Thank you letter to employee after resignation

So far, I think I’ve missed every opportunity to say goodbye to you personally–the dinner last evening and the departmental get-together. I didn’t, however, want to let the occasion of your leaving pass by without expressing to you how much I’ve valued our working relationship over the years.

My earliest recollection of your coming to my rescue was the Folger account. Do you remember the days you spent on the phone on my behalf just trying to get their buyer to talk to the “new kid on the block”? Since those days, you’ve been an excellent pace-setter for the accounts we’ve managed. Aside from that role, I’ve appreciated your advice about career decisions and even about family. Jody and the boys remember well your helping to arrange our travel overseas on the Hilton project.

I wish you the best as you assume the leadership role at TRM Services. They’re getting a master manager and an all-around nice guy. Let’s stay in touch.


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Dear Phillip:

Is it really possible you are leaving Hilton?

Over the years it has always given us a secure feeling to know we had such an efficient and dedicated spokesperson in the Northeast. Your role in dealing with the Bayer government people has greatly aided us in retaining the good reputation we’ve had in the region.

Since your coming to work here, many events have changed our nation and the entire globe, and you have always remained receptive to growth in your vision, your responsibilities, and your interests on Hilton’s behalf.

I even remember your assignment to Peru to supervise the major repair jobs there–spending so much time away from your family during that year. No less important were the design projects in Australia three years ago–designs that put us so far ahead of the competition we haven’t looked back.

It will be impossible to replace your unique qualities and talents, but I’m pleased you now have the opportunity to enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Hilton is a much better company because of your efforts.


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I’ve been travelling so much this past six months I didn’t want to express my goodbyes to you until I had time to reflect on our long association and what it has meant to me.

Although we haven’t always agreed, I’m sure we’ve always respected each other’s opinions and talents. Certainly, I can say without any reservation I’ve always been proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish together.

As you take over the new job, I know you will go on to achieve even more personal career objectives. It will greatly please me to hear and read of your accomplishments in the years to come. Perhaps another project sometime will bring us together again.

With best personal regards,

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A brief note to apologize to you for not being able to say goodbye in person, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to my career. You and Phil Stockton have been my models, inspiration, and motivators through so many difficult times.

Remember Grafton? How about the interview with Jackson out in Phoenix? Not to mention my “hibernation” after the difficulties between Myrna and me.

My best wishes for your success with the new company. I’ll always be around to brag that “I knew you when….”

Keep in touch,

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Dear Ms. Hepburn:

This is probably the worst week of my life. My dog died, my health insurance company cancelled my policy, and now you, my long-trusted administrative assistant, are leaving. You kept my head screwed on straight for four years, planning my appointments and keeping the front office in perfect working order.

No matter how dependent I have become on your excellent organizational skills, I think your decision to accept the new job is a smart career move. You are definitely qualified to handle bigger and better things, and I wish you luck in your pursuit of these new challenges.

Thank you for being such a dedicated employee. Brown & Mueller are lucky to have you aboard.


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Dear Anne:

Congratulations on your fine offer from the University of Georgia. Is it true that you will receive a roomful of high-tech equipment for your research? You must be thrilled.

I am really proud of your accomplishments and have always admired your ability to interpret professional research in a way that made sense to everyone. Remember when we were listening to the speaker on second language acquisition at the Multicultural Research Conference? Everyone was so confused until you raised your hand and clarified his ideas.

You are an asset to any university. Not only are you a brilliant researcher, but a caring teacher. Can we keep in touch? Please send me your new e-mail address at Georgia.


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Dear Connie:

Everyone on the night shift was disappointed to hear of your transfer to the day shift. I know you must be pretty happy, as this may mean a more normal life.

I really enjoyed working under you this past year. Your support and understanding helped make getting through the night a little easier. I remember one night when all of the engineers were particularly sleepy and you ordered pizza and soda. It reminded me of nights in college where pizza and soda were the only things that could keep me up studying until dawn.

Good luck in your new position as day manager. You are definitely one of the best. You will be missed.


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Dear Helena:

The worst part of my job also seems to be the best part. Ever since I began supervising new clinicians, it has been a pleasure to see them advance to new positions. Unfortunately, this means constantly losing the employees I grow close to. I am particularly sad to see you go. You have been a star clinician, learning from your mistakes, and rarely repeating them. You are compliant, yet firm, and your work is based on strong theoretical backing.

Best of luck in your new position as a head therapist of the pediatric trauma unit. I know you are ready for this new challenge. Please keep in touch, as I am eager to hear about your new responsibilities. If there is anything I can do to help make the transition smoother, just give me a call.


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Dear Dr. Llago:

I remember the first day our research group met at the National Robotics Research Center. None of us knew what to expect from one other. Little did we know that we would become friends as well as co-workers during this two-year research adventure.

Each of us knew the time would come for us to go our separate ways. You have been the first to find a position. You are a sharp engineer and deserve such a prestigious and rewarding placement in biomedical engineering. Congratulations!

You can be sure that I will keep in touch. Hopefully, we can still go on that vacation next year to the Atlantic coast.

Yours Truly,

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Dear Ms. Rockefeller:

You confirmed my suspicions yesterday. I sensed you might be leaving us, but I didn’t want to believe it until I heard you say it.

This company is very lucky to have held on to you for this long. Your computer expertise has transformed all of our offices into efficient and effective workplaces.

Thank you for your contributions. You have definitely left your mark with us. You can be sure that we will spread the word about your new business. Congratulations and best of luck.


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