How to give my two weeks notice

Your two weeks’ notice is a way to professionally depart your current role and transition into your next career move. Employees give a two weeks’ notice in many different situations, including when they are changing roles, moving to another organization, or resigning for personal reasons. Your notice should include all the information your manager needs to find a replacement for your position. It is important to offer assistance during your transition and until your last day to leave on a professional note.

There’s a right and a wrong way to depart from your position. Giving your manager time to find a replacement is the professional thing. In this article, we’ll explain why giving your two weeks notice is important, and provide examples of how to write your notice with some customizable templates.

Two Weeks’ Notice Definition

Your two weeks’ notice should include your contact information, the reason for leaving, a thank you to your current employer, and any other information you’ll need to share to help the transition occur more smoothly. An example of this could be ongoing projects that your manager will need to transition to a different employee. You should submit your letter at least two weeks before your last day of work.  

Template for Writing a Two Weeks’ Notice Letter

Customize each of the templates listed below with the following details:

  • Your name, address, contact information, and email 
  • Your employer’s contact information 
  • Greeting
  • Statement and reason(s) for your resignation 
  • Thank you
  • Last day of work
  • Your signature 

When writing your two weeks notice, however, it is important to avoid including issues you faced in your role. Jessica Hernandez, an executive resume writer and LinkedIn Top Voice: Job Search & Careers, goes deeper into this: 

“Moving on? When writing your resignation email, share that you’re leaving and that you’re grateful for the experience and opportunities. But don’t make the mistake of diving into any issues that may have prompted your move. If you feel compelled to share feedback opt to do so in a one-on-one conversation or an exit interview.”

Do You Have to Give Two Weeks’ Notice?

Yes, unless it is impossible given a unique situation or circumstance, such as a family emergency. 

What Happens If You Don’t Give a Two Weeks’ Notice?

If you choose not to give a two weeks’ notice, you could face frustration or anger from your co-workers or manager, and lose trust and a good reference from that employer.  

Examples of Two Weeks' Notice Letters

Remember that each of these templates is a starting point, and you should personalize your letter using your tone of voice and add information that may be useful for your manager. Below, we will break down templates for different scenarios, including:

  • Accepting a position at another company
  • Leaving to complete further education
  • Departing for personal reasons

Accepting a Position at Another Company

You’ll need to inform your manager with tact and respect if you’re accepting a position at a different organization. Doing so ensures you leave on good terms and that you’ll receive a positive recommendation letter.

Leaving to Complete Further Education

Leaving to complete further education such as your MBA or doctorate can be a bittersweet decision, if you’ve developed lifelong skills in your current role. Start with the template below to inform your boss and leave on a good note.

Departing for Personal Reasons 

If you’re leaving for personal reasons and decide not to share the “why” for your departure, it is still important to notify your manager with a respectful two weeks’ notice such as in the example below.

Changing jobs is a normal part of life, and it can often be the fastest way to advance in your career. But when the time comes to tell your current employer you're leaving, it’s important to do it the right way. The last thing you want is to burn bridges.

First thing’s first: before taking the leap, read over your employment contract to determine how much notice your company requires and in what form. Many employers ask for two weeks’ notice in writing, and it’s important that you follow the resignation procedure outlined in your contract.

Why Is a Two Week’s Notice Important?

A two weeks’ notice period gives management some time to prepare for your exit. It might include finding someone to take over your responsibilities, training your replacement, and ensuring company data and resources are secure before your departure. Notice periods usually go two ways, so if you’re required to provide your employer with two weeks’ notice, then they’re usually required to provide you with a similar amount of notice before any dismissal.

It goes without saying that departing abruptly would likely leave management in a challenging situation. This could create animosity with the employer and reduce your chances of receiving a positive reference for future roles. Even if you don’t think you need a reference at that very moment, circumstances may change later. Remember word travels quickly, especially if you’re staying in the same industry or you’re planning on furthering your career in the same location.

To keep all your options on the table in the event that you need them in the future, resign respectfully, provide as much notice as possible, and stay on good terms with all your former employers.

How to Quit Your Job Respectfully

Leaving your job doesn’t have to lead to any hard feelings if done the right way. Employers appreciate it when good professionalism is maintained even during departure. Here’s how to resign from your job respectfully.

Let Your Boss Know Face-to-Face

Although most companies require written resignation, your boss may feel blindsided if you hand in your notice without speaking to them first. Ideally, arrange a one-to-one meeting to discuss your departure. If it isn’t possible to do it face-to-face, then a video call or a phone call will suffice.

And while your contract may only require two weeks’ notice, it’s common courtesy to give as much notice as possible. You’re also likely to receive questions regarding why you are leaving, so be prepared with a respectful answer. In addition to this, consider the possibility that they may try to give a counteroffer to convince you to stay. Be sure to reflect in advance if it’s something you’d be willing to accept including what it’ll take to keep you.

Write a Resignation Letter

Before we share some resignation letter sample templates, here are some tips for writing a professional and respectful letter of resignation.

