Funny questions to ask groom for bachelorette party

Learn a really fun Bachelorette Party Game. How Well Does She Know Him? is a really fun game that can be played at a bridal shower or bachelorette party.

  • How Well Does She Know Him?
  • Easy to play
  • 20 questions about the groom

How well does the bride know the groom?

Before the party, ask the groom 20 or so questions about himself. At the bachelorette party, have everyone ask how well they think the bride knowes her groom. Have them write down how many of the twenty questions they think she will get right.

You can even take bets! After all, this is a bachelorette party game. Have everyone give you a buck and the winner will get 1/2 of the money. The other half can be spent buying drinks for the bachelorette.

Some question ideas:

1. What was kind of animal was his first pet?

2. What was its name?

3. What is his favorite music group?

4. What is his favorite color?

5. What is his favorite meal that the bride has made?

6. What was the worst meal?

7. How many times does the groom fart a day? (This is my favorite one.)

8. Does the groom plan to put the seat down?

9. Will he take out the garbage?

10. What is the wildest place they have ever made whoopie?

11. How old is his oldest pair of underwear?

12. How old was he when he had his first kiss, etc.

13. What day did he say is their anniversary?

14. What exact words did he say when he asked her to marry him?

15. What is his favorite football team?

16. What is his favorite car?

17. What brand of beer does he drink?

18. Will his wife be getting him "one from the fridge" after they are married?

19. When was the last time he dusted under his bed?

20. What does he like on his pizza?

Add some juicy questions and this game will be a big hit. Questions that have yes/no answers, or use numbers, specific days, or times are really good.

When you are done asking the groom the questions, ask him how many of them he thinks the bride will get right. Compare his guess to her performance. End the game with a toast to the couple learning more about each other than they may be comfortable with.

This is one of my favorite games. The look on the bride's face when she learns that her husband-to-be farts 20 times per day is always priceless.

How much do grooms know brides game is a very popular bridal-shower and bschelorette parties. This game not only let friends of groom to know more about his girl but also offer plenty giggles as you compare the groom’s answers to the bride’s.

But if you have never heard of this game, here is how it works: you ask the groom beforehand some questions, around 20-30 questions about himself, about his relationship with the bride and their future. Then, after you collect his answers (you can either record a video on your phone or write them on a sheet of paper), you ask the same questions to the bride at the bridal shower and see how many answers they have in common. A good alternative to this game is to ask the questions to the bride during the wedding toast, so that every guest of the wedding will have the chance to have a laugh at it and, if you want to keep this as a memorabilia, you can simply create a short video compilation of the funniest answers and reactions from the bride and show it during your wedding toast.

Before going ahead with the how much do grooms know brides game sample questions, the last one advice I can give you is to avoid sexual or touchy topics, such as ex boyfriends/girlfriends if you know that it could embarrass the bride or the groom.

At the end, I will leave you some sample questions which focus on something memorable, something that will stuck in mind, which the groom and bride will remember forever when thinking about their big day.

The party game questions are the heart and soul of every good bachelorette party. With the bride-to-be celebrating her right of passage into married life, there are bound to be fun or even burning questions swirling around from both friends and family that they're dying to have answered. And a night full of activities like pampering trips to day spas or bar hopping and dancing is the perfect time to spill the deets.

Here are our favorite questions to ask when playing the "Who Knows Who Best" game at your bachelorette party.

Who Knows Who Best: Couples Edition

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This bachelorette party game is played by coming up with a list of questions in advance, which are sent to the bride’s partner. Once he has filled out the list of questions with his answers, the bridesmaids pose the questions to the bride, who answers first. The bridesmaids then see if the bride’s answers match what her partner said!

The questions work best when they are tailored to your insider knowledge about the couple. If the groom always has the same stress dream before a big day at work, or the bride has a rare collection of spiders, then those are great areas to ask questions about in this fun game. The general questions are amusing, but try to think about unique quirks and tics specific to the couple, and ask them questions about those.

Of course, some questions can be pretty tame, or at least comfortable for a wide range of bachelorette party guests. However, if you want your bachelorette party to have more of a wild side, then think more salaciously, and don’t be afraid to ask more bold quiz questions. When it comes to bachelorette party etiquette, the most important tip is to know your audience.

