Biblical meaning of playing cards in a dream

The card is a game of numbers and pictures with a lot of varieties. Do you like playing cards? You may be a fan of card games, then that you can have dreams like this. The cards became one of the most popular table games since ancient times. Cards can play various games like poker and blackjack. However, if your dreams come for no apparent reason, then you need help from a dream dictionary.

Many dream experts believe that the card represents your chance to pursue your fate. In some cases, you should not forget certain vital things or luck. You must carve out your future without the interference of others. Dreaming with cards also symbolizes a stage where you need to think carefully about your next move.

In playing cards, you may be using a particular strategy, and you are trying to figure about your competitors. However, the various details in your dream will affect the interpretation. You need to consider interpreting another dream with the card from another perspective. Here are some other explanations of card games that may be similar to your dreams:

What does it mean to dream about card games?

When you see the card game in your sleep, this dream signifies that you will get a profit. You will probably get a good reputation and wealth. Besides, you realize that everything can happen to you, so you will not trust anyone. You will try to accomplish your important tasks, which will keep you indispensable in the company.

When you play cards, this dream signifies an argument. You may start a business with someone who is against your expectations. It would be a wrong choice. You will blame each other and not make a way out of the dangerous situation you face.

When you hide the card in your sleep, this dream shows the intrigue of your romance. Naturally, you never reveal who you are or what you think. You feel that the only people you can hurt are the ones you care about.

When you play poker, this dream signifies that you are the one who will go through a series of conflicts. It will make you feel uncomfortable. This dream speaks of a period in which everything you will pass will require a lot of your attention.

When you see a poker game, this dream signifies that you need to find out everything that happens with your life. You must understand that you are undergoing a series of changes. You will discover how life offers you great change. A favorable moment may come to you.

When you see an ace card, this dream shows that you have a useful ability. However, now you will experience some exciting changes that affect your life.

When you dream of tarot cards, these dreams are usually associated with magic and future predictions. The tarot cards you read show your concerns about the future and your tendency to act according to superstition.

When you win a card game, this dream signifies that you have high confidence. On the other hand, if you lose the card, then this symbolizes that the disappointment or loss of material will hit you. Meanwhile, if the card is damaged, it reflects that you have to be more careful and do not believe in anyone.

One thing that you need to remember, a dream of the card reflects that you have to carve out your future. You must be prepared to deal with any unexpected changes that contribute to your future change. You can tell what happened in your sleep. Did you play poker online or solitaire? Share the meaning of dreams with the cards to your friends.

    1. Dream Encyclopedia
    2. Cards

Meaning of Cards Dreams | Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretations were found from 21 different sources.

Playing or watching others play cards is a warning to be cautious with your finances.

If you’re dealing the cards in your dream, bad news is around the corner. See clubs, and you’ll have success in business. See diamonds, and good financial news is in your future. See hearts, and it bodes well for love. See spades, and trouble is on the way.

Tryskelion Dream Interpretation | Pagan - Anonymous

(see Games)

A deck of cards: Is the deck complete with 52 cards? If not, you may have fragmentary information about a person or situation.

Playing cards: Consider if you’re gambling on something or someone, or taking an unnecessary risk. Alternatively, having your attention diverted from more legitimate, and worthwhile, endeavors.

Playing an ace: Successfully and confidently making your move, or having an alternative plan of action on which to fall back (e.g., having “an ace in the hole”). In terms of omens and signs, this is considered a very positive dream denoting victory (see One).

Potential mental instability, or lacking thorough information or tools with which to handle a situation (e.g., “not playing with a full deck”).

If the hand you see is filled with jokers, this reflects your own sense of humor. Is it a healthy one, or do you make jokes and laugh to cover up insecurity? Also if you’re the eternal prankster, this dream acts as a gentle warning that someone might get hurt as a result of ill-conceived shenanigans.

Tarot cards in dreams should be interpreted according to their layout and images.

For more information, consult a classical Tarot deck with interpretive guide like the Rider- Waite Tarot.

Business cards may have symbolic words and phrases upon them to consider.

The names and phone numbers can also have interpretive value. Consider each separately, and the card as a whole unit, when trying to understand this emblem.

Greeting cards in dreams reflect matters of communication, particularly those missives coming from other people. Look at the card’s message (see Writing) or its art for more meaning here.

