How to make facebook marketplace post shareable

  • How to Make a Post Shareable on a Facebook Page
    • Facebook Privacy Options for Every Post
      • Public
      • Friends
      • Friends Except
      • Specific Friends
      • Only Me
      • Custom
      • Acquaintances
      • Close Friends
  • How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on a Public Group
  • How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on a Private Group
  • How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook After Posting
  • How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook Using a Windows or Mac Computer
  • How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook Using an iPhone or Android Smartphone
  • How to Make a Post Shareable Using an iPhone or Android Smartphone After Posting
  • The Importance of Making Facebook Posts Shareable
    • To Reach a Bigger Audience
    • To Attract Potential Clients
  • How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook: Final Thoughts

Facebook remains the biggest social media platform globally with an estimated 2.9 billion active users. Users utilize this platform to share photos, videos, or just anything that is on their minds. It also has a feature that allows other users to easily share a post that they find interesting with their Facebook friends and followers.

For businesses, this makes Facebook one of the best platforms to increase their brand awareness and reach more customers. They produce a series of engaging content to catch the attention of their respective target markets, urging them to share a particular post to their Facebook friends. In a world where online virality is crucial, making every post on Facebook shareable can help you secure better business success. Also, you can find amazing ideas for Facebook cover photos.

Being consistent and posting regularly on your profile, pages, and groups is essential if you want to establish your brand on Facebook and encourage others to share your posts more. This is due to Facebook’s need that you to update every day or three times per week to maintain your presence in users’ news feeds.

It might be challenging to keep this regularity while also using other social media platforms, which is where a Facebook post scheduler can be useful as a time saver.

Want to know how to make a post shareable on Facebook? Read on to find out.

How to Make a Post Shareable on a Facebook Page

1. On your Facebook Home page, make a Facebook post by clicking ‘What’s on your mind?’.

2. On the pop-up window, click the security button that is under your Facebook profile name.

3. You’ll see a list of options that filter who can see your post. To make sure that every user on Facebook can share your post, click on ‘Public’.

To better understand this, here are all the Facebook post privacy options you can choose from

Facebook Privacy Options for Every Post


By setting a Facebook post to ‘Public’, anyone on the platform will be able to see and share what your post. This includes people who are not on your friend list.


Selecting this will make your posts visible only to users who are on your friend list.

Friends Except

Choose this option if you don’t want specific users who are on your friend list to see your post/s. You are free to add or remove people from this list any time you want.

  • To add someone to the list, type in the names of your Facebook friends who you don’t want to see your post/s.
  • To remove someone from the list, click the X mark beside the name of the person you want to be excluded from the list.

Specific Friends

This option allows you to share your future posts with selected users on your friend list. The procedure to add and remove users on this list is similar to the “Friends Except” option, except it’s the other way around.

Only Me

By selecting this option, only you and no one else on Facebook will see your post. The only exception to this is if you tag another user. Everyone that is tagged will be able to see the post, but not share them.


This option gives full control over who is allowed and prohibited from seeing your Facebook posts. This basically combines the functionality of the “Friends Except” and “Specific Friends” options.


Choosing this option will make your new post visible only to Facebook friends tagged as “Acquaintances”.

Close Friends

Select this option to make your Facebook post visible only to users you have tagged as “Close Friends”.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on a Public Group

All posts made by members of a public group can be shared by users by default. In fact, even Facebook users who are not members can still share posts made in a public group.

To post on a public group, here’s what you should do:

1. Go to the page of the public Facebook group you want to share a post in then click on ‘Write something…’.

2. Write the post and add the media files if there are any. Then, click ‘Post’.

Now, all members of the public Facebook group and other users can share the post you made.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on a Private Group

Sharing posts made in a private Facebook group is not allowed by default, but it’s not impossible. You just need to post on your page first, then share those certain posts to the private Facebook group.

Here’s how to do this Facebook hack:

1. Create the post on your own newsfeed. Do that by clicking on ‘What’s on your mind’ on your home page.

2. Make sure that the privacy option is set to ‘Public’ before clicking ‘Post’.

3. Once it was posted, click on the ‘Share’ button of that specific Facebook post, which is in its lower right corner.

4. On the drop down menu, select ‘Share to Group’.

4. Select the private group you want to share this post with.

Once posted, members of that private Facebook group will be able to see the post. They can share it with users outside the group by simply by going to the original post and clicking the ‘Share’ button.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook After Posting

You can edit privacy options for all the older posts you’ve made in Facebook. If you originally intended older posts to be only visible to your Facebook friends and now want to make the post public, you can do it. Alternatively, privacy options for every existing post shareable to the public can also be modified so that only a select group of users can see them.

