How to work out the back of your thighs

Kathryn Wirsing

When you think about working your inner thighs, if a throwback image of someone squeezing on a Thigh Master comes to mind, you can hardly be blamed. Just know that there are loads of other inner-thigh exercises you can use to strengthen and sculpt the interior part of your upper legs.

These muscles, which are called your adductors, FYI, are important because they help you move your legs inward, like, say after doing a side lunge, support you when you walk and run, stabilize your pelvis, and keep your knees (and overall lower body) strong. Having tough adductors also helps you keep your hips and lower back in a more neutral position, which helps you avoid over-arching your back—and dealing with the aches and pains that come with it. All of which is to say that these muscles play a really important role in keeping you super fit and injury-free!

The keys to really setting them on fire: lateral (or side-to-side) movements and single-leg exercises. You can use the inner thigh exercises I hand-picked below to create your own inner thigh workout. I recommend incorporating these types of moves into your routine at least two or three times per week to walk, run, and just generally move with strength and balance.

Bonus: These moves are all considered compound movements, which mean they hit more than muscle group at a time. There’s a big misconception that if you want to tone a specific muscle group—like the inner thighs—you isolate them, but the body doesn’t work that way. The body works as a unit. The fix: incorporating compound movements that, yes, hit your inner thighs, but also other muscles like the glutes, quads, and calves.

Quick Tips For Total-Body Toning

Don’t Forget Your Upper Body

These moves make up an awesome lower-body routine but make sure you’re not neglecting the rest of your body. If you want to do a split training method, do upper body twice a week and lower body three times a week. Or, you could integrate both together by doign three lower-body movements and three upper-body movements in one training session.

Grab The Low-Hanging Fruit

When it comes to toning all-over, nutrition is an often overlooked component. Another underrated variable is sleep. It factors into how you show up in the gym, how much energy you have, and also impacts your cortisol levels. The more sleep you have, you lower your cortisol and cortisol is a fat-producing hormone. So sleep is very, very important and really ties together the outcomes we're looking for.

Think Strength, Then Cardio

If you're looking for toning and sculpting, don't rely too much on cardio, although it should be a part of your overall fitness routine. (Remember: Cardio can be anything that gets your heart rate elevated and working. It's is not just relegated to running on the treadmill.)

Be Consistent

If you’re doing all of the above, and showing up consistently, you're going to get results—there's no need to search any further.

The Best Inner Thigh Workout

Time: 15 minutes

Equipment: No equipment? No problem. The are plenty of bodyweight-only exercises to choose from below. But some moves require the following equipment—stability ball or yoga block, resistance band, weights (kettlebells or dumbbells), workout mat

Good for: Legs, lower-body

Instructions: Choose at least three moves below, including one single-leg and one lateral lunge exercise. Perform 10 reps of each, then immediately continue on to the next. Once you've finished all three movements, rest for 45 seconds then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds.


Stability Ball Hamstring Squeeze

Why it's great: In addition to building stronger glutes and hamstrings, this move hits your inner thigh muscles hard, too.

How to: Start lying on stomach with forehead resting on forearms, legs extended straight on mat and stability ball (or yoga block) gently squeezed between ankles and feet. Without moving upper body, bend knees and engage hamstrings to lift feet and ball or block a few inches off floor. Return to start. That's one rep. Perform 10, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great: Typically we train in the frontal plain—this move is a great way to train our lateral stabilizers In addition to inner thighs, it strengthens your glutes, which in turn helps to stabilize the knees.

How to: Start standing sideways at the bottom of mat with feet under hips and arms by sides. Take a large step out with right leg and sit hips back and bend right knee until right thigh is parallel to floor while left leg remains straight, toes of both feet facing forward. Push through right heel to return to start. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.


Supported Single-Leg Deadlift

Why it's great: The supported single-leg deadlift is an introduction for people who have a challenging time performing a full single-leg deadlift. It also helps you to understand how to do a hip hinge before just going into a full single-leg deadlift.

How to: Start standing on left leg with a weight in right hand, palm facing toward thigh and left arm by side. Step right leg a few feet behind body, lift heel, and press right toes into the floor for balance. Keep left leg slightly bent. Lean forward, hinging at the hips with a flat back while lowering the weight toward floor. Drive into left heel to return to the standing position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great: This move tends to get your heart pumping, so consider it a leg strengthener and cardio in one.

How to: Start standing tall with feet directly beneath hips and arms at sides. Engage core and take a big step back with right foot. Bend both legs until back knee taps floor directly beneath hip (keep right heel high), while simultaneously bending arms and bringing hands together at chest height. Push through feet to reverse the movement and return to start. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.


Lateral Lunge with Glute Pull

Why it's great: This super complex movement challenges full-body coordination and strength.

