What does heavy implantation bleeding look like

The TTC journey can be lonely. Sharing our experiences can help us navigate our own paths and shine a light for others to travel theirs. So if you’re looking for heavy implantation bleeding stories, you’re in the right place.

Our community has been sharing heavy implantation bleeding stories, and asking their questions, in a supportive environment.

We’d like to (anonymously) share them with you, in the hope that they might help you through what you’re going through right now.

So let’s dive in. And we’ll start from the beginning:

In this article: 📝

  • What is implantation bleeding?
  • Has anyone ever had heavy implantation bleeding?
  • Heavy implantation bleeding stories from our community

What is implantation bleeding?

When a fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of your uterus, you may experience what’s known as implantation bleeding.

It doesn’t happen to everyone, every time, but it can be one of your body’s ways of telling you that pregnancy has kicked off.

It usually happens somewhere between 7-14 DPO and can be accompanied by cramps.

And that’s where things get pretty confusing.

Because that’s right around the time you would be expecting your next period.

Cramps? Bleeding? These symptoms are awfully similar.

So how do you tell the difference between implantation bleeding and your period?

Well, the only way to know for sure is to take a test. (The best time to do this is around 15 DPO or after your next expected period.)

Then, there are some other differences to watch out for.

Implantation bleeding — sometimes referred to as implantation spotting — is often reported to be light and spotty. It may come and go.

Periods, on the other hand, frequently start off light and ramp up.

As well as this, implantation bleeding tends to end quicker, often only lasting one or two days. Another way to differentiate is color. Implantation bleeding is usually pinkish-brown.

But is this always the case? As it turns out, it may not always be so cut-and-dry.

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Has anyone ever had heavy implantation bleeding?

Before we dive in, if you experience heavy bleeding in early pregnancy, it could signal that something is up.

It’s always a good idea to check in with your healthcare professional.

There’s a chance it could be early pregnancy loss or ectopic pregnancy — where the fertilized egg implants itself somewhere other than the lining of the uterus.

Don’t underestimate the grief that comes with this early loss.

Reach out to others if you need support. Seek medical advice. And join the conversation on Peanut.

With all that in mind, there are situations where heavy implantation bleeding does not necessarily mean that something is wrong.

In fact, in some cases, it can mean that things are very, very right.

Our Peanut community has shared their questions and experiences.

Here they are — with some helpful comments from others who had gone through similar things.

Heavy implantation bleeding stories from our community

1. A BFP?

Has anyone had heavy implantation bleeding which led to a positive pregnancy test?

My period isn’t usually around this time, but I’ve experienced spotting and then what seems like a full period, and then back to spotting, but just for 48 hours.

No blood clots nor painful cramps.

Definitely feels different to a period?

2. Everyone’s different

My period arrived a couple of days earlier than expected.

It usually lasts around 5 days, but I’m on day three, and it seems to have dried up.

There’s very little blood, and it’s very brown/old.

However, day one and two were fairly heavy, just like my usual period.

Could this be implantation? Or is this wishful thinking?

Helpful comment: I had heavy implantation bleeding which lasted no more than 48 hours about a week after I ovulated.

Then about 10 days after that, when my period was due, I had very dry brown blood for a couple of hours.

I didn’t have any cramping at all. I’m now 11 weeks pregnant!

Remember that everybody is different.

I was told heavy implantation bleeding wasn’t possible…

So don’t believe everything you read!

3. Heavy bleeding and fertility treatments

I had some heavy bleeding at the start of last week.

I assumed I had come on early.

Did three tests, all positive.

As I’m under a fertility clinic, I had a blood test last Thursday and my hCG level was 30.

The nurse told me it looked like I had a chemical pregnancy.

I went for another blood test on Monday and my hCG results had risen to over 200!

The nurses and doctors were stumped because of the bleeding.

But told me to treat it like a normal, healthy pregnancy!

I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much…

The bleeding has completely stopped now. Could it have been implantation?

(FYI, we’re not fans of the term chemical pregnancy. We prefer to call this what it is — early pregnancy loss. Find out more in our #RenamingRevolution.)

4. Can it look like regular flow?

I think I’m probably experiencing my period, unfortunately, BUT did anyone have a lot of bleeding when they had their implantation bleeding occur and still end up pregnant that same month?

Helpful comment: This is what I’m going through right now.

Sunday I had what seemed to be a regular flow, but only lasted that day, and then Monday and Tuesday were just brown spotting.

I took a test Monday night just for reassurance that I wasn’t pregnant, and I got a positive pregnancy test.

I still don’t know what this means, since I have a history of pregnancy loss.

Waiting to hear back from my doctor! Sending baby dust your way.

5. How heavy is heavy?

Has anyone had heavy implantation bleeding (one normal pad a day) for three days?

Helpful comment: I feel like I’m going through the same thing.

My calendar said I was supposed to start my period last Thursday.

I started bleeding, but it was super light, about a normal pad a day.

I thought it was finished on Saturday, and then it started back up very lightly on Monday. Now it’s done.

I don’t know if it’s implantation bleeding or not.

I’m trying to not get my hopes up because this has happened before.

But I need to connect with people going through the same thing!

6. Tiny blood clots?

Has anyone ever had very tiny blood clots during implantation bleeding?

I’m 11 DPO and AF isn’t expected for another 3-4 days, but last night I had a little pinkish/red blood accompanied by small clots.

I was really upset, thinking AF came early, but today it’s gone.

This has never happened to me before, and I’m very, very regular and usually have a heavy flow.

I also typically get very bad cramps, but it’s only minor at the moment.

I’m just wondering if there’s any chance I’ve had weird, heavy implantation bleeding? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Helpful comment: I had this exact same thing happen to me Monday of last week and then got my BFP on Wednesday!

Don’t lose hope until AF.

7. Life with PCOS

Long story short, I have PCOS.

I finally ovulated. Baby danced.

And now I’m 5 DPO and experiencing some cramping.

I’m not supposed to start my period for another week.

My cramping feels like a pulled stretched muscle, and when I went to the bathroom and wiped I had bleeding, but it was pink, not red.

When my period starts, it usually starts quite dark.

Do y’all think this is implantation? Trying not to get my hopes up…

Helpful comment: Implantation bleeding for me happened VERY quickly actually after conception, which if you look it up does differ with different people, but I would definitely take a test to see.

I didn’t even know I was pregnant when it happened to me, I was bleeding, then I wasn’t at night for a whole week.

Then it got a little darker and then stopped.

I didn’t question it until the next month’s cycle didn’t show up on the day of, and I took a test a day later and found out I was pregnant.

You could be, you could not be. I would definitely try taking a test.

But it could be too soon as well because I know when that occurred to me, it was literally days after conception, so if I took a test it would not show I was pregnant anyway.

I would keep track of it and see what happens in the next few weeks. And I would talk to your doctor.


If you would like to connect to our community, join us.

So many of us are experiencing similar things.

You don’t have to go through this alone.

Wishing you all the best.

💡 More from The 411:
Can Stress Prevent Implantation?
Understanding Implantation Symptoms
What an Implantation Dip Means
How Soon After Implantation Can I Test?
What Do Faint Lines on a Pregnancy Test Mean?
How Soon After Unprotected Sex Can I Test for Pregnancy?
Watery Period Blood: A Sign of Pregnancy?


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