The Language of Dreams | Patrica Telesco

Seeing life as a game, a gamble. Focusing on winning and losing instead of growing; competing instead of creating.

If a fortune teller is reading your cards, reflects own psychic attunement; or seeking your destiny from outer, not inner sources. Remember that you create from within.

The Dream Books Symbols | Betty Bethards

Using a deck of cards yourself or observing other people using a deck signifies financial reverses through carelessness and/ or trickery; however, certain cards and suits have specific meaning and if observed in the dream should be collated with the action.

The face cards signify as follows:


clubs: You will be helped by a friend.

diamonds: Danger from an older man who has a position of power.

hearts: True love.

spades: Opposition in your ambitions.


clubs: You need to unsnarl your love life.

diamonds: Good news concerning property.

hearts: Happy romantic news.

spades: A niggling worry through a misplaced confidence.


clubs: Deceit and trickery could cause you a loss.

diamonds: A pleasing gift or small inheritance.

hearts: Happiness through a new romance.

spades: You’ve got a rival and/or opposition in whatever concerns you most.

See also Ace and Numbers.

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams | Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett

To dream one plays at cards or dice, signifies deceit and craft, and that he is in danger of losing his estate by some wicked person. And yet playing at cards, tables» or any other game in a dream, shows the party shall be very fortunate, if the tables allude to love; for love is the table, fancy the point that stands open, and he that dreams of table-playing shall be a great gamester as well with Joan as my lady.

The Complete Dream Book | Gillian Holloway

(See Gambling Games, Poker) , To dream that your sweetheart is a card player is an indication that you should be very sure that his or her attitude toward you is above reproach.

If you yourself are playing cards in a dream, it is a sign that you will be in danger of making a mistake in some love affair, unless the cards that you hold are mostly hearts, which combination points decisively to a happy married life.

The Complete Dream Book | Gillian Holloway

(See Flaying Cards).

The Complete Dream Book | Gillian Holloway

If playing them in your dreams with others for social pastime, you will meet with fair realization of hopes that have long buoyed you up. Small ills will vanish. But playing for stakes will involve you in difficulties of a serious nature.

If you lose at cards you will encounter enemies.

If you win you will justify yourself in the eyes of the law, but will have trouble in so doing.

If a young woman dreams that her sweetheart is playing at cards, she will have cause to question his good intentions. In social games, seeing diamonds indicate wealth; clubs, that your partner in life will be exacting, and that you may have trouble in explaining your absence at times; hearts denote fidelity and cosy surroundings; spades signify that you will be a widow and encumbered with a large estate.

Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation | Gustavus Hindman Miller

Keep in mind that life is 10% what cards you’re dealt, and 90% how you play them. This dream is about how you play the game of life and your desire to see the future.

If there is a card up your sleeve, then you are hiding something or keeping secrets.

If all your cards are on the table, then you are being honest about your intentions. Pay attention to what cards are being revealed. See Ace, Club, Diamond, Heart, Numbers, Spade, Trump Card, Tarot Cards, Business Cards and Gamble.

Strangest Dream Explanations | Dream Explanations - Anonymous

Playing a game of cards socially denotes a realization of your plans.

If it is gambling, you may face economical strain.

If you are a loser, you have made an enemy.

If diamonds predominate among the cards, the signification is wealth; spades, bad news; hearts, pleasantries and fidelity of a loved one; clubs, petty quarrels with friends.

Psycho Dream Interpretation | Ella Freeman Sharpe

1. Investing too much emotion in a relationship with some­ one.

2. Worry about gambling habits.

3. Concern over a business proposition.

New American Dream Dictionary | Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin

Playing at Cards in a dream, or watching other people at play, is an indication of coining quarrels.

Mystic Dream Book | Internet Archive - Anonymous

To dream that you are playing a game of cards, symbolzies that you have successfully used skills of strategy and timing in your waking life. Also see “Poker”.

My Dream Interpretation | myjellybean

Cards can appear in dreams in many different forms—such as postcards, maps, entrance cards or tickets, playing cards, and business cards.

In the case of playing cards, it implies that you do not take life seriously enough and are taking too many risks. It also may be a suggestion to look at life more as if it were a game and to be less serious.

