How long do house spiders live without food

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Have you ever seen that spider in the corner of the bathroom and wondered if it may be hungry or thirsty?

Have you thought about letting nature take its course, so you don’t have to deal with catching and releasing the spider?

There is some information you should know about how long spiders can go without food or water.

It may change your mind about how to handle the next spider you encounter.

A spider can go for months and sometimes years without food.

The spider can also go months without needing any water.

A spider will have to find water faster than it will have to find food if it has been without both for some time.

Certain species of spiders can go for years without eating, and there are almost no ill effects to their health.

After a few months of no water, many of the spider species will start to die.

These are some pretty impressive stats that may leave you feeling quite amazed with spiders and their unique characteristics.

Why Are People so Scared of Spiders?

Being scared of spiders is a widespread fear many people experience.

For those of us who are not scared of spiders, the fear can seem almost illogical.

Truthfully, the chance of a spider causing some real harm in your life is very slim.

The same could be said about sharks and other common fears people have.

Most people who are scared of spiders have had a bad experience that has led them to this state.

Usually, a fear of spiders will start after this poor experience, and sometimes it can escalate to detrimental levels.

Some spiders can bite, and their bites can be quite painful and even deadly.

However, this is an infrequent occurrence and nothing people should have to live in fear of daily.

For those who are afraid of spiders, having a good plan as to what to do if a spider is encountered is a great way to help combat the fear.

What Should I Do If I Find a Spider in My Home?

Chances are, at some point in your life, you will find a spider in your home.

You have several choices as to how to handle this spider, and they will depend on your own personal preferences and beliefs as well.

Here are a few ways to handle a spider you may encounter in your home.

1. Leave It Alone

Yes, you can leave the spider alone.

Some people don’t like the idea of living with insects, and we can certainly understand this.

However, a single spider, spotted every few months is probably not going to cause you or your home much harm at all.

When you see a spider in your house, it’s perfectly acceptable just to let it be.

2. Vacuum It

If you don’t want to touch the spider and you want it dead, the vacuum is the number one tool of choice.

The sucking power on the vacuum will kill the spider almost instantly, and then you won’t have to worry about running into that one again.

A vacuum is a good tool for those who have a fear of spiders because they can stay several feet away and handle the issue.

3. Catch and Release

Another great way to get a spider out of your house is to catch it and release it.

Some people have no issues with a spider living in their backyard, as long as they stay out of the house.

Spiders are quite useful in the sense that they will eat other annoying insects.

Sometimes letting the food chain do its thing is a good thing for both you and the environment.

Catching a spider in a cup is not all that hard to do, and relocating it outside will only take a minute of your time.

4. Bleach

You can use bleach to kill a spider if you find that necessary.

The bleach is probably going to stain the area where you spray it, so be aware of this if the spider is on a fabric or a delicate piece of furniture.


Spiders are fascinating creatures that do a lot of good for the environment.

They get a bad name because a few of them offer a pretty nasty bite.

Overall, most spiders will mind their own business and look for food and water for themselves.

Spiders can go a very long time without food and water, so if you were thinking that the one sitting on your bathroom floor will be dead in the morning, the chances are that is not the case.

When you can, give spiders a chance because, if you let one live, it may eat the mosquito that was going to bite you tomorrow night!


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