Why do i mess up everything good in my life

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Im spending a friday night, more or less on my own, just like every friday. The past hour was spent by crying my eyes out on my bed and worrying about my life. Why am i always ******* up everything ?

Im far too clumsy for my own good, and this week i accidently spilt juice on this girls jacker (i knocked my bottle over) and she went beserk at me and told me that if i was on my own then none of this would happen....and there have been other times as well when similar situations have occured

I try really really hard at school, and i still manage to mess up on all my coursework, my teachers think im a waste of time, prioritising other students who 'give a damn' about thier work as opposed to me....i dont think they get how hard i actually try....and they still dont offer guidance.

On top of this, i realised that i have absoluitely no friends at college at all. I have people who talk to me whenever they need something (ie. this week it was philosophy homework) and wehn i helped them they made me feel really good etc. but later on when i say hi to them in the corridor they ignore me, and i found out today on facebook that YET AGAIN i wasnt invited to the party EVERYONE else was invited to. whats worse is that ive helped the guy whos party it is loads of times........

Ive also never had a relationship/someone like me back....the one time i asked a girl out she laughed in my face and told all her friends...now its used as a joke against me....

Im not particularly good looking, im short, kinda chubby and wear glasses. I do work out (tbh its the only time im actually happy) but it still dosent help me get the confidence i need. The result is that i consistently **** up, have no real friends and i spend most of my time alone, working and evidently failing at that too.

sometimes i wonder if there is actually any point in my exisiting.

dont be nice to people for no reason...

Everyone spills things at one time or another, you may knock something over but it was an accident and accidents happen.

I know what it is like for teachers to help the people who 'care more than me' the best thing to do is to speak to them - a lot of the time they don't realise they are doing them. Carry on working hard though with or without the help of your teachers if you can.

Don't let people copy your work of you, if they can't be bothered to do it then that is there problem not yours, if they comment on this point out to them that they only treat you nicely when they want something. It is annoying when there are parties that you aren't invited to but just ignore them - it can't be that special if the whole year are going.

The girl laughing in your face doesn't sound like the sort of person you want to be upset over tbh, she can't be that nice to do that. If they use it as a joke against you just ignore them, or laugh with them rather than be laughed at.
To me you sound like a nice person who is taking for granted - what a few silly people say/do doesn't make your existance pointless.

Believe in yourself and others will believe in you.

You have low self esteem and have a negative image of yourself and everything around you. All you need to do is to change that perception. Believe in yourself, be confident and you'll see things differently and you will not care what others think, and you won't care if someone shouted at you just because you poured a drink on them etc.

You may possibly be dyspraxic, i'm really clumsy too and also knock over things..

How old are you? I think your confidence is more of an issue rather than how you look.

Is there no one you could talk to at your school? A counsellor perhaps?

Like the guy above said if the girl laughs in your then she really isn't worth your time. I was a waste through out most of my GCSE's and then my girlfriend fell pregnant and I started to work for the baby but no teacher would help me as they thought I was still a waste when I had completely change my worth ethic. I went to see my head of year and explained this I then arranged I interview with all my teachers and they gave their time after school just to help me.

I always screw up- especially when I try hard and am feeling proud of my work. I can't beelieve that after getting an a in my exam last summer, I managed to get a d for my physics coursework and an e for the chem both of which I wanted to do for a levels. After finding out these I had an English assessment to do so had to hold myself together till I got home to cry and think about how screwed up my life will be and worrying that I won't get into sixth form at all let alone do what I want. It's funny how whenever I feel happy about my work it turns out terrible but when I wing it every thing goes great. I now have no confidence that I will achieve my target and match my bf's grades (4a* and 4a- bloody genius makes me feel stupid) I always do well when I think I failed ( last year I went into my physics exam knowing very little yet somehow got a high a. My teachers had high hopes for me - all my targets were a but that's down the drain and drowning.

I just want to die. There is no purpose of me being here. Even when i try to do something good it turns around and ****s me up the ass. And then i think of ways i should have said or done to not get to this state

Can I give you a hug?

