How long do you have to keep a bandage on after the implant

The implant may not be placed in your arm at all due to failed insertion. If this happens, you may become pregnant. Removal of the implant may be very difficult or impossible if the implant is not where it should be. Special procedures, including surgery in the hospital, may be needed to remove the implant. If the implant is not removed, then the effects of NEXPLANON will continue for a longer period of time. Other problems related to insertion and removal include pain, irritation, swelling, bruising, numbness and tingling, scarring, infection, injury to the nerves or blood vessels, and breaking of the implant. Additionally, the implant may come out by itself. You may become pregnant if the implant comes out by itself. Use a back up birth control method and call your healthcare provider right away if the implant comes out.

The most common side effect of NEXPLANON is a change in your normal menstrual bleeding pattern. In studies, one out of ten women stopped using the implant because of an unfavorable change in their bleeding pattern. You may experience longer or shorter bleeding during your periods or have no bleeding at all. The time between periods may vary, and in between periods you may also have spotting.

If you become pregnant while using NEXPLANON, you have a slightly higher chance that the pregnancy will be ectopic (occurring outside the womb) than do women who do not use birth control. Ectopic pregnancies can cause serious internal bleeding, infertility, and even death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you think you are pregnant or have unexplained lower stomach (abdominal) pain.

The use of NEXPLANON may also increase your chance of serious blood clots, especially if you have other risk factors, such as smoking. If you smoke and want to use NEXPLANON, you should quit. Some examples of blood clots are deep vein thrombosis (legs), pulmonary embolism (lungs), retinal thrombosis (eyes), stroke (brain), and heart attack (heart). It is possible to die from a problem caused by a blood clot, such as a heart attack or stroke. Tell your doctor at least 4 weeks before if you are going to have surgery or will need to be on bed rest, because you have an increased chance of getting blood clots during surgery or bed rest.

Cysts may develop on the ovaries and usually go away without treatment, but sometimes surgery is needed to remove them.

Besides changes in menstrual bleeding patterns, other common side effects reported in women using NEXPLANON include: headaches; vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina); weight gain; acne; breast pain; viral infection such as sore throats or flu-like symptoms; stomach pain; painful periods; mood swings, nervousness, or depressed mood; back pain; nausea; dizziness; pain and pain at the site of insertion. Implants have been reported to be found in a blood vessel, including a blood vessel in the lung.

Call your healthcare provider right away if you have pain in your lower leg that does not go away; severe chest pain or heaviness in the chest; sudden shortness of breath, sharp chest pain, or coughing blood; symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, such as swollen face, tongue or throat, trouble breathing or swallowing; sudden severe headaches unlike your usual headaches; weakness or numbness in your arm, leg, or trouble speaking; sudden partial or complete blindness; yellowing of your skin or whites of your eyes, especially with fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, dark-colored urine, or light-colored bowel movements; severe pain, swelling, or tenderness in the lower stomach (abdomen); lump in your breast; problems sleeping, lack of energy, tiredness, or you feel very sad; heavy menstrual bleeding; or if you feel that the implant may have broken or bent while in your arm.

NEXPLANON does not protect against HIV or other STDs.

What is the contraceptive implant?

The contraceptive implant is a plastic rod that is inserted under the skin of the inner, upper arm to stop pregnancy by slowly releasing progestogen (this is similar to a natural hormone produced by the body). It is often referred to as Implanon.

How does it work?

Progestogen works by:

  • stopping the release of an egg by the ovary (ovulation)
  • making the mucus (sticky fluid) at the opening of the uterus thicker so sperm can’t get through.

How effective is it?

It is an extremely effective method of contraception (99.95%).

How do I get the contraceptive implant?

The contraceptive implant has to be inserted by a health professional trained in this procedure. Make an appointment with your doctor or at SHINE SA to discuss this method and get a prescription. You will then need to have the implant inserted. This may be done on the same day or it may require a second appointment.

How is it inserted?

An area on the inner arm above the elbow is cleaned and then numbed with local anaesthetic. Then the doctor or nurse puts the implant under the skin. After the implant is inserted, a dressing is put on which should stay on for 3-5 days. The arm is bandaged to reduce bruising, this bandage should be left on for up to 24 hours.

