How to easily remove labels from jars

For the longest time I had a love/hate relationship with repurposing and reusing empty containers. While I loved being able to give empty bottles and jars new life by finding some other way to use them, I also hated how hard it was to remove the impossibly stubborn labels attached to them!

Over the past decade of my blogging career, I’m sure I’ve tried nearly every method under the sun for removing labels from glass jars and containers. I’ve mixed up dozens of potions and concoctions in my attempts to remove that sticky combination of paper and glue, but as is often the case, it turned out that the best solution was also the simplest one!

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Glass bottles

1. Boil water (preferably in a kettle).

2. As the water is heating up, fill the bottle with warm water from the tap. This will warm up the glass to above room temperature, making it unlikely to crack when you perform the next step.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

3. Empty the bottle into the sink. Then, wearing oven mitts, carefully pour the hot water into the glass bottle. If you don't have a kettle, use a funnel or spouted measuring cup.

4. The heat from the water should loosen the label's adhesive, allowing you to pull off the label, being careful not to tear it. If you do begin to tear it, just start peeling at another corner.

5. Pour out the hot water.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

6. Find cooking oil, baking soda, a shallow bowl and paper towels (or cotton balls).

7. Mix two parts oil and one part baking soda in the bowl.

8. Using a finger, apply the mix to any sticky residue left on the bottle by the label.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

9. Allow the mix to set for five minutes. If the label is particularly stubborn, feel free to leave it longer.

10. Use a paper towel to scrub the bottle clean (the residue should dissolve easily).

11. Once all sticky bits have been removed, rinse the bottle with water and dish soap to remove excess oil.

12. Find a new home for your squeaky-clean container.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

Plastic bottles

Not all plastic bottles can handle boiling water, and scrubbing the adhesive from them is usually slightly easier. So if you want to remove that sticky stuff from a plastic bottle, simply start by removing the label, then proceed to step 4 above.

What is the easiest way to remove labels?

Nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol Soak a rag, paper towel, or cotton ball in rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, lighter fluid, or yes, even cheap vodka. Let it sit on the face of the labels for at least 15 minutes for an easy way to remove labels.

How do you get labels off bottles quickly?

Add 5-10 tablespoons of baking soda to a bucket of warm water. Drop the bottle in and let it soak for about 30 minutes. It should be enough to remove the label and float it to the top of the bucket. If the label is still attached to the bottle, use your knife or razor blade and gently remove it.

What removes label glue from jars?

Alcohol. Anything with a high percentage of alcohol, such as methylated spirits, isopropanol, and nail polish remover, will also work well when it comes to removing any stickiness left over by labels and stickers. Put some on a rag or soak a rag in one of the above and rub the sticky spot until it is gone.

How do you remove sticky label residue from glass?

Alcohol, nail polish remover, spray lubricant, vinegar, and lighter fluid can all be used to remove adhesive from glass if water alone doesn't work. Apply with a rag or cloth, then rub the glue away.


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