What temperature should my refrigerator and freezer be

Refrigerators have advanced from loud, clunky metal boxes to sleek modern machines that can tell us when we need to make a grocery store run. And if you’re planning a kitchen remodel, it’s even possible to find a refrigerator that perfectly accentuates your cook space design. Yet, many people still don’t know what temperature to keep the refrigerator at, how to maintain it, and what the crisper drawers are for. We’re here to help.

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The FDA says you should keep your refrigerator temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if your fridge temperature is too low, you can freeze your food or cause ice crystals in your fridge. The perfect temperature to keep your food fresher for longer, and avoid ice, is 37 degrees.

Best Temperature for a Freezer

The best temperature for your freezer is 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Freezing food does not kill any existing bacteria, but it does prevent any bacteria from growing.

How to Set the Refrigerator Temperature and Make Sure It's Accurate

Most refrigerators don’t allow you to set a temperature for your fridge. Instead, there is usually a setting from 1 to 5, or low to high. Even higher-end fridges that do allow specific temperature settings are generally not accurate. That’s why it’s best to use appliance thermometers to monitor and regulate your fridge and freezer temperatures.

Appliance thermometers are small, cheap and accurate enough to maintain optimal temperatures.

How to Always Keep the Refrigerator Cool

One of the best ways to keep your appliance cool and efficient and to avoid the need for any refrigerator repair is to clean the coils. Unfortunately, the coils are often dust-filled, making them less efficient and ineffective. Your fridge will have coils on the back and the bottom.

Pull the appliance away from the wall to access the rear coils, and make sure there are no leaks coming from the fridge. There is usually a plastic grille on the bottom that protects the bottom coils, and sometimes there is a protective grille on the back. You can remove the grilles by hand, or there may be a few screws. It is usually pretty apparent how to remove the grille, but you should consult the owner’s manual if you run into trouble. Never use excessive force to remove it.

Once you remove the grilles, you can use a grille brush and a vacuum with attachments to clean the coils.

Other Ways to Keep Your Refrigerator Cold

  1. Don’t push it up against the wall: Fridges need airflow to work correctly. Your owner’s manual will have the specific clearances, but as a general rule, you need 1 to 2 inches of free space at the rear and ½ to 1 inch on the sides.
  2. Don’t block the interior vents: This can decrease airflow, preventing the refrigerator from maintaining the correct temperature.
  3. Don’t leave the door open too long: Doing so will cause the temperature in the fridge to rise.
  4. Check the seal and replace it if necessary: Check the condition of the seal while the door is open. If it is damaged or warped, it will need to be replaced. Then, check the seal when the door is closed. You should not see any gaps between the door and the body.

What if You Lose Power?

If you know a storm is coming, prepare for a power outage by freezing water containers in the freezer. If you were caught off guard by a power outage, buy dry ice or regular ice. Keeping ice in the fridge and freezer will keep it colder for longer.

Keep the doors closed. A refrigerator will stay cold for about four hours if you don’t open the door. On the other hand, a freezer will stay cold for about 48 hours if you don’t open the door.

After power gets restored, check the temperatures. The food is still good if the refrigerator and freezer are still under 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

What Are the Crisper Drawers For?

The crisper drawers are a mystery for most people. However, using them properly can extend the life of your fruits and vegetables and all the food in your fridge.

Your fridge may have separate fruit and vegetable drawers or sliders that allow you to store fruit or vegetables correctly.

The fruit needs to be stored in the bin with the vents, or the slider must leave the vents open. You should not keep any food with the fruit. This is because many fruits emit a gas called ethylene. Ethylene speeds up the ripening process, so this gas needs to escape the fruit bin. If the fruit is trapped with ethylene, it will ripen and rot much quicker.

Likewise, vegetables must be in bins without vents or with the slider covering the vents. This traps the humidity inside the compartment, preventing them from wilting too quickly. It also keeps them separated from the ethylene, which will cause them to ripen and rot.

When to Replace a Refrigerator

Refrigerators last about 10 to 15 years. Once your refrigerator approaches this age, you should set aside some money to replace it. Alternatively, you can look for a skilled refrigerator repair person, but depending on the age and make of your appliance, it may not be salvageable.

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