3 days of smiley face on ovulation test

flashing smiley

217 reviews

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Easy and accurate

These work great!! I had 3 days of flashing smilies and then a solid face. I used first morning Urine. After the flashing faces I started testing twice a day, but the solid face still came after a first morning urine.Read more

These work great!! I had 3 days of flashing smilies and then a solid face. I used first morning Urine. After the flashing faces I started testing twice a day, but the solid face still came after a first morning urine. So follow the directions perfectly and you won’t be disappointed.

Also - people who are complaining of inconsistent results are using wrong. You should use ONE holder for the entire cycle. If you run out of strips- buy a new box and use new strips in old holder. The holder has memory and detects changes in your own urine to pick up estrogen. Also- once it starts showing you hi fertility- it will continue to display that until peak. So if you put it in sink water or your husbands urine- yes it will still give the flashing smiley but will never give you peak (which is the main point). So stop wasting your strips on sink water 😂

Edited to add- I am pregnant. Positive test 11 days after ovulating. This is a great product.

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Pregnant after one month of using this Ovulation Kit!

...so that you can test as accurately as possible), and as soon as we got the flashing smiley face and then the still smiley face (48 hours before ovulation), my boyfriend and I had a a lot of sex. My period has been typically early, but this month,...Read more

After one month of using this ovulation kit as directed, I'm pregnant!!! Just like that.

I started peeing on the stick around day 9 of my cycle (please use the calendar that is included, so that you can test as accurately as possible), and as soon as we got the flashing smiley face and then the still smiley face (48 hours before ovulation), my boyfriend and I had a a lot of sex. My period has been typically early, but this month, after three days of a missed period, I took a test (see the photo) and I'm 4 weeks pregnant.

Clearly, I needed further convincing, so I took three more, and all of them are clear as day.

I highly recommend this product, especially for anyone who is in their 30s, has had an irregular menstrual cycle as I've had, or any other fertility issues. It worked for us.

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Can’t trust.

...both of them. One only shows the blank circle and the other only shows they smiley flashing face. In other words, I believe both of them is in accurate and I have no idea if I actually ovulated this month or not.Read more

I bought two packages and after using for couple weeks, came to conclusion that it does not work. As you can see in the pictures with the same sample of urine it shows two different results and this has been since I received both of them. One only shows the blank circle and the other only shows they smiley flashing face. In other words, I believe both of them is in accurate and I have no idea if I actually ovulated this month or not. The pictures are from two different test, taken in two different dates. Since the first time, it shows the same results.
This is a lot of money spent on nothing.

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...between the three ovulation tests I'd been using: - Purple ClearBlue (flashing & solid smiley) - Pink ClearBlue (flashing smileys only) - Pregmate ovulation strip The Pink Clearblues & the Pregmate ovulation strips both measure the LH hormone.Read more

My husband is a biophysical chemist and he explained the differences between the three ovulation tests I'd been using:
- Purple ClearBlue (flashing & solid smiley)
- Pink ClearBlue (flashing smileys only)
- Pregmate ovulation strip

The Pink Clearblues & the Pregmate ovulation strips both measure the LH hormone. Basically, the LH hormone is the hormone that surges when your egg is moving into position. This is really the only hormone you need to be concerned with. If there's no LH hormone surge, you probably did not release an egg that month (this happens every once in a while, stay calm). The darker the second line gets, the more likely your egg is to be in the right position (aka, in your uterus). Your eggs journey takes 4-ish days to travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Your egg is only in the uterus for 24hrs so, get busy. THESE TESTS ARE THE CLEAREST AND EASIEST TO INTERPRET.

Why do I say that?
WELL, I’ve been using the fancy Purple Clearblues (the ones that have the flashing and solid smiley, as pictured above) and I was just about losing my mind trying to figure out what those stupid little lines mean't. Sometimes I would get a flashy smiley face for like 10-days and, during that time, those two little lines would be every shade of dark/light imaginable. As it turns out, the Purple Clearblue tests measure the surge in LH & estrogen…..which sounds great but, these two hormones don’t always surge together nor do they have to. Your estrogen does not necessarily have to surge in order for your LH to surge, which can lead to some confusing flashing smiley faces and even more confusing line combinations. Do these tests work? Yes, absolutely. As you can see in the picture, my Pregmate ovulation strip had two dark lines (my LH was surging), this result was reflected in the Purple Clearblue test I took that gave me a solid smiley face (yay!).

