What can you put in a carry on bag

Packing for a vacation, business trip, or mandatory family visit can seem like solving a jigsaw puzzle. How do you bring everything you need and still abide by the TSA’s rules? Plus, accidents happen, people lose things, stuff can get stolen—and airport purchases are expensive. Plan ahead by strategically packing these items in your carry-on luggage for happier travels.

Airplanes are dry, and those little water bottles you get on the plane aren’t enough to keep you hydrated throughout the flight. A collapsible water bottle with a filter can be filled with tap water after going through security. And even when filled, they take up less room than a normal reusable bottle.

When packing your medications in your checked luggage, you not only run the risk of it being stolen, but, should your luggage get lost, you'll also find it’s nearly impossible to get a refill far from home. In addition to your prescription meds, pack any over-the-counter medications you might want during your flight in your carry-on.

No matter how great your phone’s battery life is, don’t assume it’s going to have enough juice to get you to your hotel. Keep your charger with you in case your phone needs a quick boost, especially if all the information you need to get from point A to point B is saved in your email inbox.

Of course, keep your wallet, passport, and flight tickets out of your suitcase. Also, if you have physical tickets (for train trips or events such as the ballet or sports), an invitation with an address on it, or any other papers with no digital counterpart, pack those in your carry-on. And it's a smart idea to print out tickets, directions, and itineraries that you’ve stored on your phone just in case.

Airlines and airports are doing more to stop luggage theft, but incidents do still happen. Keep your camera, jewelry, computer, and other luxury or expensive items with you at all times. Even articles of clothing have been stolen out of suitcases, so assume that if you splurged on it, it belongs in your carry-on.

Unless looking out the window is enough to keep you occupied throughout the flight, bring a book, magazine, game, or other source of amusement. But stay away from the giant hardcovers that will weigh you down; opt instead to stock your e-reader or audiobook library—but bring a magazine for take-off and landing, when all electronics must be stowed under the seat in front of you.

Keep a change of underwear with you in case your luggage gets lost or you want to freshen up post-flight.

Give your final destination a good first impression by brushing your teeth and washing your face before leaving the airport. Keeping a small selection of toiletries in your carry-on prevents you from having to rummage through your suitcase in public.

Heading to the tropics to escape the blistering winter? Pack a change of clothes in your carry-on bag to accommodate the new climate. You don’t want to start your vacation off with heat stroke!

The small bag of pretzels and a can of soda handed to you by a friendly flight attendant doesn’t always cut it, so pack your own lunch or snack. As long as it’s wrapped and a non-liquid, it can go through security. Plus, it’s certainly a cheaper alternative to buying a pre-made sandwich at the airport.

Airplane cabins are notoriously chilly, so be sure to bring along a cozy sweatshirt or lightweight jacket (and socks!) for your trip, but don’t pack it in your carry-on. Airlines don’t count sweatshirts and jackets as one of your allotted two free bags, so drape them over your arm to save precious real estate in your pack.

A version of this story ran in 2015; it has been updated for 2021.

I have a list of carry on essentials that I always pack in my carry on bag.  When I check luggage (which I rarely do), these are the items that go in my carry on bag rather than my checked bag.  Even when traveling with carry on luggage only, these in flight essentials are usually in my small personal item that is under the seat rather than my larger checked bag in the overhead.

My carry on bag essentials list includes all items I would need to be comfortable on a long international or overnight flight.  (For shorter flights, I skip some of these items as I do not need them.)  Also included on my list of what to pack in my carry on bag, are valuable and hard to replace belongings as well as those items which I can’t live without in the event my checked luggage is lost or delayed.

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. I may make a small commission if you make a booking using my links at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Carry On Essentials List

Not sure what to pack in your carry on bag? Here is a comprehensive packing list of carry on essentials:

Passport/other ID

These are essential documents for boarding your next flight and should always be in your carry on luggage.

Face Mask

Many airlines (including all U.S. airlines) require passengers to wear face masks when boarding and on the plane. The airlines might have extra masks for passengers but better to bring your own mask to be on the safe side.

