What to do when your stomach hurts after eating ice cream

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Lactose intolerance is caused when you consume dairy products and your body doesn’t create enough lactase enzymes, which could lead to upset stomach, cramping, bloating, nausea, and gas build-up.[1] While there currently isn’t a cure for lactose intolerance, you can still manage the symptoms easily at home. Over-the-counter medications work well to either soothe pain or make dairy easier to digest. You can also try home remedies for stomach pain and gas, though they may not be as effective. To reduce the number of symptoms you have, limit the amount of dairy you include in your diet.

  1. 1

    Take lactase pills before you eat dairy to eliminate symptoms. Lactase pills provide your body with enough helpful enzymes to digest lactose so you don’t feel as much discomfort. Right before a meal where you’re eating dairy, take one of the lactase pills so it has time to start digesting. After you have the pill, it will break down the lactose so you can enjoy your meal without any pain.[2]

    • You can buy lactase pills from your local pharmacy.
    • Use lactase powder if you aren’t able to swallow pills easily. Mix a dose of the lactase powder with a drink before you eat.
    • Lactase pills won’t work as well if you take them after you eat dairy.
    • Talk to your doctor before taking lactase pills if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding since it could have adverse effects.

  2. 2

    Use antacids if dairy gave you gas or stomach cramps. Make sure the antacid you use contains simethicone, which is a chemical that helps neutralize gas. Take the antacid right after you consume dairy products or start feeling symptoms. As the antacids start working, your stomach should feel better and you’ll be able to burp up gas easier.[3]

    • Get chewable tablets to help the antacids start working faster.

    Warning: Only take the dosage amount listed on the packaging, or else it could cause your stomach to create too much acid later on.


  3. 3

    Buy an antiemetic if lactose intolerance makes you feel nauseous. Antiemetics work by protecting your stomach lining or by blocking the part of the brain that controls nausea. Follow the directions on the medicine’s package and take 1 dose when you start feeling sick. If you still feel nauseous or have an upset stomach 4–6 hours later, you may be able to take another dose.[4]

    • Don’t take an antiemetic with bismuth subsalicylate if you have an aspirin allergy.

  4. 4

    Try taking probiotic supplements or eat probiotic foods to aid digestion. Probiotics are natural bacteria and enzymes that help aid your intestines with digestion. Look for a daily probiotic and take it at the same time each day for the best effects. Alternatively, you can eat probiotic foods, like sourdough bread, kefir, kimchi, or sauerkraut. As the probiotics grow in your digestive tract, you may have less severe symptoms from dairy products.[5]

    • You can buy probiotics from your local pharmacy or drugstore.
    • Yogurt is rich in probiotics, but it also contains lactose. Try a serving of yogurt and wait 24 hours to see if the lactose affects you.
    • Probiotics take 2–3 weeks to build up, so they help more with long-term care. You can help them to grow by eating lots of prebiotic foods, such as asparagus, banana, honey, and legumes, which have fibers that feed the probiotics.

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  1. 1

    Adjust your posture to remove pressure from your stomach if you feel gassy. If you’re sitting down or hunching, you may be feeling pain from gases compressing in your stomach. If you can, stand up and walk around for a few minutes to see if you feel relieved. If you need to sit back down, keep your back straight so the gas in your stomach can expand more.[6]

    • If you feel pain while you’re sleeping, try lying on your back instead of your side or stomach.

  2. 2

    Try peppermint tea to help soothe indigestion. Bring 1 cup (240 ml) of water to a boil before pouring it over about 10 fresh peppermint leaves. Let the peppermint steep for up to 5 minutes so it can infuse with the water. Enjoy the tea while it’s still warm to get the most effective treatment. The peppermint will help ease pain in your stomach and digestive tract so your symptoms aren’t as severe.[7]

    • Get prepackaged herbal peppermint tea if you aren’t able to brew fresh leaves.
    • You can also buy daily peppermint supplements to reduce your symptoms.

  3. 3

    Have fresh ginger or ginger tea for upset stomach or indigestion. Chew a few slices of fresh ginger if you’re feeling nauseous or if you have stomach pains for immediate relief. If you still feel pain afterward, boil 1 cup (240 ml) or water and pour it over ½ teaspoon (1 g) of fresh ginger. Allow the ginger to steep for 3–5 minutes before removing it from the water. Enjoy your tea while it’s still warm for the most effective relief.[8]

    • You can also buy prepackaged herbal ginger tea if you don’t have fresh ginger available.

  4. 4

    Keep a heating pad on your stomach if you feel any cramps or bloating. Turn the heating pad on to a medium setting and place it over your stomach. Keep a layer of clothing or blanket between your stomach and the heating pad so it doesn’t get too hot. Keep the heating pad on for 15 minutes at a time to relieve your pain.[9]

    • You can buy a heating pad from a local pharmacy or home supply store.