However, as you can see, the test strip inside the Purple Clearblue (estrogen & LH) does not have the same dark lines as Pregmate (LH only). This is because the Purple Clearblue measures two different hormones, so the lines aren’t necessarily going to get super dark even if my LH hormone is surging.

I’ll probably keep using the Purple Clearblues, I’ll just keep some LH only tests around too (just to help me confirm my results). Anyway, I hope that’s as helpful for someone else as it was for me :)

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...day of using it i got the clear circle. Then for the next three days I got the flashing smiley face we did not try to make babies at that point. I took another test on the 5th day and I got constant smiley face.Read more

I am not one that likes to write reviews but I believe this product deserve a review. My husband and I have been trying for a few months with no luck. I tried counting the days but I was wrong. I decided to try this product after reading the reviews online. The first day of using it i got the clear circle. Then for the next three days I got the flashing smiley face we did not try to make babies at that point. I took another test on the 5th day and I got constant smiley face. I was all dressed for work my husband was sleeping. I was so excited that I woke him up since I know I won't be seeing him that night as he works in the night. And we tried that morning. 4 weeks later I took 3 tests this weekend to be sure and it says positive! Just follow the exact direction of the box and do not give up! Good Luck to whoever else wants to give it a try!

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So far so good!

...although I am sure the testing will commence more often once I receive a smiley face. So far I am on CD 10, third CB test, and I have had no issues. Knock on wood. The tests are very easy to use, and the directions self explanatory.Read more

I purchased this item hoping that it could alleviate some of the frustration I had been feeling for the past few months when looking at the Easy Home Ovulation tests. For the past two months I constantly worried that I was doing something wrong with the Easy Home tests, the line made it seem like I was ovulating everyday, and if I didn't see the results between the 3-5 minute window, I could never tell the difference between one result and the day before, making the charting process a headache. Though Clearblue was a lot more expensive especially only for 20 tests opposed to 50 or 100, I finally just decided to splurge. I can't tell you how excited I was to find out that this test wanted you to use first morning urine. I work 8-5 and I drink lots of water, not too much time to take a test in between there. It is so easy, you can get this taken care of first thing in the morning, although I am sure the testing will commence more often once I receive a smiley face. So far I am on CD 10, third CB test, and I have had no issues. Knock on wood. The tests are very easy to use, and the directions self explanatory. My only issue is I am pretty positive I ovulate late, meaning I will use a good majority of the 2 month supply in one month. This really takes the guess work out of deciphering the other ovulation tests, alleviating my stress which will hopefully make it easier to conceive. The reason for 4 stars is because I haven't made it through a whole cycle yet. I will update this after I do. Fingers crossed and wishing baby dust to all!

Update 5/30/2017- So after 3 days of the blank circle, I finally received my "high" flashing smiley. I received the flashing smiley for 7 days after. I was so disheartened after reading the many reviews where women had received the flashing smiley for days on end to never receive the static smiley. Never the less I spent good money on these, I decided to keep trying. What could it hurt right? On the seventh day, in the afternoon, my ovulation pains became very noticeable. I took a cheapie test by Easy Home, within less than a minute, I received a darker line than the control. Just to confirm I used the Clearblue and sure enough, there was the static smiley. I was so excited! These tests were amazing, for those of you out there, please don't get discouraged, you will get the static smiley, believe me. Definitely worth the money!!!!!!

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pregnant the first month of using this

...negative (baseline recording). To my surprise, on the second day, it showed a flashing smiley face. My Ovia app said I had another couple days before my fertile window would start. The next day, it was a solid smiley face, meaning peak fertility.Read more