Here are some great questions to ask for this bachelorette game idea:

  • When did you know that you fell in love with the bride?
  • What was the moment that you think the bride fell in love with you?
  • What was the first thing that the bride said after you proposed? (For the bride: What was the first thing that you said after the proposal?)
  • What’s one thing in your closet that the bride would want you to get rid of?
  • Where would the bride want your ideal honeymoon to be?
  • If you had to eat one favorite food for three months, what would it be?
  • What favorite food do you think the bride would eat for three months?
  • What TV show did the bride most recently binge?
  • Who was more annoying as a child?
  • For the bride: Dog or cat?
  • For the groom: Dog or cat?
  • For the bride: Sweet or savory?
  • For the groom: Sweet or savory?
  • Would the bride rather be hot or cold?
  • Who would be better in an emergency? Why?
  • Who would better handle an unexpected layover on a trip?
  • Who is a better swimmer?
  • Who is more helpful when building furniture?
  • What is the bride’s ideal pizza topping?
  • What is the one habit that the bride finds most annoying about you?
  • What does the bride find most attractive about you?
  • What do you find most attractive about the bride?
  • What is the bride’s favorite novel?
  • What’s the one song that will always get you onto the dance floor?
  • Who would be on the bride’s celebrity “cheat” list?
  • What is your most embarrassing moment?
  • Sunrise or sunset?
  • If the bride could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would she live?
  • How soon after you met did you kiss the bride?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who is more adventurous in bed?
  • What’s one thing that the bride wants to try in bed?

Who Knows Her Best: Friendship Edition

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Another fun game idea is to get the bridesmaids in on the question action and see who, among her best friends, knows her the best. This game can be a fun, sweet game between friends. Sometimes, wedding parties can have tensions between different groups of friends and some relatives, so don’t try to pit different bridesmaids against one another. Ultimately, the point is for the bride to feel loved, so while a little bit of roasting is fine, don’t go overboard. Your audience will probably guide how tame, or risque, you want the bachelorette party game questions to be.

Here are some great questions to see who knows the bride best:

  • What is the bride’s shoe size?
  • Who was the bride’s first kiss?
  • Who was her first celebrity crush?
  • When is the bride’s birthday?
  • Has she ever dyed her hair? What’s the most adventurous thing she’s done with her hair?
  • What was her best subject in school?
  • What was her worst subject in school?
  • Where was her first trip abroad?
  • What is the bride’s go-to brunch order? How does she like her eggs?
  • What is the bride’s go-to drink order?
  • What is the bride’s most irrational fear?
  • What is her most embarrassing story?
  • If the bride could become any animal, which animal would she choose?
  • What is the bride’s middle name?
  • Who was the bride named after?
  • Name all of the members of her immediate family.
  • What flavor of cake did the bride choose for the wedding cake?
  • What was the first dish that the bride learned to cook? When did she learn to cook?
  • What’s the bride’s favorite feature about herself?

No matter what kind of bachelorette party you’re throwing, the party game questions are always a hit, so make sure to include them as part of the bachelorette party checklist. This Zola list of best bachelorette party game questions will get you started in the right direction.

What questions do you ask a bachelorette bride?

Here are the bachelorette party questions to ask both the bride-to-be and her fiancé..
Where did you two first meet?.
Where was your first kiss?.
When did you first say I love you?.
What is one thing that you do that annoys her the most?.
What does she find most attractive about you?.
Who is your celebrity crush?.

What should the groom do for bachelorette party?

How to Include the Groom in the Bachelorette Party.
The Groom Quiz Game. One of the most popular ways the bachelorette party will include the groom is by using the Groom Quiz Bachelorette Party Game! ... .
Love Notes. Another fun idea is to have the groom write the bride a cute little love note or letter. ... .
Use the Grooms Face..

How well do you know the groom questions?

How Well Does the Bride Know the Groom Questions:.
Where is the grooms dream holiday destination?.
What size shoes does the groom wear?.
What animal would the groom compare the bride to?.
What is the groom's favourite food?.
What is the grooms dream car?.
When he was younger, what did the groom want to be when he grew up?.

How well does the groom know the bride Games?

These How Well Does the Groom Know the Bride Bridal Shower Game cards are a fun bridal shower game to add to your next bridal shower or wedding shower. Play this game with your family and friends at your bridal shower or wedding shower by having your guests guess how many questions the groom will answer correctly.


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