Warm salt water gargle for sore throat

You've probably heard from a wise grandma or two that gargling with salt water can help cure a sore throat. But before you stand over the sink and put yourself through what feels like an open-mouthed dunk in the ocean, is the old salt water gargle remedy even legit?

The good news: Salt water actually does help alleviate the pain of a sore throat. “My kids know that gargling with salt water is the first thing I tell them to do when they have a sore throat,” says Sam Huh, MD, chief of otolaryngology at Mount Sinai Brooklyn.

The bad news: Salt water doesn’t cure a sore throat. The vast majority of sore throats are viral, not bacterial, Dr. Huh says, and they go away on their own in three to seven days. For the most part, your body has all the tools it needs to cure a sore throat. But it takes time, and you certainly don't want to sit around with a dry and painful throat while you wait for your body to work its magic. So, in the meantime, gargling salt water is one of the tricks that can help make sore throats a little less painful.

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Let's get into the nitty-gritty details, so you can decide for yourself if a little salt water is just what you need for your throat pain.

Does gargling salt water kill bacteria in the throat?

“Salt water is hypertonic,” Dr. Huh says. That means that salt water has a higher osmotic pressure than the fluid in your cells. So when you submerge the cells in your throat in salt water, the liquid in your cells gets drawn to the surface and so does any virus or bacteria that are in your throat, meaning you might be able to spit some out along with the salt water.

“Extra moisture on the surface also makes a sore throat feel better,” Dr. Huh says. There’s also the potential that the salt could kill some of the bacteria or virus that’s causing your throat pain once its close enough to the surface. But, again, salt water isn’t a sore throat cure; it’s not going to attack the root source of your pain. It’ll just calm it down.

How much salt should you use to make a salt water gargle for a sore throat?

The salt content makes a pretty big difference. If you’re disgusted by the idea of swishing something so salty in your mouth, you might be tempted to put the teeniest bit of salt in your glass. Unfortunately, that won't do much for your throat.

“The water has to be hypertonic,” Dr. Huh says. “Think about how tears taste salty. It has to be saltier than that.” Typically, doctors recommend putting a quarter teaspoon of salt into a half cup of warm water. And yes, the water does have to be warm—for one, the heat helps dissolve the salt, but it also increases the blood flow in your throat which kicks your immune system into action.

The kind of salt you use doesn't matter. Any salt will work, as long as you use enough (though smaller granules may dissolve more quickly and easily).

How often should I gargle with salt water?

After your first salt water gargle, you should expect to start feeling better within 24 hours, Dr. Huh says. But you have to keep the routine up or else you’ll lose the sore throat-healing powers of the salt.

Depending on how much your throat hurts, he suggests gargling between two to four times each day. Just make sure you’re drinking plenty of water so the salt doesn’t dry out the rest of your cells, too.

Can everyone use a salt water gargle?

If you have high blood pressure, skip the salt water gargle. “Every time we gargle, we’re going to accidentally swallow some,” Dr. Huh says. That’s no big deal for people with normal blood pressure, but someone who has trouble controlling their blood pressure should stay away from the salt water and try something else instead.

Luckily, many of the home remedies we’re familiar with can help, because many of them are all about keeping your throat moist. “Personally, I believe chicken soup does the same thing as salt water, because it has a salty broth,” Dr. Huh says. He also likes that the soup has added nutrients that can fight infection.

Swallowing a spoonful of honey, using a humidifier, drinking lots of water and other liquids, and staying away from cigarette smoke are also sure to soothe your sore throat, he says. Looks like there is some validity to those grandma-approved remedies!


01/9Why should you do it?

When suffering from a sore throat or bleeding gums, you are often advised to gargle with salt water. It is easy, inexpensive and an age-old home remedy. Most importantly it does not have any side-effects. There are certain researches that suggest salt water gargles can help you treat mild health issues.

So, here are some amazing benefits of doing salt water gargles every day.


02/9Maintains the pH level

The mixture helps to neutralize the acids in the throat that is produced by bacteria. It helps to maintain a healthy pH balance, which prevents the growth of unwanted bacteria in the mouth.


03/9Clears nasal congestion

Gargling with salt water also helps to remove the mucus build-up in your respiratory tract and nasal cavity. The concoction reduces the inflammation and relieves the pain in the throat. Apart from that, it flushes out the bacteria and virus, which if left unattended can lead to congestion.


04/9Respiratory tract infection

As per a study conducted in Japan, gargling with warm salt water three times a day can help to reduce the risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection by 40 percent.


05/9Gives relief from tonsillitis

Tonsils are two lump tissues located at the back of the throat, which gets inflamed due to a bacteria and viral infection. Inflamed tonsillitis might cause pain in swallowing the food. Gargling with salt water can help you get relief from the pain and ease these symptoms.


06/9Eliminate bad breath

If you are conscious about your bad breath then salt water gargle can be an effective way to get rid of it. It can flush out the oral bacteria, which leads to bad breath.


07/9Bleeding gums and toothache

This warm drink also gives relief from bleeding and swollen gums, which are the first signs of gum disease caused by bacteria. Rinsing your mouth with salt water can help reduce inflammation and fight the bacteria. Gargling with salt water can also help you get rid of toothache.


08/9Mouth ulcer

Nothing is more painful than mouth ulcer. You may even find it difficult to eat your food. Saltwater helps to relieve pain and increase the process of healing.


09/9How to gargle with salt water

-Add half a teaspoon of table salt to a cup of warm water. Stir until it dissolves completely.

-Take a big sip of the salt and hold it in your mouth.

-Tilt your head back and gargle the salt water in your throat for about 30 seconds and then spit it out.

-Repeat the same process until you have finished the whole cup.


Does gargling salt water actually help a sore throat?

There is scientific evidence to support saltwater's purported medicinal benefits. It won't cure a sore throat—only time can do that—but its hypertonic properties (a biological term indicating the osmotic pressure is higher than that in the surrounding fluid) can help relieve pain and inflammation.

How long should I gargle salt water for sore throat?

Tilt your head back and gargle with the salt water for 10-15 seconds, before spitting it out into a sink. 4. Repeat the gargle process once more to ensure you have washed away as much mucus as possible.

What will instantly help a sore throat?

6 home remedies to get rid of a sore throat.
Warm and cold fluids. Sip on warm drinks, like tea or chicken soup. ... .
Gargling. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt — or a similar amount of baking soda — in a glass of warm water. ... .
Over-the-counter antihistamines and pain relievers. ... .
Steam and humidity. ... .
Hot toddy. ... .

Why is warm salt water good for a sore throat?

Saltwater won't actually cure a sore throat, but it can help reduce pain and discomfort. This is because saltwater has hypertonic properties; in other words, the osmotic pressure in saltwater is higher than the pressure in the fluid of the surrounding cells.


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