Honey don t you love me and it makes me sad

Honey, Don't You Love Me Anymore? Lyrics

Now honey, don't you love me any more?
Never saw you act like this before
Look as if we're unreal
Honey, don't you love me any more?
Would you, could you break up our romance?
Would you, could you give me just one more chance?
It's much pain, I can't take
Baby, don't you love me any more?
Oh, I know there must be someone else
If you can treat me so
But I don't care if there's another cat, baby
I ain't gonna let you go
And what you do is what you don't
And what you do is what you won't
Now baby, I'm going mad 'cause I
Baby, don't you love me any more? Yeah
Now honey, don't you love me any more?
Never saw you act like this before
Look as if we're unreal

Writer(s): VIOLET SHAND<br>Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com

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Song Details: Honey You Love Me and You Know It Makes Me Sad Lyrics by Princess Chelsea. The song name is Cigarette Duet which is sung by Princess Chelsea

Honey You Love Me and You Know It Makes Me Sad Lyrics

[Verse 1: Princess Chelsea & Jonathan Bree]
It’s just a cigarette and it cannot be that bad
Honey, don’t you love me? And you know it makes me sad
It’s just a cigarette like you always used to do
I was different then, I don’t need them to be cool

[Verse 2: Jonathan Bree & Princess Chelsea]
It’s just a cigarette and it harms your pretty lungs
Well, it’s only twice a week so there’s not much of a chance
It’s just a cigarette, it’ll soon be only ten
Honey, can’t you trust me? When I want to stop, I can

[Verse 3: Princess Chelsea & Jonathan Bree]
It’s just a cigarette and it’s just a Marlboro Light
Maybe but is it worth it if we fight?
It’s just a cigarette that I got from Jamie-Lee
Oh, she’s gonna get a smack, and I’m gonna give you three

[Chorus: Princess Chelsea & Jonathan Bree]
It’s just a cigarette and I only did it once
(It’s just a cigarette, it’ll soon be only ten)
It’s only twice a week so there’s not much of a chance
(It’ll make you sick, girl there’s not much of a chance)
It’s just a cigarette and I’m sorry that I did it
(It’s just a cigarette, you’ll be sorry that you did it)
Honey, can’t you trust me? When I want to stop, I can

[Outro: Princess Chelsea & Jonathan Bree]
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la

Music Video

This is the end of Honey You Love Me and You Know It Makes Me Sad Lyrics.

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