Got pregnant on the first month of using this!!!
I had been trying for 3 months after stopping birth control. I used the Ovia app during those three months to help predict my fertile window but without success, so I decided to try this out. It arrived 11 days after my period start date, and I started it that day although the recommended time to start was a few days sooner. My understanding is that it is best to start it on the start day they recommend as the stick gets a baseline measurement the first time you use it. I wonder if some of the women posting negative comments did not use it starting on the start date and perhaps that messed up the remaining recordings. Anyway, despite the fact that I should have started it sooner, I couldn't wait so I used it on day 11. As expected, on that day it was negative (baseline recording). To my surprise, on the second day, it showed a flashing smiley face. My Ovia app said I had another couple days before my fertile window would start. The next day, it was a solid smiley face, meaning peak fertility. This was 4-5 days before my ovia app predicted my peak fertility would be. So we went for it...and got pregnant! Moral of the story is, I would not rely solely on phone apps, websites or basal body temp to predict ovulation if you are having trouble. Use an ovulation test, and this one worked perfectly for me. The apps try their best to
predict your window based on the information you have entered in, but in any given month, the same woman can ovulate earlier or later in their cycle. This ovulation predictor can tell you each month when it will be. That month I happened to ovulate on day 13 rather than 18 as had been predicted. I had tried using an LH cheapie stick one day during my first month using Ovia I think and had measured a surge later on in the cycle, and I think that is why Ovia kept predicting my ovulation would occur late. With these ovulation predictor kits such as this one or the LH cheapie sticks, for best results, I think you should use them as recommended in the instructions and use them each month given the ovulation timing each month can change. I also think if a predictor kit says put your urine in a cup, don't put the stick your urine stream and vice versa. This thing works when used correctly and in my case, it worked on the first month! :-)

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Do yourself a favor, buy this if you're ttc

...my doctor said they recommended this brand and to let them know when I got a smiley solid face and well ladies and gentlemen, I literally only used 5 tests. Once a day every day at noon. And sure enough I saw my flashing smiley face when I was...Read more

I hardly ever review anything but for someone who is ttc I figured I'd write a review. This product is SOOOO easy. I mean it literally takes the stress and guessing out of figuring out your peak and high days. I was using oova, and natural cycles and the cheap strips from Amazon and those lines were stressing me out. Going to do IVF and my doctor said they recommended this brand and to let them know when I got a smiley solid face and well ladies and gentlemen, I literally only used 5 tests. Once a day every day at noon. And sure enough I saw my flashing smiley face when I was high and the solid face when I was peaking. I'll never go back to those cheap strips again. Tbh my sanity is worth $40

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Would NOT recommend. Frustrating, other tests work better and are way cheaper.

...by using the shortest cycle. A couple days of low, then day 10 got blinking smiley. I proceeded to get a blinking smiley for 15 (YES, FIFTEEN) days, and saw solid smiley on cd24 (way later than I was expecting).Read more

I would NOT recommend this product, or spend your money on this. Overall, giving this 2 stars because it is convenient to use first thing in the morning (vs pee strips requiring a test in afternoon being at work, limiting water etc.), but don't think it is worth the price and other cheaper products were more reliable.

Trying for 2nd child after BF for a year and being irregular, wasn't sure I was ovulating. I started day 8 per instructions (previously had 2, 28 day cycles, then one 32 day) so started by using the shortest cycle. A couple days of low, then day 10 got blinking smiley. I proceeded to get a blinking smiley for 15 (YES, FIFTEEN) days, and saw solid smiley on cd24 (way later than I was expecting). The instructions tell you to stop after 9 days as it is "unlikely you will see Peak Fertility." LUCKILY, I did not. I knew I wouldn't want to use these another month, so I kept going. Thankfully, I was using these in the AM and easy@home strips in the afternoon to cross reference, so it restored a tiny bit of my sanity after seeing the flashing day after day. The other kit showed a rise in LH before CB, then got my peak LH on other, followed by a solid smiley with CB the next morning. It did end up showing peak, but I'm glad I didn't follow the instructions for that. I'm sure this has happened to others and seems like misinformation. Finally, the "study" they do which tells you to stop after 9 days is only based off of 87 people. How can a company this big only have a sample of 87 people?

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Product doesn’t work, don’t waste your money!

These do not work! I got a continuous flashing smiley face for 6 straight days and even when I knew I was out of my fertile window, tested with these and continued to get the same result. As a test, I tried using tap water with the strip the next...Read more

These do not work! I got a continuous flashing smiley face for 6 straight days and even when I knew I was out of my fertile window, tested with these and continued to get the same result. As a test, I tried using tap water with the strip the next day and got the same smiley face result. Such a waste of money and a disgrace for a company to claim it has 99% accuracy. I have no medical issues to alter the result and my cycle is regular. Apparently my tap water has surging estrogen and luteinizing hormone though. I’ve written a complaint to the company since my GYN suggested I use these but I’m sure that they could care less. I would much rather spend my money on the Premom brand which seem to actually correlate with my cycle and I can visually decipher my results.

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12 High Fertile days with no Ovulation

...the directions. I got negatives for the first 3-4 days, then I started getting flashing smileys. We had sex on a Tues, then Thurs(days 7 and 9),and skipped a few days because we were tired and not getting along.Read more

My husband and I began trying to conceive last month. As I turned 34 in September, I wanted to become pregnant ASAP. With our first child, I just stopped birth control and didn't worry about timing. I got pregnant the first month. That was 5 years ago and I was worried that it wouldn't be so easy this time.

