Letter of recommendation for national honor society examples

This is letter I wrote for one of my soccer players, as a recommendation for National Honor Society. I have worked with Amber for a number of years on goalkeeping and she is one of my strongest players. I remember asking folks to write letters of recommendation for me while I was in high school for clubs like the NHS and now it it neat to be on the other side of the fence and write one on somebody's behalf.

So here it goes...

I was asked to write a brief essay about the character of one, Ms. Amber Zdanovec. I have known Amber for four years, being her soccer coach. Ever since meeting Amber, I have been impressed with her capacity for hard work and determination. Amber is a soccer goalkeeper, a position that requires a tremendous amount of patience and attention to detail. Having been a goalkeeper myself, I have learned that these qualities are as important off the field as on the field, and in my experience this has been the case with Amber. She has always impressed me with her ability to play multiple team sports, as well as keep an above average high school grade point. These examples in and of themselves show the exceptional character traits held by Amber.

The quality that I admire most about Amber is her ability to put others before her self. Selflessness is a rare character trait in today’s society, but such a valuable one. I am convinced that we truly will be happiest as a people, a nation, and a world when we find the ability to give rather then to receive. This is the building block for true peace. If there where more people that had this character trait exhibited by Amber, the world would be a better place. It is for this reason, which I highly recommend Amber for acceptance into the National Honor Society.


The National Honor Society, or NHS, works to recognize and honor high school sophomores, juniors and seniors who excel in the classroom. The four pillars of the NHS are character, scholarship, leadership and service. To become a member of the NHS, a teacher needs to write a recommendation letter for the student that describes how the student demonstrates each of the pillars. A stellar letter will increase the odds that the student will gain entrance into the society.

Learn about NHS

The NHS is an organization that honors high school students who receive good grades. The NHS website notes that the society is more than an honor roll because, in addition to good grades, it also recognizes students who demonstrate leadership, service and character. The NHS started in 1921, and now has chapters in all 50 states, as well as in Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and Canada. Once a member, a student is encouraged to continue excelling by being active in his school and community. If you know someone who deserves to be in the NHS, a recommendation letter for the student is in order.

Introduce the Student

Begin your recommendation letter for the student by sharing your personal connection. For example, write that you've had the student in your math class for the past two years or that you were introduced to the student when you became her basketball or softball coach. This aspect of the letter is usually short, but it's important because it establishes that you know the student well enough to recommend her acceptance into the NHS.

Describe What Makes the Student Special

The bulk of the recommendation letter for the student will include information about why they would be a good fit for the NHS. Some chapters of the NHS ask that you rank a student based on her leadership skills and character, while other chapters also want information about how dependable, motivated, honest, courteous and resourceful a student is. A description of the four pillars of the NHS with specific examples of how a student upholds them might also be included in the letter.

Close With Kind Words

The end of your recommendation letter for the student should include a few good words about the student, as well as your wholehearted recommendation that she deserves to be a member of the NHS. For example, you might end with a sentence stating that you enthusiastically or without reservation recommend the student to be a valuable addition and asset to the NHS. Include a statement welcoming the reviewer of the letter to contact you with further questions and provide your preferred contact information, as well. End the letter with your signature.

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Writer Bio

Sara Ipatenco has taught writing, health and nutrition. She started writing in 2007 and has been published in Teaching Tolerance magazine. Ipatenco holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in education, both from the University of Denver.

How do you write a letter of recommendation for National Honor Society?

Describe What Makes the Student Special The bulk of the recommendation letter for the student should include information about why they would be a good fit for the NHS. You should focus on at least one of the four pillars of the NHS, Character, scholarship, leadership, or service.

Do you need a letter of recommendation for National Honor Society?

General Directions: Two teacher recommendations must be submitted by each student applying for membership into the National Honor Society. One MUST be from an English or History teacher; the other MUST be from a Science or Math teacher.

What should a good letter of recommendation include?

It should give an overall picture of the candidate's: personal characteristics, performance, experience, strengths, capabilities and professional promise. Letters of recommendation can also be used to explain some weakness or ambiguity in a student's record.

How do you write a positive letter of recommendation?

A good recommendation letter includes three main points: your relationship with the person you're recommending, observations and evaluations of their work, and why they are qualified for the position. Establish how you worked together and for how long in a sentence or two.


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