How to clean an oil stain from concrete

When you notice oil marks on your driveway, it can draw your attention, but not in a good way. Oil stains can make it appear unkempt and neglected. The truth is that it’s never a good look. And when it comes to eye sores, the first thing to do is to remove them as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for ways on how to remove oil stains from concrete driveway, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how to do it and how to do it right. Below are some best tips to get rid of oil stains from driveway. Check them out.

Table of Contents

  • Ways to Clean Oil Stains From Concrete Driveway
    • Method 1: Using a detergent or a concrete cleaner/degreaser
    • Method 2: Using baking soda
    • Method 3: Using vinegar
    • Method 4: Using bleach
    • Method 5: Using WD-40
    • Method 6: Using Coca-Cola
    • Method 7: Using pressure washer
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

Ways to Clean Oil Stains From Concrete Driveway

Method 1: Using a detergent or a concrete cleaner/degreaser

In order to remove oil stain on concrete, a strong detergent is often used. A generous amount of strong detergent gets rid of oil stains as it emulsifies with the oil and eventually pulls it away.

  • Remove the excess oil by wiping it with a sponge or a rag. For a more efficient way to do this, you can use a cat litter to absorb the oil quickly.
  • Get your strong detergent and mix it with some water. Use the sponge and apply it to the oil spot. Then, please wait for the agent to do its work for 20 minutes.
  • Then, use the brush to scrub until you can see the oil slowly go away. Rinse with water, and you’re done.

Method 2: Using baking soda

You can always remove old oil stains from driveway with an affordable home remedy. Baking soda is the right choice, as it can absorb the oil and at the same time cleans the surface.

Baking soda functions as a cleanser due to its mineral composition, which allows organic molecules to dissolve.

  • Sprinkle baking soda all over the affected area. You should be generous, so the baking soda covers the oil stains well.
  • Let it sit for about an hour.
  • Scrub the affected area thoroughly with your scrub brush or bristle brush.
  • Repeat as necessary and once the stain has been removed, rinse with water.

Method 3: Using vinegar

Vinegar is also useful in getting oil out of concrete. Its acidity properties allow it to be a natural degreaser.

The con of using vinegar is that it might not be as aggressive as the other common products. So, it’s best for non-difficult stains.

  • Mix your cleaner in a bowl of water. You can add 3 tablespoons of vinegar, a half cup of washing soda, and just a dash of dish soap.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and soak it for 20-30 minutes.
  • Use the brush to scrub the area along with the cleaner. It’s best if you scrub it in a circular motion.
  • Scrub until the oil dissolves and clean off the mixture using water.

Method 4: Using bleach

We already know that bleach can do a lot of wonderful things when it comes to stains. What a lot of people don’t know is that bleach can be a cleaner for oil stains on concrete too.

Oil stains are typically combined with other contaminants that make it difficult for them to be cleaned and removed. So with bleach, you can get rid of oil stain on driveway that’s been neglected for a long time.

  • Just make sure you wear protective gloves and a face mask to prevent exposure.
  • You can always dilute bleach in water in a ratio of 1:1.
  • Then, put the mixture inside a spray or apply it directly to the affected area. A spray bottle helps control the amount of the mix you want to apply to the area.
  • Make sure you scrub the stains a little, then rinse with water when done.

Method 5: Using WD-40

Another lifehack you should know is that using WD-40 isn’t just for metal parts and types of equipment. Many use WD-40 to clean oil stains from driveway.

WD-40 acts as an oil remover for concrete because of its solvent properties. No wonder people use it to get rid of oil stains on driveway, it dissolves oil and then gets lifted from the concrete.

In removing oil stains from concrete, you should first know that while it’s effective, it’s also slick so it’s important that you meticulously remove every WD-40 on the concrete once you’re done.

  • Wear your rubber gloves and face mask before cleaning.
  • Spray a generous amount of WD-40 on the concrete where there’s a stain.
  • Let it sit for about 20-30 minutes to allow the chemicals to sink into the concrete.
  • After 20-30 minutes, wipe off the area with a rag and you’re done.

Method 6: Using Coca-Cola

With coke, there’s a lot more to it than just a beverage. Coke is highly acidic, meaning that it does its job to remove old oil stains from driveway.

Before you go ahead and use it, be reminded that it works best if the coke is at room temperature. So if your coke is from the refrigerator, it’s a good idea to let it warm up.

  • If the stain is smaller in size, a 12-ounce coca-cola can is already enough. Pour it directly onto the oil stains.
  • Let it soak for 2 – 3 hours.
  • Scrub it thoroughly for 5 minutes if you want to make sure the stains will be gone completely.
  • Rinse with water and you’re done.

Method 7: Using pressure washer

With pressure washer, you’ll have no problem removing stains from the concrete. Just make sure that the power of your pressure washer is at least 1700 psi.

If you’re going to buy one specifically to clean motor oil off concrete, then a pressure washer with a power of 2000 to 3000 psi would be the best choice for you to get.

  • Pour detergent into the pressure water.
  • Begin to spray and move the washer in a linear direction.
  • Let the water and detergent sit for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off.
  • Rinse with water and you’re done.


Are oil stains permanent on concrete?

Fortunately, no. Oil stains aren’t permanent on the concrete. And with the right oil remover from concrete or a potent home remedy, you can fix it.

How do you remove old oil stains from a concrete driveway?

To remove old stains from a driveway, make sure to use a heavy-duty scrub, and you can choose from either a strong detergent or vinegar.

  • You can use kitty litter to absorb the oil first before cleaning.
  • Then, opt for a strong cleaner and let it sit for some hours, too.
  • Make sure you scrub the spots thoroughly, rinse, and repeat if necessary.

How do you get oil stains out of concrete fast?

You can combine the use of a degreaser, baking soda, a strong detergent, bleach, and a pressure washer to clean up oil spills on concrete. It will be quick and easy if you act fast.

Does Coca-Cola remove oil stains from concrete?

Yes. The properties of Coca-Cola make it an effective ingredient if you want to get rid of oil stain on concrete. However, it’s worth noting that this is only most effective in smaller stains.


With the many ways available, you just have to choose which method will be best to get oil stains off driveway. If you don’t have a pressure washer, then resorting to the typical detergent or baking soda method is another good alternative.

If your friends and family also want to know how to remove oil stains from concrete driveway, just share this article so they can thank you for their oh-so-desired clean and spotless driveways.

Are oil stains permanent on concrete?

Oil will break down the sealant/finish on the top layer and seep into the tiny pores of the concrete, creating a permanent stain, if not taken care of. It's best to take care of even a minor stain, right away!

What is the best product to remove oil stains from concrete?

Unfortunately, concrete oil stains in the garage or on the driveway are an eyesore and can be hard to remove. Pour-N-Restore® Oil Stain Remover is the most effective oil stain remover for your garage, deck, and driveway marked with transmission fluid stains, food grease stains, cooking oil stains and more.

How do I remove old oil stains from my driveway?

If the stain is old, you will need a more forceful strategy: make a paste of baking soda and water. Spread the paste to cover the old stain. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then scrub the stain hard with your stiff brush or broom. If you don't have enough baking soda, use powdered laundry detergent.

Does WD 40 remove oil stains from concrete?

Does WD 40 Remove Oil Stains from Concrete? Yes, in some cases, WD-40 may help remove oil stains from concrete driveways. WD-40 is a water displacement spray that has the ability to penetrate and remove grease. To use WD-40, first spray a generous amount on the oil stain then let it sit for at least twenty minutes.


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