How do i find a life coach

Working one-on-one with a certified Life Coach can help you identify and attain your biggest goals. Our private coaching clients experience significant breakthroughs that lead them to challenge their thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in their careers, relationships and quality of life. Private coaching is personalized to your unique situation and needs.

How Does it Work?

One-on-one life coaching requires commitment from both sides and takes place over an extended period of time, usually weeks to months. In an initial interview, the coach and the client review the desired outcome and then come up with a schedule that seems feasible for both of them.

Our highly trained and experienced team of master coaches work with executives, managers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and creatives around the world to help them reach their biggest goals and dreams.


Are you ready for life coaching?

Take the Free Coachability Quiz

The Practical Stuff: Coaching by Phone

Most life coaches prefer to coach by phone; ours generally do. There are several reasons for this:

  1. It’s more efficient for both client and life coach. No wasted time traveling to see your coach: attend your coaching sessions wherever you want, in your own office or a conference room at work, at home or even while traveling. Given that most people who hire life coaches are already very busy, this time-savings makes a huge difference.
  2. Greater choice. When you have to see your private life coach in person, you’re limited to those who happen to be in your local area. What if the best one for you happens to live in Canada and you live in Nebraska? Not a problem on the phone. Private life coaches are experienced in managing the time differences and will work with you to find a mutually agreeable time. The most important thing is to have the right life coach, regardless of geography. I’ve personally coached people all over the world and done it all by phone. So don’t limit yourself or your options!
  3. The comfort of distance. In our experience, people tend to open up more quickly when they’re on the telephone: the “distance” imposed by the phone gives them the freedom to tell the real truth about their life and what’s going on. While life coaches are sworn to keep coaching details confidential, some people still feel uncomfortable with the thought of bumping into their life coach at the supermarket. If you’re one of those who do, then private life coaching by phone is the perfect choice.


Our Success Stories

“I’ve immensely benefitted from my one-on-one coaching sessions with Talane. Working together with her, I could clarify my own priorities and better recognize the obstacles in my path. This has put me at ease with my professional challenges: I feel both happier and more productive.”

Hans-Walter Rix

Director, MPIA

“I’m still grateful for your guidance and… recall several things you told me. I… truly relished my time off and am now mentally prepared for my new academic life. I started that new career at UT Austin. It feels GREAT! I can’t believe you were able to guide me through this major life decision with just one month of coaching.”

Molly P

“I hired Talane because… I really wanted to be a soloist—a star of the stage. But I didn’t know how to get there. I had no idea [she’d] ask me to take The Emotional Index Quiz and work on getting my personal and emotional needs met as a means to reach success. It is a wonderful feeling to be master of the stage!”

Miriam Ross

Violist, Miriam Ross Academy

How much does private life coaching cost?

Most life coaches working directly with individuals charge from $400 to $3,000 per month; that’s for two to three 30- to 60-minute calls. Executive coaches charge more and typically work with their clients for two hours a month.

Corporate coaching can cost up to $10,000 per month and usually starts at $500 per hour. This often includes on-site programs and online computerized assessments.

Our coaches include business coaches, executive coaches, life coaches, professional coaches and creative coaches. If you find the cost of one-on-one coaching a budget-buster, check out our top-quality, easily affordable online life coaching courses.

Are you ready for life coaching? Take the free Coachability Quiz

Life coaching or executive coaching, as beneficial as it is, isn’t for everyone. Take the free Coachability Quiz to see if you’re ready to embark on a life-changing coaching journey by clicking this link. Only 10% of the population is coachable, so find out if you qualify first. By the way, this applies to both private and online coaching!

Note: life coaching is not the same as therapy. If you need to resolve an issue from your past, have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, or have recently experienced trauma or loss, please seek the professional help of a qualified therapist or social worker in your community right away. Consult your doctor or religious advisor for a recommendation.

Coaching related questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

Accredited coaches

All of our coaches are trained by CoachU, the most comprehensive life coach training program available. They’re prepared to support you in reaching your biggest goals and objectives in life. Fees vary depending on the life coach you select. If you’ve never worked with an Accredited Life Coach before, hold onto your hat, as things will start to change quickly!

