Exam ref az-900 microsoft azure fundamentals pdf free download

Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for candidates who are just beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services or are new to Azure.

Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, Azure services, Azure workloads, security and privacy in Azure, as well as Azure pricing and support. Candidates should be familiar with the general technology concepts, including concepts of networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development.

Azure Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based or specialty certifications, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them.

You may be eligible for ACE college credit if you pass this certification exam. See ACE college credit for certification exams for details.


The English language version of this exam was updated on May 5, 2022. Please download the study guide in the “Tip” box to see the current skills measured.

Passing score: 700. Learn more about exam scores.


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Price $25.99 - $44.86
Author Jim Cheshire
Publisher Microsoft Press
Published 2019
Pages 304
Language English
Format Paper book / ebook (PDF)
ISBN-10 0135732182
ISBN-13 9780135732182

EBook Hardcover Paperback

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Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-900 - and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of cloud services and how they can be provided with Microsoft Azure. Designed for professionals in any non-technical or technical role, Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Fundamentals level.

Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives: Understand cloud concepts; Understand core Azure services; Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust; Understand Azure pricing and support.

Exam AZ-900 focuses on knowledge needed to evaluate cloud service's value; explain IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS; compare public, private, and hybrid cloud models; understand core Azure architectural components, products, and management tools; describe the Azure Marketplace, its usage, and key solutions; understand Azure security, identity services, and monitoring; manage privacy, compliance, and data protection; price subscriptions and manage costs; choose support options; use Service Level Agreements; and understand the Azure service lifecycle.

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Is exam AZ 900 Microsoft Azure fundamentals hard?

How difficult is the AZ-900 exam? The AZ 900 certification is a foundation-level qualification, which means you don't need a comprehensive understanding of Cloud computing or Azure. It is a professional Microsoft certification, so you should expect a challenge.

How do I get my AZ 900 certificate free?

How to get a free voucher AZ-900 ?.
Step 1 — Go and visit Microsoft Training..
Step 2 — Register for Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals..
Step 3 — Join training sessions on preferred 2 days, each day 2 to 2.5 hour..

Is AZ 900 exam open book?

Please be informed that the exam is not open book. A Proctor will be assigned to you during the exam who will monitor the process. Further, as you have completed the online content, you may attend Instructor-Led training session so that you can redeem the exam via free voucherless process.

How many questions are in Arizona exam 900 Azure fundamentals?

The number of questions on the AZ900 is 44, and the time limit is 60 minutes.


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