Now, I will admit that I did not follow the instructions to the letter. I was worried about missing my fertile window, so I began testing on the last day of my period, which is a few days earlier than they suggest in the directions. I got negatives for the first 3-4 days, then I started getting flashing smileys. We had sex on a Tues, then Thurs(days 7 and 9),and skipped a few days because we were tired and not getting along. I continued to get flashing smileys into the next week. We had sex on Mon night(actually early Tues A.M., day 13/14). I think I ovulated on Wed, still getting the flashing smileys. I started feeling pregnancy symptoms on Thurs (day16). All told, I had 12 "high fertile" days. It never pinpointed ovulation. Luckily, I was keeping track of my days with an app on my phone. I continued to feel symptoms for 2 weeks after. My period was due today, so I took 3 tests: 2 were (+) and 1 was (-). I still was able to get pregnant but I can't say this test helped very much. I will say that if I hadn't turned out to be pregnant, I was going to give this test another try.
It is easy to use and read. It's much better than those generic tests where you have to determine how light/dark the lines are.

I miscarried in December and we started trying to conceive again at the beginning of February. I was using these tests again, along with another brand of OPK (Easy@Home). The first month, I never got a clear positive result from either test and, again, had many High Fertile (flashing smileys) on the Clear Blue. I followed the directions exactly this time around. I then started testing in the afternoon/evening because I read that the first morning urine is not really the best for detecting the ovulation surge. I was getting the same thing: a two or three days of Negatives followed by many days of High Fertile on the Clear Blue.

I decided to start taking my basal body temperature every morning and switched to a less expensive brand of OPK in order to determine if I actually was ovulating and when. I saved a few Clear Blue and Easy@Home tests to compare if I ever did get a positive result with the new brand. I got a positive yesterday evening but forgot to save my urine. I decided to go ahead and test again, this morning, and used all three tests. All three were positve! It's only day 6 of my cycle, so it's pretty early to be ovulating and if I am an early ovulator then maybe I just missed it before (but I am pretty sure I tested this early in the past) or maybe I wasn't ovulating at all during those months. It's also possible that my hormones were still out of whack from the miscarriage.

I have changed my original rating from 3 to 4 stars. Since these tests are more expensive and I am becoming more comfortable with the other test strips, I may not be purchasing these in the future. I haven't decided yet and I'm hoping I won't need to test anymore.

Update: I did become pregnant from that cycle.

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If you’re having trouble conceiving BUY THIS NOW!

...my miscarriage. My next cycle (so the 2nd time using this test kit) we saw the flashing smiley face which meant high chances of conceiving then agtee a few days we saw the “peak” sign which is a smiley face that doesn’t flash and it will remain...Read more

My husband and I have been trying for 3 1/2 years for another baby. The first two years were trying and hoping it would happen. The last year it was activity using ovulation test, predictor kits, herbal medicine to help with ovulation, and ovulation tracking apps. We finally got a positive result in March of this year. Sadly 4/1/21 we lost the baby. I went to my ob/gyn for help begging him to give me any advise on how to get through this, how to conceive again….he said once I am mentally and psychically okay, I should try these clear blue advanced ovulation test kit. He said not only did they help him and his wife conceive, but he recommends them to all his patients that are trying and struggling to conceive.
Now remember it was 3 years for me, then when we lost the baby I was terrified it would be another 3 years or more. I had 1 period after my miscarriage. My next cycle (so the 2nd time using this test kit) we saw the flashing smiley face which meant high chances of conceiving then agtee a few days we saw the “peak” sign which is a smiley face that doesn’t flash and it will remain like that for 48 hours. I am now pregnant! This test WORKS! It works when nothing else does! We had so many ovulation apps, we tried a bunch of ovulation tests from Amazon which are so hard to read because you need to make sure that the shade of the teat line is where it needs to be. There is no guessing with this kit. And it’s the ONLY test I know of that tests for 2 hormones rather than just the 1.
And all the negative reviews saying it doesn’t work because “their husband took it and it showed up as an ovulation week” or they “tested it in water and it showed an ovulation week”. Listen, this test remembers where you are in your cycle. So if you tested and came up as ovulating, it remembers that. What this test does it shows you when there is a spike in the hormone, shows you the week you’re going to ovulate, remembers it, then waits until there is a “peak” spike in the hormone to show the day of ovulation. This is all explained in the pamphlet that comes with it. It also remembers previous cycles so always use the same wand to get more precise results.
This was the only test that helped me and fast!

