How long does it take for baking soda to relieve constipation

Constipation often occurs when the waste in the bowel moves too slowly. This gives the stool time to become hard and dry, which makes it harder to pass and thereby cause severe abdominal pain. Baking soda has been used as an antacid for decades.

The most common and irritating stomach related ailment that one does not wish for is constipation. In the worst scenarios, if the pain increases severely and it becomes a chronic condition, it can even lead to haemorrhoids. There are a lot of factors which lead to constipation problems like less intake of foods rich in fibre, regular eating of junk food, drinking less water and sleeping late. However, you can use some home remedies to keep constipation at bay and one such remedy is the use of baking soda. How Baking Soda Helps an Athlete During Exercise: All That You Should Know About the Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Training.

Constipation often occurs when the waste in the bowel moves too slowly. This gives the stool time to become hard and dry, which makes it harder to pass and causes severe abdominal pain. Baking soda has been used as an antacid for decades. Regularly drinking it with water can neutralize your stomach acid and can even prove to be a remedy for heartburn and indigestion. There are various laxative tablets available to treat this stomach ailment. However, its regular usage can make the situation worse in the long run. Home Remedy Of The Week: Pudina For Acidity and Heartburn; How Mint Leaves Can Cure Gas and Indigestion.

How Baking Soda Can Treat Constipation

By drinking baking soda mixed in lukewarm water, there can be ease in constipation, as it pulls water into your digestive tract and promotes muscle contractions. When it combines with stomach acid, baking soda also produces gas and causes you to burp. This can provide some relief from constipation. Drink the mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and a quarter cup of lukewarm water first thing in the morning in an empty stomach to treat constipation problem.

Baking soda can help you provide relief from symptoms of constipation, but a person cannot solely depend on it to treat this problem. For smooth bowel movement and healthy digestive tract, it is necessary to perform at least thirty minutes of exercise daily and also regularly eat fibre rich fruits like oranges, papaya, muskmelon, etc. Needless to say, it is very important, to keep the body high on fluids and always stay hydrated for smooth digestion.

(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 07, 2020 03:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Your seating position on the toilet can have an effect on your bowel movements.

Constipation can often be resolved by making a few simple lifestyle changes and/or by using a simple home remedy.

Note that if the remedies in the table below don't sufficiently resolve the problem, it's worth paying a visit to your doctor.

Remember: being constipated for too long can have a negative impact on your health.


How it works



This is one of the most popular home cures for constipation. Prunes have a high amount of fibre and contain sorbitol, which draws more water into the intestines. Soak 2-3 prunes in hot water overnight; then drink the water and eat the prunes in the morning.

Studies have shown that prunes are safe and effective for the treatment of mild to moderate constipation.

Vegetable oil

This is one of the most common home remedies for constipation. It stimulates the digestive system, which helps to get things moving through the colon. Have 1 tbsp of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach. Optional: mix it with a little bit of lemon juice to lighten the flavour.

Some short-term studies have shown that olive oil is an effective treatment for constipation.

Fresh lemon in water

The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a stimulant for the digestive system, and can also help flush out toxins and undigested material that may have built up along the walls of the colon. Squeeze 1 lemon into a cup of warm water and sip.

Some studies show that lemon juice stimulates the bowel.


Many people use coffee to get them moving in the morning. It’s a natural stimulant for the digestive system. Just remember that coffee is a diuretic that makes you urinate more frequently. If you drink it in excess, it can cause constipation by drawing out water that would normally soften your stool.

More studies have indicated that coffee intake may cause constipation.


Whether you use flaxseeds (linseeds), whole, ground, soaked or boiled, or flaxseed oil, this is a simple remedy for constipation. Flaxseeds increase the amount of fibre, thereby helping relieve constipation. The oil lubricates and stimulates the bowel.

Studies have shown that flaxseeds help for both constipation and diarrhoea, although the exact mechanism is unknown.


Aloe is commonly used in the treatment of constipation. It’s been used to improve bowel movement frequency, consistency of stools and laxative dependence. You can either use the gel straight from the plant or try commercial aloe juice.

There are studies that point to the laxative effect of aloe, but there isn’t enough information available for the FDA to establish safety.

Epsom salts

Epsom salts contain magnesium, which stimulates the bowel muscles to contract, and salt, which draws water into the bowel. Dissolve 2 tsp of Epsom salts in 1 cup of water or juice.

Studies on sulphate-rich mineral water have been shown to improve the consistency of stools and bowel movements.


Dandelion tea is used as a mild laxative. Drink up to 3 cups of dandelion tea per day.

No studies have been performed to test its safety or efficacy.


Molasses that contains vitamins and minerals (known as blackstrap molasses) is thought to help relieve constipation due to the magnesium level.  Have 1 tsp of molasses pure or mixed into water or tea.

There are no studies using molasses to test its effect on constipation.

Bicarbonate of Soda

Many people swear by baking soda. It’s a bicarbonate, which neutralises stomach acid, and pushes air to come out of you (front or back!), relieving the pressure. Mix a tsp of bicarbonate with ¼ cup of warm water and drink.

There are no studies available.


Many people use reflexology to relieve constipation. There are step-by-step instructions to activate the reflexes in the intestines and bowels. Click here to view the technique.

Reflexology isn’t a medical cure and has only been shown to work for mild constipation.

Reviewed by Kim Hofmann, registered dietitian, BSc Medical (Honours) Nutrition and Dietetics, BSc (Honours) Psychology. December 2017.

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How long does baking soda take for constipation?

Soak in it for 20 minutes.

Does baking soda help you go poop?

Baking soda is one of the best-proven home remedies for constipation. It re-alkalizes the stomach, neutralizes the acids and gives relief from stomach aches.

What is the fastest way to cure constipation?

Drinking plenty of water, getting in some movement and eating a high-fiber diet is the best way to relieve constipation, without relying on medication like laxatives or other stool softeners.

How long does it take to clear constipation?

If you're not having bowel movements as often as you used to, usually it's no cause for worry. Often, constipation will go away on its own within a few days or get better after you use laxatives or another constipation treatment.


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