimmed away. This procedure is called a partial meniscectomy. Removing the loose, damaged pieces of meniscus typically helps relieve knee pain. This procedure is relatively quick, and recovery time is fairly quick if no other procedures are needed. In some cases, the tear can be repaired by suturing the torn pieces back together. However, this will depend on the type of tear and the condition of the meniscus.

ACL Surgery

In most cases, a torn ACL cannot simply be sutured back together. Often, a tissue graft is needed to reconstruct the ligament. Grafts can be taken from different sources, including the patient’s own patellar tendon, hamstring, or quadriceps tendon. In some cases, a cadaver graft can also be used. Dr. Casey will discuss tissue graft options and his recommendations prior to surgery.

Once the tissue graft has been taken and prepared, Dr. Casey will use the graft to repair the torn ligament. The graft will provide a structure for new ligament tissue to grow onto.

Recovering from ACL & Meniscus Surgery

Both ACL and meniscus surgery are often done on an outpatient basis, so most patients are able to return home the day of surgery. The recovery period varies based on the procedure(s) needed. Patients that only had meniscus surgery will recover more quickly than patients who had ACL surgery or both procedures done at once.

Meniscus Surgery Recovery

Recovering from meniscus surgery is relatively quick, if no other procedures were needed. Pain is typically minimal after meniscus surgery. Most patients fully recover within 1–3 weeks, and are able to return to work soon after surgery if their job does not require physical labor. Physical therapy is rarely needed for this procedure.

If meniscus surgery is done at the same time as an ACL repair, this will increase the recovery time, as the ACL needs more time to heal properly.

ACL Surgery Recovery

Patients may experience pain for the first few days after surgery. Medication may be recommended to help manage pain. ACL repair surgery requires extensive physical therapy to restore motion in the knee and strengthen the new ligament. Patients typically participate in physical therapy for at least 12 weeks after surgery, and may continue the physical therapy program for as long as 6 months. Dr. Casey’s practice offers physical therapy onsite for the convenience of their patients, though patients are not required to use onsite services.

Full recovery from ACL surgery is much longer than meniscus surgery. Patients with clerical or sedentary jobs typically return to work within 6–8 weeks of surgery. Patients with more labor-intensive jobs are advised to wait 4–6 months before returning to work. Typically, patients can return to all normal activities within 8–12 weeks of surgery. However, athletes may not be cleared to return to sports for 6 months to a year after surgery to avoid the risk of re-injury.

ACL & Meniscus Surgery in Houma, LA

Dr. Casey has over 20 years of experience in orthopedic surgery, including ACL and meniscus surgery. He has worked with athletes throughout Terrebonne parish and surrounding communities to treat injuries like ACL and meniscus tears. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Casey, please call our office at 985-262-3906 or submit an appointment request with our convenient online form.

How long does it take to walk after ACL and meniscus surgery?

After 2 to 3 weeks, you should be able to walk without crutches. As well as specific exercises, activities that do not put much weight on your knee may also be recommended, such as swimming for fitness and cycling.

How long does it take to bend your knee after ACL and meniscus surgery?

Knee flexion is restored more gradually, with about 90 degrees achieved at 1 week and full knee flexion gradually advanced and achieved by week 4-6.

How long after ACL and meniscus surgery can you walk without a brace?

You must wear the hinged-‐knee brace for the first 6 weeks.

How long does it take to recover from ACL MCL and meniscus surgery?

If your surgery was successful with no complications and you plan to follow the rehabilitation recommendations of your orthopedic surgeon to the letter, the best guess is no less than six months. For some, it can take up to two years to get back to 100%.