List of doctors that accept medicaid near me

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Fee for Service

Medicaid members who are served through the fee-for-service program and are not enrolled in a managed care health plan can search for participating Medicaid providers through the provider portal.

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Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)

In Virginia's Medicaid Managed Care program, you are a member of a Managed Care Organization (MCO). An MCO is a health plan with a group of doctors and other providers working together to give health services to its members. Your MCO will cover all Medicaid services you get now, including medical services, behavioral health services, nursing facility services and “waiver” services for community-based long term care. All MCOs meet Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements.

Find a Provider - MCOs.

Visit your enrollment website for help finding a provider in your health plan:

CCC Plus

Medallion 4

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Use this link to search our online directory for Health Partners (Medicaid) doctors, hospitals, medical equipment, pharmacies and specialty services:

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You can look for a provider three ways:

  • Use the ZIP code box to choose a provider by location.
  • Enter a provider’s name or specialty, or a medical condition, in the search box.
  • Browse using the categories listed in the bottom section of the search page.

Search tips

  • You can narrow your results by choosing more search items, such as the provider’s gender, language(s) spoken, specialty type, and hospital affiliation, or to limit your search by distance.
  • On the results page, click on “More about this provider” to see office hours, board certification for physicians, whether PCPs are accepting new patients, and other information. You can also create a personal directory of providers that you can download or print.
  • Click the "HELP" button in the upper right corner on each directory page for more tips on how to search.
  • Click “Start New Search” at the top of the page to start over.

Directory updates

  • Directory information is updated twice weekly, and includes any information received from the provider.
  • For the most current information about our participating providers, please call Member Relations at 1-800-553-0784 or 215-849-9600 (TTY 1-877-454-847).

If you want to see a specialist

If you want to see a specialist, please go to your PCP to get a referral first (except for routine dental, vision or OB/GYN care).

To find mental health or substance abuse providers

If you are looking for mental health or substance abuse providers, please call your county’s HealthChoices behavioral health organization.

View list of local behavioral health organizations

For printed copies of directory listings:

To request a printed copy of our directory listings, or for other help finding a provider, call Member Relations anytime at 1-800-553-0784 or 215-849-9600 (TTY 1-877-454-8477).


When you need help for non-emergency medical conditions, contact Teladoc, a phone and video service that puts you in touch with doctors and pediatricians.

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Searching for Doctors Who Accept Medicaid?

Home | Searching for Doctors Who Accept Medicaid?

Searching for Doctors Who Accept Medicaid?scottadvan2022-04-25T10:48:49-04:00

At all AxessPointe locations, our doctors gladly accept both Medicaid and Medicare.  At AxessPointe, we know it can be tricky (and expensive!) navigating the world of health care.  It is our mission to provide quality and affordable healthcare to those who need it. Though our services are open and welcome to all, our focus is on the uninsured and underinsured.  Our team is built of skilled and experienced doctors and nurse practitioners that accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurances. For those without insurance, AxessPointe provides a sliding-fee scale for our professional healthcare services that is based on family size and income.

Help! I Need A Pharmacy That Accepts Medicare

Our pharmacy accepts Medicaid and Medicare

Our Services

Our providers at AxessPointe have the unique skill set you need whether you’re searching for general care or women’s health services.  AxessPointe is committed to providing the necessary healthcare services for our patients from when they are babies to adulthood and throughout the golden years.

Our primary services include:

  • Adult and Children’s Health
  • Acute and Urgent Care
  • Preventive Health
  • Routine Physicals
  • Vaccines and Immunizations
  • Referral To Local Health Specialists
  • Pharmaceutical Services
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Women’s Health Services
  • Internal Medicine Services
  • Dental Services

AxessPointe’s team consists of family doctors and nurse practitioners as well as specialists in behavioral health, women’s healthcare, and internal medicine.  Our providers are committed to their patients physical, emotional and social well-being. From routine check-ups and preventive care to diagnostic assessments and chronic disease management, our team has the experience to provide high-quality health care to all of our patients.  When searching for a family doctor or nurse practitioner, consider AxessPointe as your team of reliable primary care providers.

AxessPointe Locations

AxessPointe has four offices located throughout Northeast Ohio.  Our locations consist of the following:

  • Arlington
  • Barberton
  • Kent
  • Portage Path

If you are in need of specific medical expertise such as women’s health care or internal medicine services, please visit our Locations page.  You will be provided with a full list of the unique services offered at each of our locations.

Call to schedule at any of our locations.

Same day visits are available.

This website is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1,419,765. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit

AxessPointe Community Health Centers

1400 S. Arlington St., Suite 38
Akron, OH 44306

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How do I find Medicaid providers in my area?

For more information about Medicaid, visit the Medicaid & CHIP page on If you have trouble accessing the Physician Compare website, please call 1-800-MEDICARE and a representative will be able to run the search for you. They can also send you a print version of the search results.

Can doctors refuse Medicaid patients?

If you are a private practice doctor, you DO NOT HAVE TO accept Medicaid or Medicare patients. Many physicians will not accept Medicare/Medicaid patients because of the low reimbursement rates and late payments.

How do I find a primary care physician?

How do you find a primary care physician?.
Your health insurance plan. Your health insurance plan may keep an online list of network primary care doctors who are accepting new patients. ... .
Personal referrals. ... .
Referrals from your current physician. ... .
Hospital access..

Is Medicaid a insurance?

Medicaid is the nation's public health insurance program for people with low income. The Medicaid program covers 1 in 5 Americans, including many with complex and costly needs for care. The program is the principal source of long-term care coverage for Americans.


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