What is dean winchesters favorite band

Led Zeppelin is an English rock band that produced Dean Winchester's favorite songs.


Sam and Dean often use the band member's names as aliases.

  • Scarecrow - Dean introduces himself as John Bonham, Led Zeppelin's late drummer.
  • Bedtime Stories - Dean's fake ID identifies him as Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin's lead singer. Sam's badge reads Jimmy Page, Zeppelin's guitarist.
  • Dream a Little Dream of Me - Dean's badge identifies him as Detective Robert Plant.
  • Fallen Idols - Dean introduces them as John Bonham (drummer from Led Zeppelin) and Stewart Copeland (drummer from The Police).
  • I Believe the Children Are Our Future - Dean and Sam introduce themselves as Agents Page and Plant, a reference to Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page and vocalist Robert Plant.
  • Weekend at Bobby's - When Dean calls Bobby, the caller ID is for "John P. Jones," a reference to Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones.
  • The Man Who Knew Too Much - The fake IDs Robin finds in Sam's hotel room are for Jimmy Page, Neil Peart, and Angus Young. Page is the guitarist for Led Zeppelin, Peart is the drummer for Rush, and Young is the lead guitarist for AC/DC.
  • Repo Man - A detective recognizes Sam and Dean as FBI Agents Bonham and Watts, from when they worked the same case four years earlier.
  • Remember the Titans - Dean and Sam pose as FBI Agents Bonham and Jones, respectively.
  • Angel Heart - Dean and Castiel pose as FBI Agents Clapton and Page; Clapton and Page having both been members of The Yardbirds.

Songs Directly Referenced in Episode Dialogue[]

  • Nobody's Fault But Mine - 4x14 "Sex and Violence"
  • You Shook Me - 4x14 "Sex and Violence"
  • Ramble On - 4x18 "The Monster at the End of This Book"
  • Traveling Riverside Blues - 4x18 "The Monster at the End of This Book"
  • Stairway to Heaven - 7x16 "Out With the Old"

Songs/Albums Indirectly Referenced in Episode Titles[]

Song references[]

Episode Titles - Quite a few episode titles from Supernatural come from Led Zeppelin song or album titles.

  • 02x01 "In My Time of Dying" - The episode title is a song from Led Zeppelin's, 1975 album Physical Graffiti.
  • 02x13 "Houses of the Holy" - Houses of the Holy was the title of a Led Zeppelin album released in 1973. It is also used as the title of a song from 1975's Physical Graffiti.
  • 02x20 "What Is And What Should Never Be" - The episode title is a song from 1969's Led Zeppelin II.
  • 04x21 "When the Levee Breaks" - The song was covered by Led Zeppelin in 1971 for Led Zeppelin IV.
  • 05x13 "The Song Remains the Same" - The episode title is the opening track for 1973's Houses of the Holy. The song title is also used for the 1976 concert film and live album.
  • 05x19 "Hammer of the Gods" - The title is derived from the line in "Immigrant Song" from Led Zeppelin III.
  • 05x22 "Swan Song" - The title could be a reference to Led Zeppelin's record label "Swan Song Records" or the song from 1974 itself.
  • 06x18 "Frontierland" was originally titled "Gallows Pole" - The title references a song from Led Zeppelin III.
  • 09x22 "Stairway to Heaven" - The episode title is a song from 1971's Led Zeppelin IV.

Album references[]

  • 02x02 "Everybody Loves a Clown" Side One of Zeppelin IV - Jo: "You know, I thought you were gonna toss me some cheap pickup line. Most hunters come through that door think they can get in my pants with some... pizza, a six pack, and side one of Zeppelin IV."
    • Songs on Side One of Zeppelin IV: Black Dog, Rock and Roll, The Battle of Evermore, Stairway to Heaven.


  • 12x19 "The Future" - Dean gifts Castiel with a mixtape with "Deans Top 13 Zepp Traxx" written on the label. It is not identified in the show which songs are on the tape. During a panel at the 2017 Supernatural convention in Minneapolis, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, in response to a fan question about which songs were on the mix tape, answered that they thought the songs on the tape were probably the ones referenced on the show (as of the end of season 14, this only accounts for 12 songs and 1 album - see above).


  • This band was based on the real rock band of the same name.

"The greatest hits of mullet rock." Promotional image from 1.01 Pilot.

  • Music (Original Score)
  • Music (Season One)
  • Music (Season Two)
  • Music (Season Three)
  • Music (Season Four)
  • Music (Season Five)
  • Music (Season Six)
  • Music (Season Seven)
  • Music (Season Eight)
  • Music (Season Nine)
  • Music (Season Ten)
  • Music (Season Eleven)
  • Music (Season Twelve)
  • Music (Season Thirteen)
  • Music (Season Fourteen)
  • Music (Season Fifteen)
  • Promo Songs
  • List of Original Fan Songs
  • See bottom of page for all the entries in this Category
  • See Jensen and music for information about Jensen's singing.