    Warning: Don’t leave your heating pad on for more than 1 hour at a time since it could create a fire hazard.

  5. 5

    Practice light exercise to help alleviate pain caused by gas. Gas moves through your body easier while you’re moving around, so doing simple workouts can help you manage your pain. Try walking around, lifting light weights, or practicing simple yoga stretches so gas has a way to escape. If you don’t feel more comfortable after 10-15 minutes, you may need to try other methods to manage the pain.[10]

    • Don’t practice vigorous exercises since they could make your pain feel worse.

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  1. 1

    Avoid consuming any dairy reduce the amount of discomfort. Cutting out dairy completely may be the best option to deal with the uncomfortable symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as bloating, diarrhea, and pain.[11] As an added bonus, you might also notice a reduction in skin issues, such as acne.[12]

    • Try going dairy-free for a few weeks to see how it makes you feel. You might be motivated to continue avoiding dairy if you notice a reduction in your pain and other symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as post-nasal drip and chest congestion.
    • Pay attention to the ingredients in foods and beverages that you consume to look for hidden dairy and lactose. However, keep in mind that most people can consume small amounts of dairy without issue, so you might be okay with things that have trace amounts of dairy in them.[13]

  2. 2

    Cut back on dairy if you don’t want to eliminate it. Rather than a full serving of dairy, try having a quarter- or half-portion instead so you don’t have to digest as much lactose. Include a variety of other foods in your meals so your symptoms aren’t as prominent. In between meals, avoid snacking on dairy products since they will make you feel uncomfortable.[14]

    • Take smaller bites or sips to help reduce the amount of gas you have.

  3. 3

    Enjoy processed dairy foods since they’re easier to digest. Dairy that’s already been processed, such as cheese, yogurt, or buttermilk, has some of its lactose broken down so there isn’t as much for your body to digest. Limit the amount of unprocessed dairy you have so you don’t suffer from lactose intolerance as much as you normally would.[15]

    • You may still have some pain or discomfort from processed dairy, but it is usually not as severe.

    Tip: Try eliminating dairy products from your diet for 1–2 weeks and reintroduce single servings 1–2 times a week to see how they affect you.

  4. 4

    Choose lactose-free milk or milk substitutes to prevent painful symptoms. Lactose-free milk tastes the same as regular milk but doesn’t have lactose, so you can still enjoy the full flavor without any pain or discomfort. If you can’t find lactose-free milk at your supermarket, look for substitutes like soy milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, almond milk, or oat milk instead. While they may taste different, your body will be able to digest it much easier. Some other ways to substitute dairy include:[16]

    • Trying non-dairy substitutes for yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
    • Using ghee in place of butter.
    • Opting for coconut oil when you cook or bake.

  5. 5

    Get alternate sources of calcium so you don’t develop a deficiency. If you cut dairy from your diet, your calcium levels may go down in your body. Look for other foods high in calcium, such as sardines, beans, broccoli, kale, tofu, and fortified cereals. If you aren’t able to get enough calcium in your diet, then you can also take a daily supplement instead.[17]

    • Talk to your doctor before starting a supplement to see if it’s right for you.
    • Calcium is important for bone growth and heart health.

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  • There is no cure for lactose intolerance and no permanent treatment that can increase your body’s lactase production.[18]

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  • A large percentage of the human population may become lactose intolerant once they reach adulthood, thus avoiding dairy may be beneficial for many people. However, people from countries with a long history of dependence on unfermented dairy for sustenance are less likely to be lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is also extremely rare in infants.[19]

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  • You can still have dairy foods while you’re lactose intolerant, but be sure to do so in moderation.

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  • Talk to your doctor before taking medications to make sure they don’t cause any harmful interactions.

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  • Contact your doctor if you experience severe symptoms of lactose intolerance even when you don’t consume dairy since they could be caused by an underlying condition.

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How can I stop lactose intolerance pain immediately?

You can reduce discomfort by doing the following:.
Cut back on the amount of dairy you eat or drink. ... .
Have food in your stomach (not more dairy)..
Wait several hours before having more dairy..
Choose foods with less lactose. ... .
Substitute soy or nondairy products. ... .
Take supplements that help you digest lactose..

Is it normal for your stomach to hurt after eating ice cream?

When levels of the lactase enzyme are too low, eating something like a bowl of ice cream or a slice of cheesy pizza can cause a number of signs and symptoms, including abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea and nausea.

How do you get rid of a stomach ache in 5 minutes?

How do you get rid of a stomachache in five minutes? Using a heating pad is usually the quickest route to relieving a stomachache. Place the heating pad over your abdomen and sit with it to help relax the stomach muscles.

How can I settle my stomach after too much ice cream?

Here are some things you can do to find relief from stomach pain after eating too much ice cream. ​Drink a cup of tea. ​ Sauceda recommends drinking a cup of peppermint or ginger tea. "These two teas can help settle the stomach, so they are great for your digestion."


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