What to say when someone says make me

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She does this a lot when we’re on FaceTime and stuff. We’re pretty comfortable with sex topics and already. Last time she I told her something and she said “make me” I said “you wouldn’t want me too I promise you” in a very assertive voice. And she said “we’ll see”. When she said that I was thinking about sexual thoughts and maybe she was too. Anyways how should I normally respond to her doing this ?

level 1

You should increase the flirting. Its a game. Just play along

level 1

Take a knife from the kitchen in front of the camera and say "do it." lol

level 2

This will make her burst into laughter and love it, or call 911.

Anyway it's worth it OP. I'll bring you a pack of cigarette to your cell if things go wrong.

level 2

I’m straight out of highschool and she’s a senior soo your not far off 😂

level 1

I dont know what the topic was but if it was sexual i think that was a good answer. You were sounding confident and that is good. Teasing her is good to like: are you sure if your up to the challenge? (Or something like that).

And this is just my advise. Dont talk to her for long or don't give her too much attention ot you will be friendzoned. It happened to me many times and it is still happening. Girls will be "sexting" if they are bored or need attention.

level 1

Honestly I think you said the opposite of what you should've said.

What you actually said: "you wouldn't want me too I promise you"

What you should've said: "nah you'd like that too much" or "lol you'd probably like that"

level 2

Lowkeyyy lmaoo I just wanted to paint a picture of me being dominant but what you said sounds good.

What to reply when she says make me?

Funny and playful comebacks to “make me”.
01“I'm on my way now!” ... .
02“Don't tempt me.” ... .
03“Make me.” ... .
04[Say nothing, smile] ... .
05[Punch him/her in the arm] ... .
06“Meet me outside then!” ... .
07“Did mom ever tell you that you were born on the highway? ... .
08“That sounds like your problem.”.

What to say if someone tells you to shut up?

I don't know what your problem is, but I suppose it is something that is very hard to pronounce.” “I know I have the right to remain silent, but not the ability.” “No thanks.” “I would if I could but I can't so I won't.”


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