Cash, credit cards, ATM cards

Cash, credit cards or ATM cards should never be put in checked luggage in the event your checked luggage is delayed, lost or stolen.

Printed itinerary/ hotel and flight confirmations

I like to print my hotel and flight e-mail confirmations.  I don’t want to rely on having wi-fi or my data plan working.

Glasses/ Contacts/Sunglasses

These items are hard to replace while traveling and should always be in your carry on bags. I also like to pack my sunglasses with me.

Essential medication and prescriptions

You don’t want to worry about not having any medication you need if your checked luggage is delayed.

Electronics (cell phone, camera, computer, adaptors), jewelry and other valuables

Don’t put anything in your checked luggage that you cannot afford to lose.  This includes electronics, jewelry and other expensive or sentimental belongings. If you plan to use your electronics in flight, you might want to bring an external battery so you can charge your electronics.

Change of clothing (including underwear)

It is a good idea to have a spare change of clothes and underwear in case your luggage is delayed. You do not want to have to live in the clothes you traveled with.  Yes, you can buy new clothes but stores are not open 24-7. I also bring a pair of flip flops that double as my shower shoes.

Reading material/entertainment

Long flights (especially in economy) can be awful unless you have something to entertain you like a book, movie etc. Make sure to pick a good movie or book that you can get absorbed in so that time flies.  While long flights have movies as in flight entertainment, sometimes the movie selection is not a movie that I would enjoy. Personally I find books more relaxing than movies. If you would rather not bring actual books, consider bringing a Kindle.

Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss

On a long flight you might want to brush your teeth.  I find it easier to sleep after I brush.

Lip balm, lotion and other toiletries

The air in the flight is very dry.  Lip balm and lotion are at the top of my in flight essentials list. Also bring any toiletries you would need on a flight including face wipes, contact lens solution and makeup.

Antibacterial wipes or sanitizing lotion

Airplane surfaces can be very dirty.  I use antibacterial wipes to wipe down my tray table, arm rests etc. These wipes are my favorite because they are individually wrapped.

Eye mask, ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones, sleeping pill or melatonin

If you have trouble sleeping with lights on bring an eye mask. Ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones are also useful to block out noise and help you sleep. Melatonin has been proven to help with sleep.


I’ve heard that the blankets are not washed between flights.  You might want to bring your own blanket.


You might find it more comfortable to travel with a neck travel pillow or your own pillow.

Compression socks

If you are traveling on a long economy flight, you might want to wear compression socks to prevent DVT. While everyone is at risk for blood clots on long cramped flights, compression socks are a must if you are pregnant, older or have a history of blog clots. I like these socks that can be worth by both men and women and come in variety of colors and patterns.

Scarf and extra sweater or fleece

Planes can be chilly.  A scarf can be handy for keeping you warm.  In the event you do not have an eye mask, you can also use your scarf to cover your face.  Even if traveling in the summer, you might want to bring an extra layer (like a sweater or fleece) in your carry on.


In case you don’t like airplane food or would like healthier choices, snacks are a good idea.  Nuts and granola bars are good options.

Bottle of water

Because the air is so dry on flight, dehydration happens quicker when flying than it would at home.  I bring a bottle of water with me on the flight.  While the flight attendants do bring water it is good to bring extra water for times when they are seated such as takeoff and landing.


Bring at least one pen for filling out customs forms when traveling internationally, taking notes, doing crossword puzzles etc.

Click to download a pdf of my Carry On Bag Essentials List.

Here are some tips to survive a long flight in economy.

Do you have any carry on essentials? What items are always packed in your carry on bag?
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What is allowed on a carry

More videos on YouTube You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes in your carry-on bag and through the checkpoint. These are limited to travel-sized containers that are 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item.

What is not allowed in a carry

Liquid or gel food items larger than 3.4 oz are not allowed in carry-on bags and should be placed in your checked bags if possible. TSA officers may instruct travelers to separate items from carry-on bags such as foods, powders, and any materials that can clutter bags and obstruct clear images on the X-ray machine.


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