Things to eat when wisdom teeth removed

If you're preparing for an upcoming wisdom teeth removal surgery, you are likely to have questions about the surgery and recovery process, and what will I be able to eat after wisdom teeth removal? A key component to making your recovery from this routine procedure as quick and seamless as possible is understanding post-surgical care and the best post-surgery diet for yourself.

For people between the ages of 17 and 25, "wisdom teeth," a common term used to refer to third molars in the back of the mouth, often grow in impacted or at an angle and cause several other issues that could make it necessary for their extraction. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (AAOMS) recommends patients have their wisdom teeth out if there is an active infection present in the form of gum disease, irreparable tooth decay, or the emergence of cysts or tumors around the tooth. Also, if an impacted wisdom tooth damages the neighboring teeth, it's best to extract it to prevent further harm.

A dental X-ray will determine if wisdom teeth removal is appropriate. It will also establish the number of wisdom teeth needing removal.

Immediately After Removal

Once your wisdom teeth have been removed and you've been sent home from the dentist's or oral surgeon's office, you'll have a bit of recovering to do. Patients generally leave with wet gauze pressed against the area where the teeth were, with the intent of stimulating a clot to slow the natural bleeding that occurs. This clot will morph into the healing tissue, filling the hole in your gum and bone.

To avoid a dry socket, which Mayo Clinic warns can prolong healing and be quite uncomfortable, care must be taken not to disrupt the clot itself. For this reason, you'll be advised to avoid sucking motions (like drinking through a straw) and smoking, as these actions can indeed hinder the healing clot.

What to Avoid

Since one or more anesthetic agents will be used during the extraction, your mouth will feel numb for some time after surgery. Once you've returned home and are resting, it's important to be mindful of the types of foods and drinks you consume to prevent any damage or sensations of pain when you do regain feeling in your mouth.

To avoid burning your mouth while it's still numb, steer clear of hot foods and drinks. Be mindful that it's easy to bite your tongue, cheek, or lips during this recovery period, so it's best to keep away from chewy foods and hard, crunchy foods such as chips and hard pretzels – along with small sharp foods like popcorn with hulls to avoid gum irritation. As you'd expect, spicy foods should also be avoided, as these could lead to further gum sensitivity or stomach upset.

Nutrition is a key component of the reparative process following dental surgery. Like your dentist would recommend at a routine check-up that a well-rounded diet is imperative to your oral health, the same goes for a post-surgery diet. Along with drinking plenty of water, you'll want to eat the best foods for wisdom teeth removal that will be both nutritious and comforting to your mouth. The following foods will provide important vitamins and nutrients for recovery and are easy to chew and swallow:

  • Yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Apple sauce
  • Avocados
  • Fruit smoothies (with seedless fruit)
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Soft fish
  • Finely cut meats
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Oatmeal
  • Thin soups

It's best to stick to these items for four to seven days following your oral surgery, as noted in Medical News Today, plan by stocking up with these foods before your surgery and avoid a diet consisting of store-bought items that are processed or contain added sugars.

Keep It Clean

Gentle cleansing and rinsing as directed by your dental professional will be an important aspect of your healing process. Choose a flexible toothbrush with ultra-forgiving, super-thin bristles to clean between your teeth and under the gumline without harming the stitched areas or healing tissue.

As a person continues to grow in their late teens and early twenties, the extraction of wisdom teeth can prove necessary to one's dental health. And while wisdom teeth removal is important, it's imperative to know the foods to eat post-surgery (and what to stay away from) for a quick recovery. Before surgery, you can familiarize yourself with more tips for recovery and gain a deeper understanding of what to expect before the procedure.

“What do I eat after dental surgery?”, is a common question asked by many patients. Dental surgery can be a daunting task but the recovery can be even more stressful if you don’t know what to eat. Sarasota Dentistry has compiled a list of foods to eat following dental surgery, dental implants or wisdom teeth extractions. These foods are also good for patients having periodontal surgery. Keep in mind that each surgery is different and you should follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions regarding what is acceptable to eat. Some surgeries require a patient to be on a liquid diet for so long and then progress to soft foods. Any of the foods to eat after dental surgery listed below can be liquified using a blender – our favorite is the Vita-mix. These liquifying blenders can also make a variety of flavorful, healthy drinks or smoothies which can include raw vegetables that are extremely helpful in the healing process. It may not sound good, but Dr. Michael’s kids actually drink raw spinach in their smoothie and they like it! It just depends what else is mixed with it… Be adventurous!