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Total rip off.. don't go digital!!!!!!

...is very unreliable. It is not consistent, it told me I ovulated with the solid smiley 18 days apart, then gave me a flashing smiley for 8 days in a row now. When u take the test strip back out u can read the line color difference yourself so what...Read more

This digital reader is very unreliable. It is not consistent, it told me I ovulated with the solid smiley 18 days apart, then gave me a flashing smiley for 8 days in a row now. When u take the test strip back out u can read the line color difference yourself so what is the point of the digital reader except for disappointment & confusion. The strips that u read yourself just distinguishing the color difference is the same thing yet more reliable than the wrong let down of a digital smiley face.
My opinion is to definitely save your money from the digital OPK & just use the regular strips to read. Huge heartache, as this is something we want so badly to work & help get our baby. A very poor way to make money off of our most sensitive times in life of hoping to get help with this for a dream come true.

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...and poorly designed. The third test from the top in my photo turned up a flashing smiley, which means I should be nearing peak fertility. Obviously that’s false, the lines are so light. I also cross-checked with PreMom cheap strips and my LH was...Read more

DO NOT BUY. These tests are a huge waste of money, emotionally draining, and poorly designed. The third test from the top in my photo turned up a flashing smiley, which means I should be nearing peak fertility. Obviously that’s false, the lines are so light. I also cross-checked with PreMom cheap strips and my LH was low in that same batch of urine. You can’t see it now but the ink smeared and triggered a false positive reading. Unfortunately, the digital nature of the device is programmed to continue to deliver flashing smilies even if you are NOT in your fertile window. The test at the bottom of the photo was taken with TAP WATER AND STILL YIELDED A SMILIE! Basically, once you get a positive read, even if it’s triggered by the ink smearing (which has now happened to me three months in a row), the device will only test positive even if you’re not—and what use is that to women trying to determine a holistic picture of their fertility? Ugh. I hate these tests so much. What a huge waste of time and money. For the price, DO BETTER Clear Blue.

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Mixed feelings

...better. The digital is great, unless youre like me and you have 9-10 days of flashing smileys before your solid. It can be really frustrating. So I ordered the cheaper sticks to try and see if I could tell a difference and they actually show...Read more

I have mixed feelings about this product. I use it, and I like it for the most part.. but recently Ive been back up tracking with cheap $8 OPK sticks from amazon and I am starting to like those better. The digital is great, unless youre like me and you have 9-10 days of flashing smileys before your solid. It can be really frustrating. So I ordered the cheaper sticks to try and see if I could tell a difference and they actually show different color lines if you test at different points in the day. For example, I tested with the sticks in the am and got a negative, and then tested again in the afternoon and got a positive OPK. At the same time, you're only supposed to use the digital reader with your morning urine, and then dont test again until the next morning. So my digital showed flashing one day, and solid the next. If I only used the digital, I wouldnt have known that I actually got my peak about a half day prior to when the digital showed a solid smile. Plus.. its $40. And Ive used them simultaneously and the $8 is just as accurate, or more because of the ability to test multiple times a day.

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Worth the small investment

...and still no positive PT. I started testing cd10, it was blank, cd11 I got a flashing smiley face and kid you not I went till cd 20 till I got a solid face. I almost gave up because I had so many flashing smileys.Read more

Easiest thing to use... the price is up there but well worth it! DON’T GIVE UP LADIES, my cycle are about 30-34 days. I’ve been trying with no luck for a year now. So I bought these cause I would try to conceive with my flo app and still no positive PT. I started testing cd10, it was blank, cd11 I got a flashing smiley face and kid you not I went till cd 20 till I got a solid face. I almost gave up because I had so many flashing smileys. I baby dance about every other day through out my high fertility days and it was getting tiring.lol but I baby danced the day I got the solid and I’ll be baby dancing the next day too. Wish me luck.

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Takes the Guesswork out of TTC

...a comforting sign that things are moving in the right direction when you get a flashing smiley face. -The accuracy. High/peak usually lines up with other fertility signs like EWCM. I use these in tandem with ClinicalGuard dip strips and the peak...Read more

The Pros:
-I love that these tests identify both estrogen and LH. It’s a comforting sign that things are moving in the right direction when you get a flashing smiley face.
-The accuracy. High/peak usually lines up with other fertility signs like EWCM. I use these in tandem with ClinicalGuard dip strips and the peak days match.
-You can use the same holder for your next cycle if you have strips left over.
-Obviously, it’s very easy to tell when you hit peak, unlike dip strips which can be difficult to tell.

