Gifts for people with 3d printers

Custom 3D printed gifts!

You have 'only' ideas but no time nor energy to realize it?
No worries we will design it for you.

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Our Newest Products!

Custom cookie cutters and embossers.

The 3D Printed Photo (lithophane).
Send us your favorite photo and we turn the image into a special gift!

More ideas!

3D printing was invented for YOU!

Holiday is Coming? Birthday or wedding anniversary approaching the family, friends and you want to give something unique, something special gift?

You're creative, but you did not find a hobby shop that could get you a stunning surprise?

Would you like to give someone a personalized message or a specially designed gift?

Don’t have any skill, but can you do anything with the keyboard?

3D printing was invented for YOU!

DIY - DREAM, DESIGN, CREATE and we will help your custom gift idea to come true!

4. For adults, why not consider this great handheld 3D printing tool?

Another offering from 3DSimo, their Multipro tool is an absolutely fantastic gift idea for Christmas. It is simply perfect for the more experienced crafter in your life and would be appropriate for professional crafters too. 

This 4 in 1 package offers all the accessories they'll need to 3D draw, solder, burn and foam cut their ambitions. What's more, this tool has additional attachments in the pipeline for 2020. 

With their tool in hand, they will able to add to their repertoire with the Sawzall, drill and screwdriver attachments (coming soon).

Each individual attachment is automatically recognized and ready. Also, 3Dsimo. Multipro is easy to keep up to date via the 3DSimo app, so you are able to use new filaments and functions that will come in the future.

5. Let them add some final touches to their 3D printed masterpieces

Source: AMX3d/Amazon

No production process, even 3D printing, is absolutely perfect. From time to time some final adjustments will need to be made to make the final product just right.

With that in mind, you might want to treat the 3D-printer lover in your life with this 3D Printer Tool Kit. It comes with 25 handy tools that are simply a must for any 3D printing enthusiast or professional.

This gift is simply a must for anyone with a 3D Printer or is thinking of buying one. These are the tools you need to make your prints look like those on the 3D printer box.

6. Give the gift of knowledge for Christmas

They may already have extensive experience in 3D model design, but they will certainly appreciate this great online course. Whether they just tinker in 3D printing or are seasoned professionals in need of a recap, this course is a great Christmas gift idea. 

The course covers all aspects of 3D modeling they are likely to need from the basics working their way up to designing their own Sci-Fi spaceship model. Once the fee is paid, they will have lifetime access to the content which can be completed in less than 6 hours.


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