How often do you have to replace roof

For many homeowners, roof lifespan can be a concern. While budgets are tight, we also do not want our roof to start leaking or causing mold issues. We ultimately ask ourselves how often should we replace our roof.

Well, in this article we are going to cover just that. Let’s first start with the average lifespan of different roof coverings.

Average Roof Lifespans

Average roof lifespans can vary drastically depending on environmental conditions, installation methods, and maintenance. Moreover, insurance companies may request a roof replacement before roof life is met. Therefore, use these averages as rough approximates.

For example, in Florida, you may only expect to see about 15 Years out of a 3-Tab shingle Roof. However, if you try to purchase a home with 3 years of life left on the roof, insurance companies may request roof replacement before a new policy is written in your name. Ultimately, this could bring your roof lifespan down to 12 years. Not to mention, a hurricane could come through cause severe damage to the roof at this age.

Roof Type Average Lifespan From Internachi Florida Adjustment
Aluminum Coating 3 – 7 Years 1-3 Years
Asphalt 3-Tab Shingle 20 Years 12 – 15 Years
Asphalt Architectural Shingle 25 Years 17 – 20 Years
BUR (Built Up Roof) 10 Years NA
Clay/Concrete Tiles 40-60 Years 30 – 50 Years
Copper 100+ Years NA
Metal 40 Years 30 Years
Metal (Standing Seam) 50 Years 40 – 50 Years
Modified Bitumen 20 Years 10 – 12 Years
Wood Shingle 30 Years NA
Coal & Tar 30 Years NA

Factors The Affect Roof Lifespan

No world is perfect and roof lifespans can vary. We have done our best to list the factors that affect roof lifespan.

  • Deferred Roof Maintenance – Your roof should be inspected/repaired every 1-2 years.
  • High Wind Events – Such as tornadoes or hurricanes.
  • Heavy Rain – This can easily wear down roofing material.
  • High Heat/Southern Climates – High heat can easily dry out shingles.
  • Poor Installation Practices – If your roof is installed improperly or unprofessionally, leaks can develop sooner.
  • Roof Over – If you have two or more layers of roof installed, your newer roof will not last as long.

Signs It Is Time To Replace Your Roof

While your roof may have some life left on paper, ultimately, if your roof shows any of these signs, it may be time to replace your roof.

  • Missing/Broken Shingles or Tiles.
  • Rusting/Missing Hardware – Metal Roofs.
  • Loose/Lifting Shingles or Tiles.
  • Roof Leaks.
  • Algae Growth.
  • Excessive Granule Loss.
  • Signs of Damage or Repairs.
  • Poor Attic Ventilation.

Tips To Extend Roof Life

To extend the lifespan of your roof, you should do the following:

  • Request a roof inspection by a third-party home inspector every, or every other year. This will give you a report from someone that is not trying to sell you a roof.
  • Conduct roof maintenance based on your roof inspection report.
  • Cut back trees and vegetation from your roof.
  • Ensure the attic is properly ventilated.
  • Keep gutters and roof clean. You can pressure wash tile and metal roofs. Do not pressure wash shingle roofs.

Final Thoughts

How often you should replace your roof depends on your roof type, environmental conditions, maintenance, and installation methods. However, you can use these averages and factors to understand when you may have to replace your own roof.

If you are concerned about your roof lifespan, give us a call for an independent roof inspection.

If you have additional questions of how often you should replace your roof, comment below!

How do I know when my roof needs to be replaced?

You Need a New Roof If You Notice Curling, Missing, or Mossy Shingles.
Cracked shingles..
Damaged or curled shingles..
Loose or missing shingles..
Damage or discoloration around vents..
Missing granules..
Moss or algae growth..
Damage around chimneys or skylights..

How often should roof Be Replaced?

In general, this is the recommended replacement schedule based on the material used: Composition Shingles: 12-20 years. Asphalt Shingles: 15-30 years. Wood Shingles: 20-25 years.

How many years does a roof usually last?

The average lifespan of a roof usually ranges between 25 to 50 years. However, a roof's life expectancy ultimately depends on the quality, durability and type of material chosen.

How often should a roof be replaced and why?

Under normal circumstances, 3-tab asphalt shingle roofs should last 15-20 years before needing replacement. However, architectural asphalt shingle roofs are a bit more resilient to the elements due to their design. These may last up to 10 years longer than 3-tab asphalt shingle roofs.


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