How to make your car sound deeper

I love how loud my exhaust is and I want to make it even louder and more impressive. What are the best ways to boost the sound of my exhaust?

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Many drivers love the deep growl of a loud exhaust, and there are a variety of ways you can achieve it.

The most common ways to enhance the sound of your exhaust include:

  • Replacing the muffler with a straight muffler that will make the exhaust come out directly
  • Aftermarket exhaust will maximize airflow and increase sound
  • An exhaust tip is a cost-effective method that will amplify the sound of your vehicle
  • Turbo chargers, while a more expensive option, will boost engine power and increase vehicle efficiency
  • Catback exhaust, a popular and inexpensive method, will increase your engine’s horsepower
  • Increasing the bore of your exhaust pipe by half an inch will produce louder and deeper sounds

Although each option can produce excellent sound amplifying results, it’s recommended that you read your vehicle’s manual and consult a professional technician before implementing any sound enhancers to your vehicle for the best results.

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Recently, I have been getting many inquiries from people asking me how to make my exhaust sound deeper. For those of you who are new in the world of automobiles, you might wonder why there should even be a need for your exhaust to sound a certain way.

Your car’s exhaust has different functions. A deep-sounding exhaust indicates that the engines are performing correctly. The exhaust system is one of the parts that work the hardest. It is composed of a series of pipes that control noise and directs the exhaust fumes away from the car’s interior.

When the exhaust does not function well, the engine feels exhausted and choked. Therefore, the engine’s horsepower is negatively affected. You also sacrifice fuel consumption due to a faulty exhaust system.

The engine’s horsepower changes drastically as soon as you fix your exhaust. The sound of the exhaust will remind you of how fast and powerful your engine could be.The sound determines your car’s capacity in general.

Let’s explore the ways on how to make your exhaust sound deeper.


How To Make My Exhaust Sound Deeper


  • Crescent Wrench
  • A set of screwdrivers
  • Different types of pliers
  • A whole set of socket
  • New exhaust tip
  • Brand new muffler
  • Mandrel bender
  • Turbocharger

Step-by-Step Procedure


Change The Original Muffler

Usually, the case is that your car has an original factory-installed muffler. Modifying the muffler to a new and more powerful one changes the sound and engine performance.


Change The Exhaust Tip

You can easily replace the exhaust tip especially if it shows signs of corrosion. There are plenty of plug-and-play exhaust pipes that make a big difference in sound and style.


Unclog The Exhaust Tubing

The next step is to unclog the tube that is attached to your car’s exhaust.

It looks like a garden hose so that you won’t miss it.

Most of the time, the exhaust and engine lose its power and pressure because this part is clogged up.

The tubing is responsible for circulating fresh air to the engine and reducing backflow into the exhaust system.

Use the mandrel tubing to clear out the exhaust tubing. This device uses a ball that pulls through the exhaust tubing to smooth it out.

Once you’ve cleaned out the exhaust tubing, fresh air can now flow freely through the system.


Change The Pipes

It is likely that you would still not acquire the full potential of your exhaust if you are still using the old pipes attached to it.

There is a chance the tubes that came with it when you first had your car are small.Those pipes hinder the proper flow of heat and pressure in your exhaust.

Buying new pipes will pressurize the air found in a cylinder, which in result enhances the performance of your engine.

Other Options

You can also use a turbocharger when you change your exhaust pipes. You can buy this from your local hardware or car shops, but I have to warn you that this machine could be pretty expensive. This option should be your last resort so that you can go easy on the budget.

Before you use a turbocharger for your exhaust, it is best that you determine what you’re dealing with. The benefit of using it is that your car acquires an output power equal to the measurement of your engine.

A disadvantage is that it would cost more fuel if you have this running. You can expect your car to emit much power. Hence, you will hear the exhaust sound a lot deeper than without it.

You could also check this video out for a more detailed instruction of this tutorial.


It is crucial that your car’s exhaust sound deep because it represents the status of your vehicle’s engine. You also must know that enhancing the sound of your exhaust would significantly affect the performance of your car. It would be hard to maximize the potential of your car if your car exhaust is stagnant with a sound that is not deep enough while you’re driving it.

One of the advantages, when you have your car's exhaust fixed, is that your vehicle emits less carbon monoxide. A clean exhaust helps prevent air pollution.

If you are comfortable in following the steps above and you have the necessary materials, you don’t need to take your car to a professional. Simply follow the instructions above and save on repairs and fees.

What are your thoughts? If you have questions, feedback, and additional tips don’t hesitate to share them with us. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to share this article!

I am David Walker / An auto mechanic . I have 14 years of experience as a mechanic. Everything I share with you is based on my skills and knowledge accumulated over the years.

How can I make my car louder and deeper?

To make your car's exhaust louder, you can increase the exhaust sound by taking off the muffler. You can also remove the catalytic converter or install a cat-back exhaust. Consider putting on a performance muffler, cold air intake, turbocharger, straight pipe exhaust, or aftermarket exhaust if you have the money.

Do exhaust tips make your car sound deeper?

Exhaust tips, since they are literally at the tailend of the exhaust system, will make a car have a more powerful sound. But a normal tip typically will have a small effect on the exhaust sound. A larger tip will give the engine a stronger, hearty sound, while a small tip will produce a raspy sound.

Why does my car sound deeper?

A car that is running louder than normal is often due to a failing muffler. Other symptoms include a significant drop in gas mileage and an increase in exhaust fumes.

Does bigger exhaust make a deeper sound?

If you are too lazy for the details, bigger exhaust pipes do make the exhaust louder – but only by a little. Exhaust pipes are made bigger to allow better exhaust flow. This is important for increased performance and horsepower (not for the sound).


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