It is important whether you have good or bad cards in your hand.

If you dream about a particular card, find out the meaning by checking out books about reading cards.

With postcards and maps, refer to the place or area pictured on them.

If you can’t make any connection with the picture, postcards and maps may be an expression of a desire for travel and vacation.

Tickets and business cards point to areas that are normally unavailable to you. In the case of tickets, the specific area depicted is most important: what you are admitted to is an indication of the direction you should take in your life. In the case of business cards and credit cards it is the person who carries them who is important.

A business card shows that you are, or want to be, successful.

Folklore: Quarrels loom on the horizon.

Little Giant Encyclopedia | Klaus Vollmar

Playing cards in a dream can be about recreation or, alternatively, about gambling with our destiny. Cards in a dream can also reflect the meaning of many idioms: “a card up one’s sleeve,” “the cards are stacked against you,” “to hold all the cards,” “trump card,” “house of cards,” etc.

Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia | James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver

Cards of any type signify visual communication and the ability to convey a message spiritually.

The tarot – our inner truth – can be used as images in dream work.

To dream of giving or receiving a card such as a birthday card alerts us to the need for a specific kind of communication, perhaps celebrating our own or others’ good fortune and luck.

Dream Meanings of Versatile | Versatile - Anonymous

Psychological / emotional perspective: On a psychological level, card playing in a dream can be seen as taking calculated risks and alerting us to potential danger. Generally, our subconscious may be registering concern, either about ourselves or others. Business cards convey the idea that we are happy to give other people information about ourselves, or to receive such information from others.

Dream Meanings of Versatile | Versatile - Anonymous

Material aspects: Greeting cards are quite literally an acknowledgement of a special occasion. In a dream, playing cards highlight our ability to be open to opportunity or to take chances.

The cards that one deals, or is dealt, in a dream may have significance as to number or suit: hearts indicate emotion and relationship. Diamonds represent material wealth. Spades represent conflict, difficulties and obstacles. Clubs represent action, work and intelligence.

The king portrays human success and mastery.

The queen indicates emotional depth, sensitivity and understanding whereas the jack represents impetuosity, creativity or an adolescent energy.

Dream Meanings of Versatile | Versatile - Anonymous


Depending on the type of card being given or received, the general consensus is that the dreamer is in need of communicating with the other person(s) in the dream relative to the symbolism of the type of card.

Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation | Dream Meanings Anonymous


To dream of playing cards is indicative that one needs to be open to the possibility of gambling or risk taking to gain wealth. Certain types of cards can have different meanings.

For example, Hearts represents love and relationships; Diamonds – material wealth; Spades – conflict; and Clubs – intelligence.

Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation | Dream Meanings Anonymous

Playing card games with someone you recognize implies that this person, or perhaps someone of whom he or she reminds you, is “playing games” with you and is not to be trusted. Gambling with cards is a warning to avoid financial risk of any kind.

Each playing card has a distinct divinatory meaning of its own, usually based on numerology. Spades rule conflict, hearts pertain to matters of the heart, diamonds refer to money, and clubs rule difficulties - and the numerological meaning of each number combined with the nature of the suit gives a rough meaning of the card’s divinatory nature.

The face cards rule people whose personalities are based on the nature of the suit they represent.

If the dream is of a Tarot card, or a group of them, the meaning of the card has a strong bearing on the meaning of the dream. Consult our Tarot experts for details.

Dream Explanations of Astro Center | Astro Center

The keywords of this dream: Cards

15 dream symbols found for this dream.

What is the meaning of a deck of playing cards?

n. one of a set of cards used in playing various games, esp. one of a set of 52 numbered or ranked cards of four suits (diamonds, clubs, hearts, and spades).

What does it mean when God comes to you in a dream?

Dreaming about God often means that you are happy and content with life. Another way of interpreting this dream is that you are a compassionate person, who believes in being merciful. Read on to know more. More often than not, we wake up thinking about the dreams that we saw when we were asleep.

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To see a solitaire in a dream usually indicates that single people will get married, and a good fortune will come out.

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The Magician as an Archetype that symbolizes being resourceful. The dream is portraying you as the Magician, so if you have been feeling stuck, the message is to trust in your abilities and be open to new ways of seeing old situations.


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