When does it start working?

It’s immediately effective if:

  • inserted during the first 5 days of your menstrual cycle, which starts with the first day of bleeding.
  • inserted within 21 days of having a baby
  • inserted within 5 days of having an abortion or miscarriage
  • replacing an existing contraceptive implant that has not been in for more than 3 years
  • inserted while using another form of contraception that continues for 7 more days after the implant is inserted.

The implant is effective after 7 days if it is inserted at any other time. Other contraceptive measures such as condoms should be used for these 7 days. If changing from the Pill or another method of contraception discuss the best time for insertion with your doctor.

How long does it last?

It is effective as a contraceptive for 3 years. The implant should be taken out and replaced with a new implant every 3 years. It can be removed earlier than 3 years if it is no longer wanted.

How do I stop using it?

To stop using the implant it needs to be removed by a trained health professional in this procedure. Before removal, the area of skin will be cleaned and numbed with local anaesthetic. A small cut to the skin over the top of the implant is made to find the tip and then it is removed.

When will I be fertile again?

There is a rapid return to fertility after removal. Most people return to their normal menstrual cycle and fertility within a month of removing the implant. If you do not want to be pregnant you need to use other contraception as soon as it is removed.

What are the benefits of the implant?

  • It is highly effective (99.95% effective).
  • It lasts a long time (up to three years).
  • It is reversible and the return to fertility is rapid.
  • It does not need you to remember to take a pill every day.
  • It is a cost-effective method of contraception.
  • It may reduce painful periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and acne in some people.

What are the side effects?

You may not get regular bleeding.
Bleeding patterns are likely to change:

  • bleeding may become lighter and less painful
  • bleeding may stop altogether
  • bleeding may continue and not stop.

Many people have no other side effects. Some may experience the following problems:

  • Acne may develop, improve or get worse.
  • Weight gain can occur over time and is often thought to be caused by the implant, but has not been directly proven.
  • Headaches, breast pain, hair thinning and mood changes can occur but usually go away within a few weeks/months.
  • Bruising and mild soreness at the site of insertion or removal can last up to 2 weeks. A small scar remains.

Occasionally the implant can be difficult to feel or remove and you may need to have an ultrasound to check its position in your arm.

What should I do if I get changes in bleeding?

Irregular bleeding is a common side effect and will usually settle down within 3 months. Whatever your bleeding pattern, the implant is still effective.
If the bleeding does not settle or you are unhappy with the bleeding you can see a doctor for medications that can help with this. You don’t have to wait until 3 months to do this.

Who can use the implant?

This method suits most people no matter what age up to menopause, who don’t mind having an implant under their skin. It’s safe for heavy smokers and people with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Who should not use the implant?

People who are pregnant, people with breast cancer, people with unexplained vaginal bleeding, people with severe liver disease or using medication that affects the liver, should not use the implant.

Where can I get the implant?

The implant is prescribed by a doctor and can be inserted at SHINE SA clinics as well as by doctors, nurses and gynaecologists who have been trained in this procedure.

When can I take off implant bandage?

The bandage can be removed after 24 hours. You may see that the doctor or nurse has put some steri-strip ('butterfly') plasters over the small incision. These will come off on their own, either in the bath or shower over the next few days, or you may remove them yourself after about 5 days.

How long should you keep implant covered for?

Keep the wound clean and dry and covered for 5 days. A bandage may be applied but this should be removed before you go to sleep tonight, or sooner if uncomfortable.

How long do I keep the dressing on after implant removal?

Page 1.
• The dressing is still effective if it gets wet and..
dries naturally following bathing..
• Remove the dressing carefully in three to five..
• It is common to have bruising. This should..
fade over the next week or so..
• Your arm may ache after the local anaesthetic..
has worn off..

How long until I can take my Nexplanon bandage off?

To make sure you don't get an infection where the Nexplanon was put in, keep the large gauze bandage on for 24 - 48 hours and keep it dry. Remove the large bandage after 24-48 hours.


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