If you are interested in pursuing 1:1 coaching complete the questionnaire here.

Meet Our Coaches

Talane Miedaner is an ICF Master Certified Coach, founder of and international bestselling author of Coach Yourself to Success. As a coaching leader, Talane has coached thousands of people to restructure their lives to effortlessly attract the opportunities they want. She coaches executives, public officials, and entrepreneurs around the world. She has been featured in numerous magazines from Newsweek to Fortune and has appeared on television and radio. She holds a BS in Foreign Service and master’s degree in English from Georgetown University.

Talane Miedaner, MCC

Founder of

Daphne Clifton is an ICF PCC Executive Coach with over 25 years’ experience in business management and sales. She coaches clients to reach and exceed their goals quickly, become more powerful influencers, manage their boundaries  and energy to perform at peak levels, whilst renewing energy regularly. With her networking experience Daphne will enable you to identify prospective clients and close sales. She uses intensive coaching with proprietary tools and models for ease of application and results. Coaching conversations with Daphne will create headspace, clarity, and direction for you at whatever stage of life and work you find yourself.

Daphne Clifton

Kathee Hill specializes in working with creatives, small business owners, and professionals to take their businesses to the next level while improving the quality of their personal lives. Utilizing the principles of attraction, Kathee helps her clients identify goals and intentions, to prioritize their needs, and create a more balanced life. Trained in bereavement ministry, she is uniquely qualified to guide her clients through life’s more difficult transitions. Kathee’s coaching style is to be present and focused. Her clients feel the positive energy flow in their coaching sessions. They become empowered to take control of their lives.

Kathee Hill

With over 25 years of leadership experience at start-ups, international firms and global giants, Will Keller brings to clients an action-oriented, real-world perspective. Will lived in Germany for eight years as EVP of HSE24, a multichannel sales company. He coached executives as, together, they started businesses in Russia, Italy, and the UAE. Previously, Will founded an interactive media consulting firm and held leadership roles in sales and finance at IAC, Disney, and Salomon Brothers. He is an ICF Associate Certified Coach and Highlands Certified Consultant. Will earned his BA at Amherst College and MBA at Harvard Business School.

Will Keller, ACC, MBA

Judy Lowry is an ICF Master Certified Coach with 25 years’ experience in executive leadership development, career and life coaching, professional and personal development, business growth, management, marketing, sales, and communication. How would you like to get up every morning excited about who you are and what you do? Judy helps clients discover and utilize natural abilities and strengths; identify powerful goals; navigate career transitions; build successful careers; improve life balance; strengthen teams; and attract and improve happy relationships. With a proven program that builds on your successes, you sail to the next level, without sacrificing a joyful life. 

How do I find a real life coach?

How to Find the Right Life Coach for You.
Make sure a Life Coach is actually what you're after. ... .
Determine if They are Thoroughly Trained and Certified. ... .
Ask Them about Their Coaching Style. ... .
Ask what Methodologies and Tools They Use. ... .
Determine the Cost. ... .
Have a Consultation with the Coach. ... .
Determine Their Availability..

What problems do life coaches solve?

What Problems Do Life Coaches Solve?.
You don't know where to go in life. ... .
You are looking for a new career path. ... .
You don't know how to get to your goal. ... .
You don't have any goal in life. ... .
There's no one to talk to. ... .
You need a sound advice. ... .
You're chronically stressed. ... .
You have self-esteem issues..

How much is a good life coach?

Cost of Life Coaching The typical range for personal life coaching is from $75 to $200 per hour, with an average cost of $120 per hour. Many coaches offer packages, such as $300 per month for four 30 minute sessions.

What does a life coach offer?

A life coach is someone who counsels and encourages clients through personal or career challenges. A life coach helps guide clients to reach their ultimate goals. A life coach can help individuals in different areas of their life. But because each human being is different, so will their goals.


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