To edit audience of an existing Facebook post, here’s what to do:

1. Check your post history by going to your profile page. Find the actual post you want to set to ‘Public’ and click on the icon under your profile name.

2. On the pop up menu, select ‘Public’.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook Using a Windows or Mac Computer

All above examples to make a post public are done using a web browser. This can work on all desktop computer and laptop operating systems including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome Book, and others. Scroll up to find the step-by-step guide that suits what you need.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook Using an iPhone or Android Smartphone

A lot of Facebook users access the platform through its official smartphone app which is available for both iPhone and Android devices. But similar to its web version, Facebook app users will have the same security settings for each post.

To make a post shareable on Facebook using the iPhone or Android app, here’s what to do:

1. Open the Facebook app. Go to ‘Home’ and click on the ‘What’s on your mind?’.

2. Tap on the security icon below your profile name. All the privacy options available on the Facebook site are also available on the app.

3. Select ‘Public’ and tap ‘Done’.

4. Make a post, then tap the ‘Post’ button.

How to Make a Post Shareable Using an iPhone or Android Smartphone After Posting

Similar to the web version, you can also edit the privacy setting of all your previous posts. That means every post that was originally shared with your Facebook friends can now be seen and shared by users outside your friend list.

To edit post made on a mobile device, here’s what to do:

1. Go to your Facebook profile page and find the post you want to be set to ‘Public’. Click on the three dots located in the upper right corner.

2. On the menu, select ‘Edit Privacy’.

3. Select ‘Public’.

4. Tap on the back arrow button to save the changes.

The Importance of Making Facebook Posts Shareable

As mentioned, Facebook is used by billions of users globally. If you are a business owner, you can take advantage of shareable Facebook posts to promote your brand and reach more probable customers or clients, potentially increasing your sales. For charitable institutions, this functionality can be used to reach out to more prospective donors to generate funds for their philanthropic efforts. Making a Facebook post shareable can also be useful for aspiring social media influences or content creators so that more users can see their online activities, allowing them to increase their following.

To better understand the benefits of making posts on Facebook shareable, let’s go into more details:

To Reach a Bigger Audience

Making a Facebook post shareable allows you to reach users who are not connected to you or not aware of the products. Whether it is for a product you are trying to sell or a cause that you are supporting, making Facebook posts shareable gives your content an efficient way to reach a wider audience. Find some Facebook ad design tips.

Creating shareable online content that is engaging and can make an impact on anyone who sees it is a surefire way to make a viral post. This allows people who are not aware of your brand to get to know your product offering. This also gives current followers an easy way to share your brand with anyone who might never have heard of it. Know more about Facebook touch.

To Attract Potential Clients

With a legion of new followers and increased brand awareness comes the exciting part—more sales and support. That’s right, by making all Facebook posts shareable, including every existing post you’ve made in the past, more prospective customers and clients will inquire about your products and services.

If your Facebook content is engaging enough to be shared by hundreds or thousands of users, it is likely that it’s persuasive enough to boost sales as well. Just imagine how great it would be for your business if a portion of those people who shared or saw your shareable Facebook post actually considered trying what you have to offer. It is proof that making shareable Facebook posts is a cost-effective online marketing method. Find the guide on how to log out of Facebook.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook: Final Thoughts

With billions of users across the globe, sharing posts on Facebook is an effective way to reach a wider audience and boost sales. But to do this properly, you need to come up with engaging content that is worth sharing. People will not just share every post they see. You need to stand out as well. To produce a new post that is truly shareable, you need to know your correct audience and understand current trends to create content that’s valuable to your target market. Check out the finest guide for how to unfollow on Facebook.

How do I make my Marketplace listing public on Facebook?

To sell an item on Marketplace:.
Tap. in the top right of Facebook..
Tap. Marketplace..
Tap Sell at the top..
Add a title and price, and select a category..
Tap Add photos to include photos from your phone or take a new photo..
Tap Publish to publish your Marketplace listing..

Why can't I make my post shareable on Facebook?

If your settings are "Friends" then only you can share the post and friends can read it. No one can share it. Change this setting with the icon next to the description to Public.

How do I share my Marketplace listing to groups on Facebook?

To add your listing to a group you need to visit “your listings” in the marketplace selling tab. This will show you all your current listings, click share on the specific one you want to list to a group and then click list in more places. A list of the groups you are in will appear along with some suggested groups.


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