I am affirmations for wealth health prosperity and happiness

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Fifteen years ago, a friend gave me a book that changed the course of my life forever. I will never forget that day and the subsequent days that followed as every fiber in my being absorbed the words in the book, The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

If I never read that book, I honestly have no idea where I would be today.

Suddenly, life had an entirely new meaning, and I realized I was going about things the wrong way for so many years.

Prior to reading that book, I lived most of my days riddled with anxiety and consumed by worry.

I was under the impression that the more I contemplated every possible scenario in my head, the more equipped I would be to control every possible outcome.

I had no idea just how powerful my thoughts were, and I was ignorant of the fact that every thought has a vibration, and those vibrations are always attracting a similar frequency.

Unbeknownst to me, I was continually attracting lack and negativity into my life because that is where my attention was focused.

After reading The Power of Intention, my life completely shifted as I finally became aware of the impact our thoughts have on our environment and just how powerful they are at attracting both positive and negative experiences.

I have since read countless books that have a similar message and have come to understand and trust in the power of our thoughts.

One of my favorite quotes by Napoleon Hill says, "Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."

The question then is, do you have an overwhelming amount of positive or negative thoughts throughout your day, and how are they shaping your life?

One of the ways I consistently reprogram my subconscious mind to think abundantly and focus on the positive rather than the negative is through daily affirmations.

Affirmations are not the end all be all in manifestation and creating an abundant life. However, I firmly believe they are one of the most effective ways to prime your mind to embody positivity and attract goodness into your life.

The more we feed our subconscious mind words of empowerment, the easier it becomes to trust in our abilities to manifest everything we want.

When we read affirmations consistently, they can interrupt the program of scarcity and allow us to overcome self-limiting beliefs.

Awareness of the negative thoughts flooding our minds will allow us to rewire our brains and create new neural pathways consistent with the goals and dreams we intend to manifest.

Manifestation is not just about material wealth; it is about living the life you were born to live so you can experience all this world has to offer in love, health, happiness, and financial security.

Affirmations are a powerful tool that allow you to release your negative beliefs and install a new program that supports your walk and journey on this planet as a complete being that radiates love and joy.

When you are living from a state of lack, and regularly rehearsing negative thinking, you are attracting more negativity into your life, whether you are aware of it or not.

Choose to live in harmony with positive thoughts by repeating affirmations daily and notice how your life begins to shift.

If you have a negative bias towards affirmations, chances are they will not work for you until you release whatever is holding you back and trust in their power.

Here are ten incredible affirmations I wanted to share with you that I have learned throughout my spiritual and personal development journey.

Several are directly from the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy and some I created.

You can pick and choose which ones resonate with you or create your own.


  1. I am one with the infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right to be rich, happy, and successful. Money flows to me freely, copiously, and endlessly. I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully blessed financially. It is wonderful.

  2. Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all my ways. Perfect health is mine and the Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace, and abundance are mine. The principle of right action and divine order govern my entire life

  3. I am strong, confident, and capable of achieving everything I want in life

  4. I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis

  5. The infinite intelligence which gave me this desire leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my subconscious is now responding, and what I feel and claim within is expressed in the without. There is a balance, equilibrium, and equanimity

  6. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life

  7. I am in alignment with my highest self, and I am always moving in the direction of my soul's purpose

  8. I am abundant in love, health, and wealth because there is no such thing as scarcity, only abundance

  9. I am always moving in the direction of my ideal self and can trust in the power of the universe to support my soul's journey on this physical plane

  10. I am an energetic being full of life and vitality


I highly encourage you to make affirmations a part of your daily routine. You can write your own based on everything you want to create and attract into your life.

Repeating affirmations consistently and believing in the words you are saying can begin to take charge of your thoughts and change your pattern of thinking.

When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life.

Eradicate self-limiting beliefs through the power of daily affirmations, and you will have the confidence to achieve anything you want in life.

Open the door to new possibilities by affirming your worth through the power of the words you repeat to yourself.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this practice. 

Do you currently use affirmations? Share in the comments below!

If you are interested in purchasing either of the books I mentioned you can click the links below.

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Rise + Align | Awaken Your True Self


Tired of living a life that doesn’t have you jumping out of bed every morning filled with passion and purpose? Ready to live with less stress and more ease?

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It is my heartfelt wish that my experiences will be a guiding light for you to find direction and alignment in your own life.

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How do you attract health wealth and happiness?

I discovered there are seven habit shifts that everyone needs to make in order to have it all -- health, wealth and happiness:.
Let go of the past. ... .
Be Positive. ... .
Manifest your future. ... .
You are what you eat. ... .
Move and sleep for energy. ... .
Look good. ... .
Practice self-care..

What are 10 affirmations you could say daily?

50 Positive Self-Affirmations.
I am successful..
I am confident..
I am powerful..
I am strong..
I am getting better and better every day..
All I need is within me right now..
I wake up motivated..
I am an unstoppable force of nature..

How do you write affirmations for wealth?

Affirmations for Wealth.
I am the master of my wealth..
I am able to handle large sums of money..
I am at peace with having a lot of money..
I can handle massive success with grace..
Money expands my life's opportunities and experiences..
Money creates a positive impact in my life..
I am worthy of financial abundance..

What is the best affirmation for money?

Abundant Money Affirmations Money is drawn to me and I am drawn to it. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly. I am perceptive of opportunities that will make me money. I am able to handle money.

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