Secret rf stretch marks before and after

“When people think about skincare, they generally think about the face and skincare for the face,” says plastic surgeon Dr. Sands. “But from our standpoint,” he continues, “being a body-heavy aesthetic surgical practice, we worry about the skin surrounding everything that we do on the body, whether it be liposuction, a tummy tuck, or breasts, and the skin.”

As you can see, surgeons such as Dr. Sands believe in treating the whole body after a surgical procedure. He does this by utilizing the benefits of Secret™ RF from Cutera. Secret RF is a novel method by which a fractional radio frequency (RF) microneedling system is used to stimulate tissue through coagulation and hemostasis, as well as regenerate collagen1 to address the common signs of aging1. Secret RF can be used to aid in skin revitalization1 and improve1 skin quality, texture, and appearance while reducing scars2, stretch marks2, and large pores2. Further, Secret RF is an energy-based device and does not involve manual microneedling, setting it apart from many other treatment options available for skin revitalization.

One of the greatest benefits of Secret RF, according to Dr. Sands, is the ability to treat the whole body. He says, “commonly the telltale signs of aging are not only just skin of the face, but also on the neck and the hands and other parts of the body that are visible. And with a device like this, you really do feel comfortable with the effectiveness of the applications on all those areas. This gives patients a global difference in their natural age compared to what they actually look like after the treatments.”

Regarding applications of Secret RF, Dr. Sands says, “It is not uncommon for us to be treating stretch marks for patients to enhance their surgical results of perhaps a tummy tuck or Brazilian butt lift. Additionally, we’ve gone back and done treatments on scars for our surgical patients. I think that we’re only scratching the surface on what we see as far as results.”

Another advocate of Secret RF, Dr. Holy founder of THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix Arizona says, “What I appreciate about Secret RF is the ability to customize each treatment to the patients’ skin concern and lifestyle. Every patient is unique, and Secret RF is my new artistic paintbrush.”

In addition to this ability to tailor treatments to each individual’s needs, Secret RF works for many different kinds of lifestyles. In fact, Dr. Holy says, “I couldn’t believe when our first Secret RF patient was male! With the lack of downtime, working men can secretly come in for a treatment and leave looking only slightly red and flushed. It’s great for active, busy lifestyles.”

Dr. Manu Aggarwal, Medical Director of the Vein Care Center Laser Specialists in Lima, Celina, and Bluffton, Ohio says this system is not just about aging skinthough, “Secret RF has expanded our treatment options and our target patient demographics – we’re even seeing teenagers who are seeking to reduce the appearance of scars2, interested in Secret RF.” Dr. Manu has also seen amazing before and after results from using Secret RF (Photo 1).

These doctors all agree – Secret RF‘s energy-based treatment sets their results apart from that of their peers. Further, Secret RF is customizable to meet the needs of the individual patient best. For instance, Secret RF has customizable needle lengths that allow for different levels of penetration and intensity. Dr. Aggarwal says,

Photo 1

What I appreciate about Secret RF is that I can customize each treatment to the individual patient I am treating, and because we have two needle types, the treatments can be performed on all skin types and all year round.

Whether a patient is looking to address the signs of aging1, revitalize1 their skin or reduce scarring2, Secret RF can help a wide variety of people from many different walks of life feel like they belong in their own skin again. Better yet, plastic surgeons agree! The utility of this tool is proving its value in the clinic every day across the country. To request more info about Secret RF, click here.

Why Secret™ RF Skin Revitalization Treatment is a Hot New Trend That is Rapidly Increasing in Demand for All Areas of the Body.

Secret™ RF is a microneedling treatment that combines the use of fine, insulated needles and radio frequency (RF) energy to heat and effectively target fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, frustrating stretchmarks, scars, and even crepey skin on the body1-3. One of the key features of Secret RF is that the needles deliver heat directly underneath the skin where it is needed, in a safe and controlled manner that does not damage the surface of the skin. More specifically, this treatment stimulates new collagen production, which can lead to a more supple appearance4. This minimally invasive technique also stimulates the wound-healing processes that promote the release of additional proteins that support skin revitalization. Due to its success rates, the use of this type of skin revitalization treatment increased by 99.5% in recent years5.

Adding to the appeal of Secret RF is the minimal downtime following this treatment. Patients generally report very few side effects and dramatic improvements of acne scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles in a short amount of time. Several clinicians who have incorporated the use of Secret RF into their practices also endorse the numerous benefits of using this device to promote skin health and revitalization6.

Secret RF improves

  • Fine Lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne and Typical Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Sun Damage

A key feature of Secret RF is its exceptional versatility, allowing your practitioner to treat large areas of the body as well as small-delicate regions (e.g., under eyes, nose)6. The versatility is important because patients usually seek treatment for skin on the face and neck, but more recently, there is an increasing number of patients who also desire improvement of skin on the abdomen, arms, knees, and thighs. Secret RF provides treatment to these areas that are typically hard to treat with other devices and has resulted in significant improvements in the appearance of the skin. Patients who have been treated with Secret RF frequently mention that the areas targeted with fine lines or wrinkles were noticeably reduced, especially around the eyes and mouth.

Furthermore, many patients speak to the effectiveness of Secret RF by stating that it can decrease the need for fillers and additional cosmetic procedures (e.g., surgical facelift) to achieve the desired outcomes.

Another advantage of Secret RF is that it can provide benefits to a wide demographic of patients as it improves the appearance of the skin in older and younger people6. Older individuals typically desire non-surgical treatment of eyelid drooping and loose skin, which is possible with Secret RF, while younger patients are attracted to the shorter recovery time after Secret RF treatment in comparison to laser treatment. Therefore, more and more people are choosing Secret RF microneedling to achieve younger, healthier-looking skin.

Indeed, individuals who choose this type of microneedling treatment are typically very satisfied with the level of comfort and the visible improvements that this skin revitalization procedure provides. Many are so happy with the results that they decide to undergo repeated treatments to achieve even better outcomes6. Secret RF offers full body treatment with minimal downtime and excellent versatility that allows both large complex areas such as the thighs, arms, and knees to be treated as well as delicate areas around the eyes and mouth. The benefits and results are rapidly making Secret RF a standard device in practices all across the country by offering an optimal, non-surgical, and minimally invasive skin solution. Ask your provider about Secret RF today.

Does RF help with stretch marks?

Can RF skin resurfacing help stretch marks? Yes! Because the radiofrequency energy penetrates to the deeper dermis layer to trigger collagen production and skin remodeling, it is a fantastic option for the noninvasive treatment of stretch marks.

How long after secret RF do you see results?

However patients can expect to see results about 4-6 weeks after treatment and will continue to look even better as time goes on as collagen/elastin builds.

How long does it take to heal from secret RF?

The Secret RF treatment involves limited downtime, with redness and swelling for a up to three days after treatment. Your usual activities can be resumed the same day or the following day. Any remaining visible effects (a possible fine brown crusting on the skin surface) can easily be covered with makeup.

How many treatments do you need for secret RF?

HOW MANY SECRET RF TREATMENTS WILL I NEED? Patients typically need 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Most patients report seeing improvement after the second treatment however results are optimized 3 months after the last treatment.


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