The Cons:
-These tests give me some anxiety. Even if I’m expecting a low fertility symbol, it still starts my day off on a sour note.
-It hasn’t actually helped me get pregnant (obviously not the test’s fault but just throwing it out there anecdotally)
-The price point, obviously. The fact that you can’t buy more test strips without a new reader feels like shameful money-grubbing to me.

My recommendation: use these in tandem with a cheap LH strip brand. I used ClinicalGuard LH tests exclusively for two years to identify patterns in my cycles and only introduced ClearBlue when we started to actively try to conceive. From the cheapie tests I knew I didn’t need to start ClearBlue on the day recommended in the instructions and save at least 3 strips per cycle.

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Accurate and easy to use.

...11. I got three high days on my Clearblue Fertility monitor and three days of flashing smileys on this monitor which means high fertility before ovulation. I then got two peak days on both for 48 hours (solid smiley on this monitor).Read more

We have been TCC-ing for a few months and I thought I would step it up a notch and buy a monitor/device that would tell me my exact ovulation. Along with this, I have also purchased the Clearblue Fertility Monitor which costs around $160 with the tests, as well as the cheap strips from Amazon. I wanted to have 2-3 devices to compare it to. All three methods showed me ovulating on cycle day 11. I got three high days on my Clearblue Fertility monitor and three days of flashing smileys on this monitor which means high fertility before ovulation. I then got two peak days on both for 48 hours (solid smiley on this monitor). I also got two lines on my cheap strips at the same time, with the test line being darker. I was following apps such as Ovia and Flo which both showed me ovulating two to three days later. These apps work for some people, but definitely not for me. We are all different, and a 28 day cycle only happens to a very few. Depending on your budget, I would definitely buy the Clearblue Advanced Digital Test because it works perfectly. If you want to splurge and have something to compare it to, I would also get the Clearblue Fertility Monitor which is more high tech and lets you use a calendar and reminds you of test days and such. I am currently on the crucial two-week wait and I will update my review if anything happens. I highly recommend this item.

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Test twice a day after your first flashing Smiley!

...pregnancy was the outcome. Second month started testing am & pm after first flashing Smiley and got my static smiley in the evening on a 4 hr hold. Got my BFP today, 11dpo. They worked for me both months.Read more

Love these. First month only tested 1x a day & missed LH surge but STILL got pregnant. Unfortunately had low progesterone & chemical pregnancy was the outcome. Second month started testing am & pm after first flashing Smiley and got my static smiley in the evening on a 4 hr hold. Got my BFP today, 11dpo. They worked for me both months.

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Waste of money

With 1 box, I had 12 days of flashing smiley face, never got a solid smiley face. With another box, never got a smiley face, flashing or solid. I thought these would be better than the stripes because it takes away the guessing game with stripes &...Read more

With 1 box, I had 12 days of flashing smiley face, never got a solid smiley face. With another box, never got a smiley face, flashing or solid. I thought these would be better than the stripes because it takes away the guessing game with stripes & reads it for you but these do not read properly. And you cannot use stripes/testers from another box with the another reader, so because of that i have several readers with like 4 testing stripes because 4 testers aint enough to track my 30-42day cycle

Can you have peak fertility for 3 days?

You see, your fertile window can last up to 5 days, which is how long sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract. Because of this, you can have intercourse up to 5 days before ovulation in order to conceive. An egg, on the other hand, can only live for about 12-24 hours after ovulation occurs.

How many days do you get a solid Smiley?

When your LH surge is first detected, the test will display a static smiley face and this will continue to be displayed constantly for 48 hours, indicating your 2 most fertile days.

How long after smiley face do you ovulate?

LH surge: A 'smiley face' means you've detected your LH surge. Your 2 most fertile days are today and tomorrow so having sex in the next 48 hours will maximize your chances of getting pregnant. - Once you have read your final result eject the ovulation test stick and throw it away.

How many days can you get high fertility before peak?

There are only a few days per cycle when a woman is fertile and can conceive. Evidence shows that this time of increased fertility usually spans 6 days, starting approximately 5 days prior to ovulation and ending on the day of ovulation itself.


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