Resignation Letter Writing Tips:

  1. Be formal and concise. Clearly state your date of departure and avoid including unnecessary details. Keep things professional and stay away from adding anything negative about the company.
  2. Keep it short. Your letter should be no longer than one page at most.
  3. Stay positive. Write warmly about the time you spent working in the company. Expressing gratitude can go a long way towards maintaining a positive relationship with your former employers.
  4. Offer to help with the transition if needed. This may involve training your replacement if time permits and ensuring responsibilities are transferred seamlessly.

Although you are not obliged to share your future plans with your soon-to-be former employer, a brief explanation on why you’re leaving can be a nice touch. You could be leaving for any number of reasons such as a higher salary, more opportunities for progression, relocation, family reasons, or simply job dissatisfaction. While honesty is usually the best approach, you can state that you’re leaving for personal reasons if the alternative may come across as negative or you don’t want to share too much detail.

Tell The Right People

You might feel the urge to tell your colleagues about an exciting new job offer you received before you hand in your letter of resignation. But it’s essential that you hold off on sharing the good news until you have formally resigned. Office gossip can travel quickly, and your boss may hear rumors about your plans to move on before you hand in your notice. It wouldn’t be ideal for either party, so keep everything under wraps until your boss is in the know.

Email your formal letter of resignation to both management and HR first. Only after discussing and finalizing it with your employer is it then advisable to start sharing the news with colleagues and even clients.

How to Write a Letter of Resignation

A letter of resignation is a formal written document that lets your employer know you intend to leave your job. While a letter of resignation is not a legal document, it’s still important to create one for legal reasons. If your employer wants to claim that you left your job without providing any notice, which would be a breach of your contract, your letter of resignation will act as your proof against any such claims. When you submit your resignation letter via email, it also provides electronic proof of your resignation date. As such, if there’s any dispute over your final payment, there is clear proof of when you submitted your notice.

Here’s an example of what a letter of resignation looks like:

While most employers will accept a resignation email, it’s more professional to sign a formal written letter that can be attached as a PDF document. You could either sign it electronically, or print, sign, and scan the document for sending via email.

Remember, this letter will be kept on file as part of your employment records so be sure to keep it professional. If you request a reference from your former employer in the future, they might reference your resignation letter to establish your reasons for leaving the company as well as the terms you left on.

Sample Letters of Resignation

If you’re not sure where to begin, here are two sample letters of resignation to get you started.

Letter #1 - Professional Reasons

Subject Title: Resignation - [First Name] [Last Name]

Dear [Manager or Employer Name],

I am writing this letter to notify you that I intend to leave my position as [position name] at [company name]. Please consider this my two weeks’ notice. My last date of employment will be [date].

After much consideration, I have decided to accept a position elsewhere that will provide more opportunities to progress my career. I remain available to support the team in any way possible and ensure that the transition period goes smoothly for everyone while I’m still on board.

I’m very appreciative of all the opportunities this role has offered me during my time at [company name] and wish everyone the best moving forward.

Kind regards,

[Your name]

Letter #2 - Personal Reasons

Subject Title: Resignation - [First Name] [Last Name]

Dear [Manager or Employer Name],

Please accept this as my letter of resignation. After much deliberation, I have decided to leave my role of [position name] at [company name]. In accordance with the two weeks’ notice period agreed upon within my employment contract, my last date of employment will be [date].

It has been a pleasure working with everybody at [company name]. During my time here, I’ve always felt incredibly supported by my direct team and the organization as a whole. The experience I’ve gained in my role has been invaluable for my career, but I must now move on for personal reasons.

I would like to ensure that this transition period is as seamless as possible, so please let me know if I can be of any assistance before I move on.

I wish the entire [company name] family all the very best in the future and hope that our paths may cross again.

Thank you for your time,

[Your name]

What's Next for Your Career?

Now that you have handed in your notice, where do you go from here? Firstly, keep in mind that it’s never advisable to badmouth your former employer. Networking is half the work of building your career, and you don’t want to sever potential opportunities because of a loose tongue.

And while it’s always ideal to have a new job lined up before you resign, it’s not always possible. Due to individual circumstances, you may have had to leave a job quickly before another one is confirmed, or you may have decided to take a small career break before taking the next step in your chosen profession.

Nonetheless, finding a new job can be time-consuming and challenging, but using the right job search platform helps to ease some of that pressure! Start your job hunt with Joblist today and take the stress out of landing your next dream role.

How do you properly give your two weeks notice?

Two weeks' notice letter format.
Start with your recipient's name and address. ... .
State your decision, and inform your recipient of the relevant dates. ... .
Provide a brief reason for why you are resigning. ... .
Express gratitude for your experience with the company. ... .
Wrap it up, and outline the next steps..

What do I say when I give notice?

What to Say When You Quit Your Job.
A Thank You for the Opportunity. ... .
An Explanation of Why You Are Leaving. ... .
An Offer to Help With the Transition. ... .
Appropriate Notice. ... .
The Date You Are Leaving. ... .
Have a plan for the following outcomes, and you won't be caught off guard:.
Be Prepared to Leave—Now..

Can you get fired after giving 2 weeks notice?

The main disadvantage of a notice relates back to the fact that California is an at-will state. This means if you give two weeks notice, the employer can still go ahead and fire you before the notice period expires. This can take place and even leave you without a wrongful termination claim.


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