Do i need hurricane shutters if i have impact windows

Most South Florida homeowners know that they need some form of protection on their windows, be it in the form of cardboard shutters, duct tape, or impact windows. While all three of these items technically qualify as a “protective measure,” this does not mean all three are created equal.  It’s safe to assume most people recognize this fact. Hurricane windows will do a better job of protecting your home than tape or cardboard. Other than that, homeowners may not know much about them, and in fact have heard numerous misconceptions about hurricane windows.  

For those who are not familiar with hurricane windows, here is a list of common misconceptions and the explanations behind them.

Impact Windows Are Expensive

On the contrary, impact windows and doors can be much less expensive than other types of hurricane protection. Non-impact windows with electronic roll down shutters can cost twice as much as hurricane windows.

Aside from the actual cost of the product and installation alone, there are other factors to consider when evaluating the value of hurricane windows. Additional benefits include pre-storm preparation, increased security, UV blocking, and noise reduction. All of these make impact windows a great option.

Impact Windows Are Just for Looks

Sure, the style of hurricane windows is an excellent feature. But don’t forget that its main function is to protect your home from potential storm damage. Knowing that your home has permanent protection against hurricanes, tornadoes, and other storms at any given time also provides peace of mind.

Ultimately, hurricane-resistant windows are capable of withstanding winds of up to 200 miles per hour. If flying debris does hit a window, the added protection will keep the glass from breaking up into large sharp pieces. If it does crack, it will create a “spider-like” cracking pattern instead.

Impact Windows Are All the Same

Many people assume that just because they bought a high-quality window that has a Design Pressure Rating of DP50 (50psf), they’re getting impact windows capable of withstanding hurricane-force winds. Unfortunately, this is incorrect. 

Yes, people have designed DP50 rated windows to handle strong winds from storms. However, they are not designed to withstand flying debris unless they are the impact rated version. Some of these windows may even be outfitted with “Hurricane Rated” tags, but fine print tells a much different story.

Impact Windows Do Not Guarantee Protection

Let’s be clear: impact windows do not prevent hurricanes, but they do offer protection from one. They are tested to withstand impact and strong winds, which some would argue makes them a far better option than other types of hurricane protection.

For shutters, materials like plywood can take a long time to fit to the window and to put up. And can easily break during a hurricane. When compared to impact resistant glass, hurricane windows hold up infinitely better in a storm.

Have we convinced you to make the move over to hurricane windows yet? Contact us for any additional questions you may have and we will be happy to answer them.

People clench their teeth during hurricane season. When approaching hurricanes hook north off the coast, you can breathe a much-deserved sigh of relief. But it only takes one landfall to make you rethink the need to reinforce and protect your home.

Suddenly, that old roof does not look so secure. Your windows could shatter with a twig — older windows break easily against the pressure of hurricane winds. Impact glass windows and hurricane shutters are the best solutions to protect both home and family, but which one is the best choice for your home?

Are Hurricane Shutters Right for You?

Hurricane shutters perform a similar function to impact glass windows since they serve as a protective covering against storms and hurricanes. They cover glass windows to protect them from damage. Hurricane shutters are primarily made from steel or aluminum. Some homeowners only use hurricane shutters alone, and this is a workable solution if time or budget constraints do not allow for the installation of impact windows.

Preparing for the Storm with Hurricane Shutters

With hurricane shutters, you should think about how you prepare your home before severe weather. How long will it take you to prepare for a hurricane? Roll down shutters can negatively affect the aesthetics of your home, although they do allow you to push a button or crank them into place. However, some hurricane shutters require you to prepare well in advance of the storm. Although more affordable, the cost may come in the time spent installing them when a severe storm or hurricane does strike, and then uninstalling them after the threat is over.

How Do You Decide Between the Two?

Both impact glass windows and hurricane shutters offer protection against natural disasters. However, they do have distinct differences that may persuade you to choose one over the other. The biggest distinction is that impact windows provide year-round benefits — they deter burglars, reduce your energy bill, and make your home quieter. Hurricane shutters do not provide any of these benefits. Furthermore, while they are installed, hurricane shutters do not allow any natural light in and do not allow any form of egress in case of an emergency.

Impact glass windows are more costly than hurricane shutters. The investment in impact glass windows can end up paying for itself through damage prevention, plus they can earn potential discounts for homeowner's insurance and tax write-offs for ENERGY STAR. Products that meet Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ICC 500 standards will get the best discount. Be sure to check with your insurance agent for the most accurate savings potential. The return on investment for most hurricane shutters is 40%, while the ROI for impact windows ranges from 80% to 86%. Although impact glass windows can cost more initially, they pay much larger dividends down the road.

Keeping Your Family Safe

The most important thing is that your loved ones remain safe during hurricane season in Florida. That is why the team at AOA Construction will be more than happy to help you pick the perfect impact windows for your home and your budget.

Call (561) 914-4636 to schedule a free consultation.

Are hurricane impact windows as good as shutters?

Hurricane shutters don't offer the best protection against debris and high winds. So if you are looking for the ultimate in storm protection, you can't go wrong with hurricane impact resisting windows which will give your home the perfect protection against flying debris, strong winds, and other perils.

Do I need hurricane shutters if I have hurricane windows?

Hurricane windows are made from toughened glass that protects your home from the impact of high winds and flying debris. They are designed to withstand the impact of a piece of 2″ x 4″ timber thrown at 34 mph. So if you have hurricane windows installed, you don't need hurricane shutters also.

Are impact windows stronger than shutters?

Impact windows are able to resist the force of hurricane winds and the impact of debris swept up by these winds. They are more expensive than hurricane shutters, like accordion shutters, but are far more durable.

What category hurricane can impact windows withstand?

Installing impact windows can drastically lower your chance of catastrophic damage to your home. Hurricane impact windows have been engineered and developed to the point that they are able to withstand category 5 wind and debris.


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