What cereal is good to lower cholesterol

When it comes to lowering cholesterol, whole grains are the healthiest kinds of grains to eat. In addition, whole grains are linked to lower cholesterol, as well as a lower risk for heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and other health problems.

“Aside from the various vitamins and minerals that whole grains can provide in the diet, perhaps one of the primary reasons for their benefit in lowering cholesterol is the fact that they tend to be high in fiber content, '' says Chloe Ring, a nutritionist and dietitian based in New York City. “Fiber is especially important in shaping the gut microbiome, which has been emerging as an area of interest because it may impact lipid metabolism” she adds, citing a review in Physiological Genomics.

In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (PDF) recommend consuming half of your grains from whole-grain sources and the remainder from enriched grains.

But sticking to whole grains means ditching the refined foods that are so prevalent in our society: white bread, white rice, white flour. Unlike whole grains, refined foods have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ which gives these foods a higher shelf life but removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. Whole grains also contain varying amounts of soluble fiber, which can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your blood stream, according to Mayo Clinic.

“You can even start off by going half and half with a favorite grain and a new grain (perhaps half white rice and half brown rice) and gradually make the transition,” says Stacey Simon, RD, a registered dietitian-nutritionist based in New York City.

Below is a list of five different whole-grain foods to help you on your journey to health.

1. Whole-Grain Pasta

If you're a spaghetti lover, hearing that you might have to say goodbye to your refined friends in the pasta aisle might make you cringe. But have no fear, there’s a heart-healthy alternative. Whole-wheat pasta is high in fiber, which helps the digestive tract and reduces the risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, according to Mayo Clinic. And that’s not all. The American Heart Association (AHA) notes, “In addition to fiber, grains provide nutrients like thiamin (Vitamin B1), riboflavin (Vitamin B2), niacin (Vitamin B3), folate (Vitamin B9), iron, magnesium, and selenium. These are all important for a variety of body functions such as forming new cells, carrying oxygen in the blood, regulating the thyroid, and maintaining a healthy immune system.

To Cook Whole-Grain Spaghetti with Olive Oil and Herbs from Share the Pasta

2. Brown rice

There are many reasons why switching from white rice to brown rice is good for your health. In addition to being high in fiber — 1 cup of cooked long-grain brown rice has more than 3 grams (g) of fiber, per the USDA, versus less than 1 g from 1 cup of cooked long-grain white rice, according to the AHA — brown rice is also loaded with a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals that are stripped out of white rice while the grain is being processed.

“Brown rice is a great source of B vitamins, phosphorus, and magnesium.” says Simon, adding that it's cost effective, easy, and versatile.”

To Cook: Brown Rice Pilaf from Mayo Clinic

3. Rye

Looking for an alternative to white bread? Try rye. Rye is a fast-growing grass grown grain, mainly used to make rye bread and whiskey, according to research. The USDA notes 1 cup of rye contains 12 g of dietary fiber, and dietary fiber reduces LDL, according to Cleveland Clinic. And according to a trial published in Research Journal, rye can also increase satiety, making you feel fuller, longer.

To Cook Homemade Rye Bread from Simply Recipes

4. Quinoa

Quinoa, an ancient, gluten-free grain from South America, is high in vitamin B.

According to the Whole Grain Council, quinoa is a complete protein and one of the only plant foods offering nine of the essential amino acids that the human body needs.

One cup of cooked quinoa supplies about 8 g of protein and 5 g of fiber, according to the USDA.

To Cook Quinoa Salad With Broccoli and Tomatoes by Kaiser Permanente

5. Oats

“Oats are an excellent source of soluble fiber (specifically beta-glucan), which may reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your bloodstream,”says Ring.

Oats are one of the most beloved whole grains. They contain fiber, help lower glucose and cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to Mayo Clinic. Oats are also a budget-friendly way to start your morning off right.

To Cook Baked Oatmeal by Mayo Clinic

Additional reporting by Ali McPherson.


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Porridge All porridge oats are wholegrains and they all contain a soluble fibre called beta-glucan, which can help lower your cholesterol level if you have 3g or more of it daily, as part of a healthy diet.

Are Cheerios good for lowering cholesterol?

“Cheerios is ... clinically proven to lower cholesterol. A clinical study showed that eating two 1.5 cup servings daily of Cheerios cereal reduced bad cholesterol when eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.”

Can I eat cereal for lower cholesterol?

An easy first step to lowering your cholesterol is having a bowl of oatmeal or cold oat-based cereal like Cheerios for breakfast. It gives you 1 to 2 grams of soluble fiber. Add a banana or some strawberries for another half-gram.

What can I eat for breakfast keep my cholesterol down?

Start Your Day Right: 8 Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Lower Your Cholesterol.
Almond milk..
Avocado toast..
Egg white scramble..
Orange juice..
Smoked salmon..
Bran muffins..

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