How to unlock jeep cherokee with key fob inside

Joined May 17, 2012


1,802 Posts

Discussion Starter · #1 · Dec 5, 2019

Got a MY11 and the car just locked itself with the fob inside. The fob has come up with low battery but was still working. Any tricks to open the car???

Urgent help please!

Joined Apr 19, 2018


4,778 Posts

If the Jeep has the keyless passive entry open door handles, keep trying including the hatch.

If no success and no spare fob or key, might want to give a call to the local police or the local lock smith.
Most police depts. will come out and 'try' to get the door open with a slim jim.
A lock smith might try picking the door lock first.
If that don't work, its probably a call to the dealership.
Maybe someone else here has some other ideas.

This is one fear i have with these passive entry open door fobs.
Don't know about the '11's but my '18 fob has a detachable emergency door key which i keep on a separate key chain from the fob.
My fob never leaves my left pocket. The house, garage, barn, etc. including the emergency key are kept my right pocket.
Probably overkill but i won't ever get accidentally locked out of my Jeep....that is unless i get car jacked or robbed. haha!

Joined May 17, 2012


1,802 Posts

Discussion Starter · #3 · Dec 9, 2019

Well, a 2.5 hour round trip to get the spare key solved the problem.

Seems the key fob battery decided to go flat, freaked out, locked the car. So it CAN happen.

Joined Dec 30, 2018


370 Posts

Since as far back as I can remember I have always had a spare key taped or tied with a piece of wire and hidden somewhere under the vehicle. I pick a spot that is hidden from view and able to be reached without too much effort.
Both the 07 and 19 have a key cut to gain access to the inside of the vehicle. These keys will open the doors, set off the alarm, won't start the engine but will allow me to grab the keys locked inside. They're cheap money too since they're non-chipped.

Joined May 17, 2012


1,802 Posts

Discussion Starter · #5 · Jan 6, 2020

had a spare key taped or tied with a piece of wire and hidden somewhere under the vehicle

Good advice.

Why do you want to know how to unlock a jeep Cherokee with keys inside? are you planning to snatch a jeep Cherokee from the highway or others garages? If it is not, you are a forgetful person, and I am here to help you pass this critical situation.

You don’t need much money or mechanical knowledge to unlock a vehicle door without keys. So, stay with me from 2 to 5 minutes, and maybe I can help you to have a safe return with your Cherokee.

Easy Steps To Unlock A Jeep Without A Key

I will suggest all regular processes without drilling or window cutting as jeep Cherokee is not a cheap jeep as a patriot. Apply anyone from my list according to your surroundings, and the article is well researched to unlock your Cherokee.

Try To Open Soft-top Or Sunroof. 

I don’t know about your jeep’s model, trim level, or releasing year, but this is the easiest way to unlock your jeep Cherokee. You just need to make a little space in the Cherokee top with a thin metal or spoon and then use a hook to take your keys.

If keys are untouchable, try to press sunroof keys or unlock door keys to make more space. If your jeep has a one-touch leaking problem or an XJ or ZJ version, you can easily open the sunroof.

Use A Slim Jim.

Slim Jim is a small and thin-sized meal mostly are being used for opening car doors. Stop other cars or jeeps and ask for a slim Jim; I am sure that you will get it in your first 3 to 10 vehicles. Just put it in the lock position and turn it until the lock opens.

A thief can open a locked door in 10 to 20 seconds using slim Jim. Still, is this valuable item missing in the toolbox? You can buy it from 10$ to 25$ from any automotive retailer, including Amazon and Walmart in the United States.

Apply Airbags To Create A Little Gap Between Doors

Airbags are a cheap kit for 20$ to make a little distance between jeep door and body. It is one of the easy and user-friendly tools where you just need to put these airbags into the upper side of the doors.

Pump the bags until there is a 2 inches gap. Don’t pump it too much; otherwise, it can break the door’s glass. Then put a slick or metal between the gap and try to pull door keys or press the door lock button.

You can also tie a tough wire or U-shaped hook on the front side of metal if the door only offers a hook system. even you can also rub some sticky liquid on the metal stick or adjust a snake-catching stick to do it in a very soft way.

Use A Thin Rod Or Hook.

Always try to apply the first three systems as they are the most suitable and popular way to unlock a door without a key. If you are in a challenging situation where you can’t manage anything, as I said, then use a very thin rod or hook between glass and door lock and then try to unlock it.

You have to be much careful to complete this process as there is a chance of scratching the body. If you are first-time stuck in that situation, try to add a helping hand with you.

Use CB Radio To Get Help From Other Drivers

most offroad vehicle owners use portable CB radio for better communication and relief from a shitty situation. You can also get full advantages from your handheld jeep radio if it is out of the vehicle and in your hand.

Communicate with your nearby drivers who have essential tools and liberate yourself from that bad condition.

Use Cell Phone 

I think you can do anything to pass this state when your cell phone with internet or balance is still in your pocket. Call anyone of your friends or automotive experts who can help and explain your bad condition.

I think they will come or provide you with the best solution to pass this worst environment. You can type jeep repair shop me in your phone chrome browser, and you will have their numbers or address to communicate.

Elucidate everything from the beginning and ask for help or tips to finish it in a smooth way. Search anything to unlock jeep Cherokee keys inside on your phone, and the internet is full of a lot of resources in this era.


Now, you know the best possible way how to unlock Jeep Cherokee with keys inside. So try the best applicable way depending on your condition and budget. And also, try to ensure jeep anti-theft system as you know opening a jeep door is not too tough

How do you unlock a car if your keys are inside?

An option for getting into your car if your keys are locked in it is to have a locksmith make a new key for the car. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to provide the VIN or Vehicle Identification Number to the locksmith. Using the VIN, the locksmith will be able to make a new key that will fit the lock.

Can I lock my key fob in my Jeep Cherokee?

if you manually push the lock button (rocker switch by the inside handle) and close the door it will lock the keys inside and not activate the theft deterent system. Additionally if you press the interior electronic lock button 3 times it will allow you to lock the keys inside.

Can you lock your key fob in your Jeep?

It is possible to lock the second fob in the vehicle, but you have to place it where the sensor doesn't pick it up. That's pretty easy to do. Get in the Jeep and start it. throw the key in the back and see if the "Fob has left the vehicle" message comes up on the screen.


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