What is the difference between mental retardation and mental illness

By: James Sleigh

This is a question that frequently comes up in our experience. Here at Camphill Village West Coast, we provide a residential community for those with intellectual disabilities and special needs. So how do we distinguish between intellectual disabilities and mental illness?

Intellectual disability

An intellectual disability means that a person has problems with learning, understanding, processing information and problem solving. There may also be difficulties with communication, social skills and general living skills.

Intellectual disability is usually present from birth and will be evident before adulthood. It is a permanent condition, not an illness or disease.

Intellectual disability cannot be cured or treated with medication. With the right support, people with intellectual disabilities can learn enough life skills to cope and be involved in their community. This where Camphill comes in, providing a secure and active community in which people with intellectual disability can reach their full potential.

Mental illness

Mental illness affects emotions, mood, perceptions and behaviour and can be suffered by people of all levels of intellectual ability.

Mental illness can onset at any age (although it is unlikely to affect children before puberty). It can be a temporary condition, be experienced in cycles, or episodes may recur throughout life.

Mental illness is treated with medication and psychosocial support. With the right treatment those suffering from it can manage their symptoms and live a normal, independent life.

Examples of mental illness include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression.

Intellectual disability is assessed by a psychologist whereas mental illness needs to be diagnosed and prescribed for by a psychiatrist. It's quite possible for a person with an intellectual disability also to suffer from mental illness, in which case that secondary condition will be treated with appropriate medication and support.

If you have any more detailed questions about intellectual disability please feel free to contact Carine on 021 571 8600 or email .

Mental retardation and mental illness are two different disorders. Mental retardation affects a person's intelligence and cognitive abilities, whereas mental illness will generally affect an individual's personality and mood, or emotional well being. Those suffering from mental illness may display aggressive or violent behavior, mood swings, or manic depression. Some forms of mental illness are referred to as psychosis. People with mental retardation have developmental delays and learning difficulties.

Although mental retardation and mental illness are both treatable, a professional diagnosis is needed to determine the most effective plan. In most cases, mental retardation will be identified early on, typically by the time a child reaches school age. He may show signs of developmental delays, such as being late to dress or feed himself, or unable to use the bathroom by himself. During his school years, he may have difficulty learning how to read and write, or do mathematical equations.

Multiple personality disorder is a mental illness.

People who have been diagnosed with mental retardation will have a below average Intelligence Quotient (IQ). A person's IQ may be determined by taking an IQ test. Students with moderate mental retardation may be placed in special education classes, while adults with mild mental retardation may receive training in special workshops. These workshops may prepare a mentally retarded person for job placement.

Mental illnesses refer to a number of disorders that may disrupt a person's life.

Mental illnesses refer to any number of disorders that may disrupt a person's life, including schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder. Schizophrenia is a form of mental illness that may cause delusions or hallucinations, as well as paranoia. Some schizophrenics also suffer from something referred to as multiple personality disorder.

While mental retardation is typically recognized in early childhood, symptoms of mental illness will not usually manifest until adulthood. Most patients who have been diagnosed with mental illness have not shown symptoms until their late teens or early 20s. Although not as common, mental illness may also afflict young children. Children may suffer from severe forms of panic disorders and phobias that also affect many adults.

Similar to adults, young children may suffer from severe forms of panic disorders.

The treatments available for mental retardation and mental illness also differ. Depending upon the type of mental illness a person is affected by, he may be prescribed antidepressants or other medications. Behavior modification therapy or psychotherapy is often recommended for someone suffering from various forms of mental illness. Children and adults diagnosed with mental retardation may benefit from recreational activities and speech or language therapy, as well as special education.

Can mental illness cause mental retardation?

Mental illness has no relation with I.Q. Mental retardation has low I.Q. Mental illness affects persons behavior, thoughts, perception, thinking, emotions.

What is mental retardation called today?

Mental retardation. Mental retardation is manifested by below average intellectual functioning in two or more life areas (work, education, daily living, etc.) and is present before the age of 18. Preferred: people with mental retardation. Mental retardation is commonly referred to as a developmental disability.

What is the meaning of mental illness?

Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.

What are the two types of mental retardation?

The DSM-IV classifies mental retardation into four stages based on severity: mild (IQ score of 50-55 to approximately 70), moderate (IQ score of 30-35 to 50-55), severe (IQ score of 20-25 to 35-40), and profound (IQ score of less than 20-25).


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