What to talk about in therapy reddit

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Posted by1 year ago



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level 1

"Do you think that story you're telling yourself is accurate?"

level 2

Brene Brown does an absolutely amazing Ted talk/Netflix piece on this - I highly recommend watching!

level 2

YES. I came here to say something similar. “What is the story you are telling yourself?”

level 2

I needed to read this. It's something I've heard before, but I needed the reminder. Thank you for sharing.

level 1

Therapist: "You realize you're describing domestic abuse"

Me: "Oh no, he's never hit me."

Therapist proceeds to explain emotional, psychological and financial abuse.

level 2

Good for your therapist for calling it out. We often don't see what is right in front of us.

level 2

As an attorney, I have said the same thing to clients more times than I would like to admit.

level 2

What are those types of abuses you listed? Like what characterises those types of abuse?

level 2

My best friend's mom sat me down and said something similar to me. She wasn't a therapist, she worked for a rape and domestic violence help center and shelter. She told me she saw the look in my eyes on too many women that passed through the doors of her work. Even when I was adamant that he never hit me, she explained how emotionally abusive and manipulative he was being to me. She explained what gaslighting was.

It was the brightest lightbulb moment.

level 2

Me: But he's a good father, son, provider, friend...

level 1

It wasn't a question but I was supposed to have 4 covered sessions with him and at the end of the 4th session, before I told him myself, he said something along the lines of "I think I have way too little experience with the things you are dealing with to be helpful for you."

Really appreciated that.

level 2

Knowing the bounderies of your knowledge is really important in healthcare.

Hey everyone, looking for some help currently with a case. Context is the client is in a co-occurring residential 3.3 program and they also see a SUD counselor during the week, along with 1-2 groups. The client is primary SUD, w/ adjustment disorder. Sessions are tough with him. He never knows what he wants to talk about, he says he needs to be asked question to get a conversation going. He says he's not good at talking. I find myself having to ask questions, having to do small rapport building (his hobbies, what makes him happy, etc).

I dunno, I feel like I should be doing more or I'm doing too much. I've tried some small things "Therapy is your space to talk about whatever" in terms of education around the therapeutic process, but all that happens is silence that can last a good while. We've had about 6-7 sessions right now I believe. Just looking for any tips that have helped you with similar clients. I am meeting with this person over tele-health.

Posted by2 years ago


So I am in therapy for past trauma and complex ptsd. Lately, my therapist always asks what I want to talk about instead of continuing on the trauma narrative, etc. She sometimes gets frustrated/irritated with me if I don’t have enough topics to discuss, but doesn’t help me extend and dig into the stuff I do bring up. How do I tell her I feel like we need to go back to things when I don’t know how to sit there and rattle off things for the whole session without help/questions?


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