CUE MUSIC And you can take your anemic alternative pop and shove it up your ass. Dean plays bass thumping, pile driving Zeppelin, and he plays it loud.

– Eric Kripke, from an early draft of the Pilot

Music is integral to Supernatural, whether it is the classic rock or the scary scoring. Eric Kripke had a clear vision from the start about the music he wanted on the show:

That was something that was really important to me, coming into the Pilot. I’m from a small town in Ohio and this is the music I listen to. I was a huge Zeppelin fan. So when it came time to write and produce the Pilot, it was so important to me, with all due respect to my beloved network, not to have music that is usually on that network. I was so rabid about it that in the original draft of the pilot, I even wrote in the script, “Cue music. And you can take your anemic alternative pop and shove it up your ass.” And the reason I wrote the scene in the Pilot, where they’re talking about tapes – AC/DC, Motorhead, Metallica – if we shoot that and it gets in the pilot, then we have to use my music because it’s already in the show. We had a great time in post-production, figuring out these songs and calling in one morning, “Billy Squire, what about Billy Squire?” I think it is a real signature to the show and it is Midwestern, two guys from Kansas and a muscle car and this is the music they listen to. I love it. The other night there was Joe Walsh and I was laughing, “Yay, Rocky Mountain Way on WB.”

– Eric Kripke, at the Paley Panel 2006

In the Official Supernatural Companion, Season 1 Eric adds another reason for using this music on the show:

"There's a real energy in the Midwest to miles and miles of flat farmland and two-lane blacktops that stretches into infinity and you're jamming classic rock as loud as it can go. There's something so mythic, so American about that), and that's the energy I wanted the show to have."S1Com, p. 11

In the Pilot, Sam and Dean have the following exchange:
Sam: ...I swear man; you gotta update your cassette tape collection.
Dean: Why?
Sam: Well for one they are cassette tapes, and two— {Pulls out a few cassette tapes} Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica? It’s the greatest hits of mullet rock.
Dean: {Grabs a cassette from Sam and pops it in the player} House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.

In 2007, Kripke reiterated his commitment to mullet rock at a post-Comic Con interview.

(Kripke) sees himself as a sort of School of Rock missionary. Sadly, the gospel according to Zeppelin won't be preached since the group won't sell their songs for under a billion dollars. "That's a rough estimate," Kripke adds.Other dream songs and bands on Kripke's list are Traveling Riverside Blues, Ramble On," and Aerosmith, which he also had to pass on because the songs were too expensive. Still, he has managed to procure an incredible collection of classic rock tunes that have become anthems for the show's fans and there's nothing Kripke likes better than a convert."One of the best pleasures I've had with this show is when I'm online checking out the blogs and there's this 14-year-old kid who says, 'What is this band, Foreigner and this song, Hot Blooded? I really liked it and I went out and bought the greatest hits of Foreigner' and I'm like, ah, I'm doing God's work! I'm introducing people to Foreigner, now if I can get people on board with Triumph! Spreading that sick obsession of mine has been very very gratifying."

In 4.18 The Monster At The End Of This Book Dean says that his favourite songs are a tie "Between Zep's "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues."

In 4.14 Sex And Violence the Siren disguised as Nick Monroe bonds with Dean over classic rock.

We know nothing of Sam's music tastes, although Kripke gave some clues at another post Comic Con interview in August 2007.

Interviewer: Okay, and since we’re talking music, what in blazes is Sam’s problem with Dean’s music? And given the chance, what music would Sam play?
Kripke: (laughs out loud) We have interesting debates about that all the time; about what Sam’s music would be, and you know, I hope that Sam listens to whatever cool modern music is. I don’t know any of them because I don’t listen to anything after 1980, so, you know… Green Day, I guess? I don’t know! Who is cool these days? Is Green Day cool? What band is cool these days?
Interviewer:Maybe Red Hot Chili Peppers…
Kripke: Yeah, so he listens to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Fall Out Boy and maybe The Killers? I am so a stranger in a strange land when it comes to those bands that that’s why you never hear Sam’s soundtrack, cos I don’t know that music and I’d choose the wrong songs. All my friends call me “Old Man Kripke” because I don’t listen to any bands after 1980; that’s why Dean’s music always wins out, because I hate so much modern music that I can’t bear to listen to it in the editing room. (laughs)

In an interview in 2008, Jared said Dean's rock had probably grown on Sam but that he was probably a more "bluesy, emo Jackson or Death Cab For Cutie kind of guy."

