How to remove pen ink from leather sofa

Leather makes for beautiful furniture, clothing, and accessories, but even the best-kept leather can still end up with a stain or two. One of the most common leather stains is pen marks, thanks to the leaky nature of some pens and their proximity to leather bags and furniture. But with the help of a few common cleaning supplies, pen marks on leather can be treated and removed. Keep reading to find out how.

How Often Should You Remove Pen Marks on Leather?

Pen marks on leather should be treated and cleaned as soon as they occur, or as soon as you notice them. Ink stains that have had the chance to dry and soak into the leather will be much harder to remove than fresh ink stains that are still wet. Regular cleaning and conditioning of your leather will ensure you notice all types of stains, including ink stains, in a timely manner.

What You'll Need

To remove pens marks from leather, you'll first need to gather your cleaning supplies. Here's what you'll need:

  • Water
  • Clean, white washcloths (colored washcloths can transfer their dye onto the leather)
  • Dish soap
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Hair dryer
  • Leather conditioner
  • Commercial leather cleaner (optional)

Design by Emily Henderson; Design and Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp

Step 1: Determine Your Leather Type

Before you attempt to remove your ink stain, you'll need to figure out whether you have finished or unfinished leather. To do this, place a drop of water in a hidden spot on the leather item. If it's immediately absorbed, you have unfinished leather. If the water sits on top and rolls off, you have finished leather. Ink stains on unfinished leather must be dealt with by a professional, as the ink is much more embedded within the leather. Ink stains on finished leather, however, can often be removed with a few common household supplies.

If you are treating finished leather, make sure to test out the cleaning agent in an inconspicuous spot before treating the stain to ensure it doesn't adversely affect the leather.

Step 2: Use Soap

The first cleaning agent you can use to remove ink from leather is one of the most versatile—dish soap. Place a few drops of dish soap on a damp white washcloth and gently blot the ink stain with it. Don't rub the stain, as this can further embed it.

If the stain has been removed, gently dry the treated area with a hair dryer on the low setting.

Step 3: Use Rubbing Alcohol

If dish soap didn't do much for your ink stain, try another handy household helper—rubbing alcohol. Dip a cotton ball or Q-tip in rubbing alcohol and gently blot the stain with it. Don't press down too hard, as rubbing alcohol is a strong cleaning agent and can remove the leather's colorant or finish if used incorrectly.

If the ink has been removed, dry the treated area with a hair dryer on the low setting. Leaving the rubbing alcohol to air-dry can remove much more than just the ink.

Step 4: Use Leather Cleaner or Get Help

If your pen mark still hasn't been removed from your leather, you're left with two options. First, you can try out a commercial ink remover for leather according to the manufacturer's instructions. Second, you can bring your leather to a cleaning professional to get it treated and fixed. (Though this option is the priciest, it's also the most effective.)

Step 5: Condition

Whether you removed your ink stain with soap, rubbing alcohol, or a commercial cleaner, you're not quite finished with the ink removal process. The last step is conditioning your leather to protect it and prolong its life, especially after using harsh cleaning agents on it. Follow the manufacturer's instructions of your favorite leather conditioner to put the finishing touch on your newly stain-free leather.

Katie Le Clerq

How to Keep Leather Pen-Mark-Free Longer

To keep your leather free of pen marks (and free of stains in general), clean and condition your leather regularly. Make sure all pens stored in leather bags are securely capped, and keep leaky pens out of clothing pockets! Finally, treat ink stains as soon as they occur, as they're much easier to remove when they are brand new versus when they've had the chance to dry.

Take a look at COIT’s Guide to removing ink stains from leather for step-by-step instructions.

  1. Moisten a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Perform a “spot test” before attempting to remove the ink stain. Find a part of the leather that is relatively hidden to see the effects beforehand. Apply the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol onto a small portion of the leather, and let it sit for 10 minutes (you shouldn’t encounter any problems, but it’s always good to perform this spot test beforehand just to be sure.)
  3. Apply the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol onto the leather ink stain. In a circular motion, gently rub the affected area, using a circular motion. Do not scrub. You should begin to see the ink stain gradually disappear.
  4. Using leather conditioner, apply a small amount to the affected area. This will bring back moisture and shine.

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Alternative Methods to Remove Ink Stains from Leather

If the rubbing alcohol isn’t working, you can attempt a few other methods.

If you’re trying to remove an ink stain from a leather couch, try using a white eraser directly on the stain. The White Magic Eraser (found at Target or Wal-Mart) tends to work very well. Depending on the type of ink and how long the ink stain has been there, this may remove or lighten the stain.

Though you can use hairspray for other types of ink stains, do not use hairspray to get ink out of leather. Though hairspray does contain alcohol, the rest of the ingredients will damage the leather.

Is that annoying leather ink stain still lingering? For more advanced ink stain removal that requires specialized, professional care, consider COIT Cleaning services. Don't forget to checkout our coupons!

Remember to always do a spot removal test on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is normally not visible. These are suggested treatments only and COIT can't be held accountable for any damage sustained by use of the treatments in this spot removal guide.

How do you remove ballpoint pen from leather?

Just like a fresh stain, you may remove ink stains just by using soap and water. Likewise, use a dry paper towel to soak up or remove the ink. Then use a damp paper towel and moisturizing soap and gently wipe the leather clean. Be sure to dry the leather once you are done.

Does vinegar remove ink from leather?

You could alternatively opt to clean with vinegar and try using a white vinegar solution to remove ink from leather. Simply mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Then, using a clean cloth, gently blot the stain and wipe away. Follow this up with a mixture of mild detergent and tepid water to remove any vinegar odor.

Can ink come off leather seats?

To remove ink from your leather car seats, you will need first to soak up any excess ink with a clean cloth or paper towel. Then using a clean white cloth, apply isopropyl rubbing alcohol and blot gently to lift the stain. Follow up with white vinegar. Next, rinse off the stain remover.


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