I get what you mean w the teachers and course work..... teachers are just to up them selves to see like yeah it’s ****. But meh I guess we just have to accept the fact that that’s how it is. At least there’s barley any school left and like well about that girl thing you where talking about well I guess some girls are just *****y and if Shen laughed then she’s a bit stuck up

(Original post by im just here)
I just want to die. There is no purpose of me being here. Even when i try to do something good it turns around and ****s me up the ass. And then i think of ways i should have said or done to not get to this state

About that girl, that was shallow of her tbh, if she’s like that is She worth it

you sound like a really nice person, you honestly don't deserve to be treated like that. its way uncalled for. don't listen to them because their opinions don't matter the only opinion about you that matters is your own

. just try and get through it, and while i don't recommend revenge, the best revenge is just getting back up when they push you down. smiling when they want you to frown. and just getting through life, that's the best in my books at least heh. and if you have no friends irl, look online i found all of my best friends online. because online they can't really judge you because they don't know you. try amino or something, hopefully it'll help i hope it does ^-^

(Original post by akagwu8)
dont be nice to people for no reason...

Why not be nice to people for no reason, if you don’t be nice to someone why would they be nice to you for no reason you wouldn’t like people to be nasty to you for no reason so why not be nice for no reason then life will become more of a happier place

well, idont hink anything is wrong with you,just the people around you. college is for adults, not for people who cant undrestand you are hurting. im a mess up, but i just try to ingnore those who look down at me. you aretrying your haredst, and thats what makes you awesome. Itstheir fault fornotwanting to be friends with you, because they are missing out on an amazing person. hang in there, i still am. Dont give in tothem, and for the people you help out? i feel like you should stop helping them. Something you could doinstead is goon the internet, and find people who genuinely are the same, or feelthe same way you do. if they are down, help buid them up, and they can help build you up too. Keep trying man, you can do this.i sometimes think suicide will finallyerasemy terrible prssence, but i try to steer awy from that, until i know i've savedsome one, and then i strive to save others, just like me. we are all different, but thats what makes us special from the rest. keep holing on.sincerely, the up-setter

(Original post by Anonymous)
Im spending a friday night, more or less on my own, just like every friday. The past hour was spent by crying my eyes out on my bed and worrying about my life. Why am i always ******* up everything ?

Im far too clumsy for my own good, and this week i accidently spilt juice on this girls jacker (i knocked my bottle over) and she went beserk at me and told me that if i was on my own then none of this would happen....and there have been other times as well when similar situations have occured

I try really really hard at school, and i still manage to mess up on all my coursework, my teachers think im a waste of time, prioritising other students who 'give a damn' about thier work as opposed to me....i dont think they get how hard i actually try....and they still dont offer guidance.

On top of this, i realised that i have absoluitely no friends at college at all. I have people who talk to me whenever they need something (ie. this week it was philosophy homework) and wehn i helped them they made me feel really good etc. but later on when i say hi to them in the corridor they ignore me, and i found out today on facebook that YET AGAIN i wasnt invited to the party EVERYONE else was invited to. whats worse is that ive helped the guy whos party it is loads of times........

Ive also never had a relationship/someone like me back....the one time i asked a girl out she laughed in my face and told all her friends...now its used as a joke against me....

Im not particularly good looking, im short, kinda chubby and wear glasses. I do work out (tbh its the only time im actually happy) but it still dosent help me get the confidence i need. The result is that i consistently **** up, have no real friends and i spend most of my time alone, working and evidently failing at that too.

sometimes i wonder if there is actually any point in my exisiting.

i think you are an amazing person. everyone is different, but we stand out because we dont fit in. thats what makes us the best. they are missing out on a wonderful friend, and i hope you can see that you matter.

I know this is from 9 years ago and I genuinely hope he is doing well in life.

But, it just goes to show that a lot of people are indeed plastic. People these days more than ever change themselves, why? Just be yourself, you can’t be no one else!

I always screw stuff up to don’t worry

Don't be sad please this makes me so sad u can email and ill give u my insta or something so you can message me i bet you're rly cool don't even trip

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