The only time on the Show we get a glimpse of what Sam might listen to, is in when Dean discovers while he's been in Hell, Sam has installed an iPod into the Impala. When Dean starts the car Vision by Jason Manns starts to play. Dean rips it out in disgust. Interesting trivia: the iPod was a product placement and was hugely successful in terms of recall among broadcast network product placements. Source.

Of course Sam does sing along enthusiastically to "Dead Or Alive" by Bon Jovi in 3.16 No Rest For The Wicked. But let's face it Bon Jovi does rock - on occasions.

In 6.08 All Dogs Go To Heaven Sam tells Dean that he still likes the same music he always has. This is probably a bit of an injoke by the writers as given how much of a mystery Sam's musical tastes have remained.

The cost of the music has always been an issue for the show, as Kripke explained just before Season 3 started:

There’s a lot of classic rock that’s too expensive. My dream of dreams, because classic rock is my obsession and it’s the reason I care so much about it on the show, is Led Zeppelin. I’d love to use anything from Zeppelin, like “Traveling Riverside Blues” or “Ramble On. But, Zeppelin will not sell their songs to anybody except Cameron Crowe because he traveled with them when they were on tour, and they’re also a billion dollars a song. That’s just a rough estimate. We’ve tried to get Aerosmith, and Aerosmith is actually a little expensive. And, there have been a couple others. But, the songs that we are able to get, that are within our budget range, are songs that I grew up on and loved. There’s nothing better than finding an obscure Foreigner song. One of the best pleasures I’ve had with this show, and one of the most gratifying moments, was when I was when I was online, checking out the blogs, and there was a 14-year-old kid who said, “What is this band, Foreigner, and what is this song, ‘Hot Blooded’? I really liked it, and I went out and bought The Greatest Hits of Foreigner.” I feel like I’m doing God’s work. I’m introducing people to Foreigner. To be able to spread that sick obsession of mine has been very gratifying. This music isn’t disposable. I hate every other song that’s on every other show on the network. I like music that stands the test of time. It’s cool, and cool is undeniable. People will hear it and, wherever they’re from, they’ll think, “That’s cool. That’s got soul to it.” I think that adds to the texture of the show. I hope it does. Source

From that Season onwards as other budget demands didn't leave room for it, fans noticed a marked decrease in the amount of classic rock used on the Show and complained long and loudly. At Salute to Supernatural L.A. 2011 Jensen explained that the complaints had been heeded, and that efforts were being made to bring more rock back into the soundtrack.

External links

See Meta Essays for discussions on the use of music in the episodes.

  • Larson, Randall D. 2006. The Supernatural Music of Christopher Lennertz. Mania, July 27; archive link
  • Brosellino, Mary. 2007. Scary Soundtrack: An Interview with Supernatural Composer Christopher Lennertz'. Sequential Tart, May 1; archive link
  • Radish, Christina. 2007. Eric Kripke on Supernatural's New Season. MediaBlvd Magazine, Oct 31; archive link
  • Nielsen Insights, 2008. 10 Most-Recalled DramaSitcom In-Product Placements Sept.Oct. 2008. October 23; archive link
  • Supeene, Olwyn. 2010. The Song Remains the Same: The Music of Supernatural. Sequential Tart. September 6; archive link
  • Rome, Emily. 2012. 'Revolution': Led Zeppelin songs in tonight's episode, 'Kashmir'. Entertainment Weekly. November 19; archive link
  • Bandit. 2014. Empty Orchestra: The Songs of Dean Winchester. The Geekiary. July 30; archive link
  • Comments and speculation on music licensing, season one, DVD, and Netflix by dissolving-worlds, gillasue345, k-vichan (November 2016); archive link
  • Supernatural From Script to Screen: Composer Jay Gruska

Pages in category "Music"

The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.

What is Dean's favorite music?

It turns out Dean's top favorite song is a tie between two Zeppelin songs, "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blue," as he states in the season 4 episode "Monster at the End of This Book." Both of these songs really capture Dean and his life and seem to perfectly describe his character as well, as if he were based on ...

Who is Sam Winchesters favorite singer?

While under the influence of the truth spell, Sam revealed his favorite singer is in fact, Celine Dion. This is not the singer most fans pictured as the monster killer's favorite, but Sam is known for having a soft side so maybe it's not that much of a surprise after all.

What music does Sam Winchester listen to?

While possessed by Meg, Sam listens to Bon Jovi. Much later, when a teenager swaps bodies with Sam, he partly gives himself away by asking Dean to turn up “Rock and Roll Never Forgets.” Sam mentioned in the pilot episode that Dean needed to “update” his music, so he may have more modern tastes.

What is Dean Winchesters favorite pie?

Dean Winchester: Apple Pie.


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