How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands at sides. Take a big step to the right, then push hips back, bending right knee and lowering body until right knee is bent to 90 degrees. Push back to an upright position, lifting right knee and pulling it into chest with arms. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.


Resistance Band Lateral Step-Out Squat

Why it's great: This is a great move to activate the glutes. You could integrate this into your warmup to get the glutes activated and work through that squat range of motion.

How to: Stand up straight with a resistance band wrapped just below knees. Clasp hands in front of chest. Take a big step to the right, then bend knees, sit back, and lower until thighs are parallel with the floor. Engage glutes and press back up through heels to your starting position. Repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great: Jumping jacks are my all-time favorite. You don't need equipment or coordination, there's no impact, and it's a great way to warm the body up and get the heart rate going.

How to: Start standing with hands by sides. Jump legs open, slightly wider than hip-distance, while bringing hands up overhead. Jump legs back together and arms down by sides. That's one rep. Perform 10, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great:This is the true single-leg test. Your inner thigh muscles, quads, hamstrings, and glutes are all working overtime.

How to: Start standing about two feet in front of a step, holding a weight in each hand. Extend left leg back and place left foot on step. Bend knees to lower body as far as you can (or until knee hovers right above the ground), keeping shoulders back and chest up. Pause, then press through right heel to return to start. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great: Spending lots of time under tension in proper squat form is guaranteed to light up your inner thighs, so don't underestimate the power of slowing things down.

How to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped in front of chest. Push hips back and bend knees until thighs are nearly parallel to the floor. Hold for up to 30 seconds. That's one rep. Perform up to 10 reps, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great: A full single-leg deadlift requires a lot of stability and unilateral strength.

How to: Stand on left leg with right palm facing towards thighs, holding a kettlebell. Extend left arm to the side for balance and keep left leg slightly bent. Lean forward, lifting right leg straight behind body until torso is parallel to mat, and kettlebell is almost touching the ground. Drive into left heel to return to the standing position on both legs. That’s one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.


Lateral Lunge with Reach

Why it's great: Reaching over helps to facilitate more glute activation and helps with core stability.

How to: Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hands at sides. With right hand, reach down toward foot, lowering body until left knee is bent to 90 degrees. Immediately repeat on the other side. Continue for up to 30 seconds. That's one rep. Perform up to 10 reps, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great:Nothing fires up the inner thighs like a sumo stance!

How to: Stand with heels shoulder-distance apart, then turn toes open slightly. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of hips. Bend knees, reaching hips back, and lower down into a squat. Allow arms to hang so that the weight remains under shoulders. Lower until hips are slightly below the level of knees. Pause at the bottom for two seconds, then drive into heels to return to standing. That’s one rep. Perform 10, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.


Front-Rack Deficit Lunge

Why it's great:This tweak on lunges increases your range of motion and time under tension, boosting the challenge for your inner thighs (and entire lower body).

How to: Stand up straight on small riser, step, or box with a set of weights cleaned in front of your chest. Lift right knee up to hip height in front of body, then bring it behind body until the ball of foot reaches the ground. Slowly lower down until both knees form 90-degree angles. Return to your knee-lifted position. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great:This single-leg-focused hold helps even out your lower-body strength and improves running mechanics.

How to: Stand up tall, then take a large step forward. From here, bend knees and lower body until knees are bent to 90 degrees. Hold for up to 30 seconds. That's one rep. Perform five on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Why it's great: Step-ups are a great way to train unilateral strength, single-leg balance and coordination, as well as work the glutes.

How to: Start standing facing a bench or stair, hands on waist and feet under hips. Step right foot onto bench or stair and pull left knee up toward chest. Reverse movement to return to start. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.


Weighted Lateral Lunge

Why it's great:This leveled-up side lunge hits your inner thighs and glutes hard.

How to: Holding a pair of weights cleaned at chest, stand up straight with feet hip-width apart. Take a large step to the left, sit hips back, and lower down until left knee is nearly parallel with the floor. Right leg should be straight. Press through heel to return to start. That's one rep. Perform 10 on each side, then immediately continue on to your next move. When you've completed all of your exercises, rest for 45 seconds. Then, repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

How do I target the fat on the back of my thighs?

Exercises for Back Thigh Fat Squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings, lunges and other compound movements are more effective for burning calories and improving body composition than isolation work. These exercises hit nearly every muscle, providing a full-body workout.

How do you shape the back of your legs?

10 exercises for toned legs.
Squats. The squat is one of the best exercises to tone legs. ... .
Lunges. Lunges work your thighs, butt, and abs. ... .
Plank leg lifts. Regular planks target the upper body, core, and hips. ... .
Single-leg deadlifts. ... .
Stability ball knee tucks. ... .
Step-ups. ... .
7. Box jumps. ... .
Speedskater jumps..


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