My dog ate a bag of m&ms

Joined Mar 27, 2008


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Discussion Starter · #1 · Sep 4, 2008

Toby is 16 pounds, not a small maltese. Toby ate a one pound bag of milk chocolate m&ms. He has thrown up 3 times already. Should I get him to the emergency vet?

Joined Jun 1, 2005


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Joined May 16, 2007


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Oh my, can you call the ER vet and ask them what to do? I believe there are some home remedies to make them throw up more if necessary. Please let us know how he does.

Joined Feb 13, 2008


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I don't have a definitive medical answer, but if it were my dog, I would take her to the vet asap.

My friend's Maltese recently at a bag of Raisinets, and the dog had to stay overnight at the vet's.

Joined Oct 19, 2004


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yes! contact the vet ... that is a LOT for a little pooch to consume.
Please let us know how Toby does.

Joined Aug 29, 2005


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Give him a tsp. of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It will make him throw the vet. :grouphug:

Joined Jan 25, 2007


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Yes-better safe than sorry-call the emergency vet asap! Hope Toby is ok! rayer:

Joined Oct 9, 2004


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Not only is that a LOT of chocolate but it is a lot of sugar. If it were me I would at the very least consult with a vet tonight.

Joined Mar 11, 2006


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:w00t: Wow a whole pound. I sure hope he will be ok.

Joined Oct 19, 2004


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Toby consumed a toxic amount of milk chocolate. You need to get him to the vet asap.

Milk chocolate: 1 ounce per pound of body weight. Approximately one pound of milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound dog; one-half pound for a 10-pound dog. The average chocolate bar contains 2 to 3 ounces of milk chocolate. It would take 2-3 candy bars to poison a 10 pound dog. Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxic level.


Joined Jul 11, 2006


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Oh I'm so sorry. Have you spoken to the vet yet? They may want to give him something in addition to making him throw up. Please keep us posted.

Joined Oct 30, 2006


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QUOTE (RosieToby @ Sep 3 2008, 09:18 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=629532

Toby is 16 pounds, not a small maltese. Toby ate a one pound bag of milk chocolate m&ms. He has thrown up 3 times already. Should I get him to the emergency vet?

My heart stopped when I saw this...please take him in asap if you haven't already and please let us know how he is

Joined Jan 30, 2006


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Oh no, :shocked: . Hope Toby will be OK. Poor little guy. That's an awful lot of sugar. I'd take him to a vet.

Joined Mar 23, 2004


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i hope u got toby to the vet ok that is a large amount of chocolate.

Joined Sep 14, 2006


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Please let us know how he is soon as you can. We hope he is going to be okay~~~

Joined Jun 7, 2006


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I've been thinking about Toby. I hope he is ok. :grouphug:

Joined Mar 27, 2008


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Discussion Starter · #17 · Sep 4, 2008

I called the poison center and they said to bring him in to the Vet too. He is staying there overnight. I didn't even get to talk to the Vet, the nurse just came in with an estimate and told me to pick him up in the a.m. He didn't eat a whole pound, once you subtract out what I ate :blush: and my two boys ate, maybe 1/2 pound to 3/4 pound. I shouldn't have even bought the m&m's my fat butt doesn't need it and I have no will power. Toby got to the m&m's because he can jump onto the kitchen table and the kids left it there.
I'm gonna miss him and I hope everything is going to be ok.
Thank you everyone for your input and concerns.

Joined Jun 1, 2005


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Hang in there Robin, he'll be ok. we all have things hppen to us, Matilda got a chicken bone my husband left, I felt terrible about it :grouphug:

Joined Mar 11, 2006


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Glad you got him to the vet. Better stay than sorry! Thanks for the update.

Joined Aug 13, 2007


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Keeping Toby in my prayers rayer: Please keep us updated on Toby. :grouphug: :grouphug:


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