Comprehensive List of Foods To Eat After Dental Surgery, Implants, or Wisdom Teeth Extractions

    1. Applesauce
    2. Avocado
    3. Baby Food
    4. Baked Beans – mashed if necessary
    5. Black Beans – mashed if necessary
    6. Baked Apples
    7. Bananas
    8. Biscuits – flakey, soft or soaked to become soft
    9. Broccoli – steamed soft
    10. Broth
    11. Butternut Squash – cooked soft
    12. Carnation Instant Breakfast Drinks
    13. Carrots -steamed soft
    14. Casseroles
    15. Cheese
    16. Cheesecake
    17. Clams and Clam Chowder

    1. Cold Cereal – soaked in milk until soft
    2. Cottage Cheese
    3. Cake
    4. Canned Peas
    5. Crab Cakes
    6. Cranberry Sauce
    7. Cream
    8. Cream of wheat – maybe a little to grainy depending on the type of dental surgery.
    9. Crème Brule
    10. Cupcake

  1. Custard
  2. Doughnuts
  3. Ensure
  4. Eggs (poached, fried or scrambled)
  5. Egg Nog
  6. Egg Noodles
  7. Egg Salad
  8. Fettuccine
  9. Fish
  10. Frozen Yogurt
  11. Fruit Juice
  12. Fruit Smoothies
  13. Fruit – soft or grind
  14. Gravy
  15. Grits – Maybe a little too grainy depending to the type of dental surgery.
  16. Ground Turkey
  17. Ground Beef/Pork
  18. Ground Chicken
  19. Guacamole
  20. Humus
  21. Ice cream
  22. Jell-O
  23. Juice vegetable
  24. Kefir
  25. Key Lime Pie
  26. Macaroni and cheese
  27. Malt-0-meal
  28. Mangos
  29. Mascarpone Cheese – Consider using it with soft scones (beat 1 (3 oz of cheese, 1 tsp powdered sugar, and 1 cup heavy whipping cream)
  30. Mashed potatoes
  31. Matzo Ball Soup
  32. Meatloaf
  33. Meatballs
  34. Melons (Very Ripe)
  35. Milk Shake – Avoid using a straw
  36. Miso Soup
  37. Mousse
  38. Muffins
  39. Oatmeal
  40. pancakes
  41. Pasta – cooked very soft
  42. Pies
  43. Polenta
  44. Pot roast with vegetables – cooked to falling apart
  45. Probiotics
  46. Protein Powder – can be added to any liquid meal for added energy and healing
  47. Pudding
  48. Ramen Noodles
  49. Refried Beans
  50. Ricotta cheese
  51. Risotto
  52. Rice
  53. Sandwich Meats
  54. Scrambled Eggs
  55. Sherbet
  56. Smoothies
  57. Soft bread – soak in soup
  58. Souffle
  59. Soup
  60. Sour Cream
  61. Spaghetti
  62. Spinach
  63. Steamed Vegetables
  64. Stew
  65. Sweet Potatoes
  66. Tapioca Pudding
  67. Tea
  68. Tofu
  69. Tuna Salad
  70. Waffles
  71. Yellow Squash
  72. Yogurt

Foods To Avoid Following Dental Surgery, Implants or Wisdom Teeth Extractions

  • Tomatos or tomato sauce – acidic and may burn or cause pain immediately after dental surgery
  • Orange Juice – be cautious with OJ or any other acidic juices. They may cause burning or pain if ingested too soon after dental surgery.
  • Seeds – anything seedy may get stuck in a surgery site and cause discomfort or get infected.
  • Cracked Pepper – much like a seed this can get lodged and cause pain.
  • Popcorn – the corn hulls can become lodged
  • Spicy Foods – may lead to pain and discomfort
  • Crunchy or Difficult to Chew Foods – these foods may interfere with the blood clotting following dental surgery
  • Over-the-counter Mouth Rinse – it’s not a food but patients commonly use mouth rinses such as Listerine or Scope following a dental surgery and it significantly interferes with healing so it’s worth mentioning. Dentists will usually prescribe a safe mouth rinse, such as Chlorhexadine Gluconate (Peridex), flowing dental surgery.

Sarasota Dentistry Provides General, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry in Sarasota, FL

Dr. Michael has been practicing dentistry and performing dental surgery and dental implants in his home town of Sarasota since 2001. Dr. Michael and his team are committed to providing patients with the very best dental care and educating them on how to preserve their smile… especially after dental surgery. If you are a patient of Sarasota Dentistry and are having any questions regarding what you should be eating after dental surgery, please call the office at 941-929-7645 or email us today.

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Dr. Michael and his staff focus on providing painless dental services in a welcoming atmosphere. His dental expertise includes general dentistry, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, oral & I.V. sedation, full mouth reconstruction, teeth bleaching, veneers, laser dentistry, metal-free crowns, inlays/onlays, and dentures to enhance both your health and appearance.

How long after wisdom teeth removal can I eat?

When can I have something to eat? About an hour after surgery, you may remove the gauze sponges that have been placed in your mouth and have something to eat. Be sure to eat foods that are soft for the first 24 hours after surgery. Avoid hot foods and drinks for several hours after surgery.

What can I eat on day 3 after wisdom teeth removal?

On day 3 after surgery, eat soft foods that do not require much chewing, such as macaroni and cheese, cooked noodles, soft-boiled /scrambled/ poached eggs and soft sandwiches. Avoid tough or crunchy foods, such as pizza, rice, popcorn, and hamburger. Avoid spicy and acidic foods.

What can I eat Day 2 wisdom teeth?

On day two, you can add foods that require minimal chewing, such as these and more like them: Eggs. Oatmeal. Cottage Cheese..
All liquids, such as soups and broths, at lukewarm temperatures..


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