Best psychiatrist for young adults near me

Who is a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health. Psychiatrists are experts in diagnosing, treating and managing various mental illnesses and disorders. They use both therapy and medication to treat their patients.

Following are some of the mental disorders psychiatrists are capable of treating:

  • Schizophrenia
  • ADHD
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Multiple personality disorder
  • Sleep problems

What is Psychiatry?

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of psychiatric illnesses and mental disorders. Medical specialists who are experts in psychiatry are known as psychiatrists.

When should you see a Psychiatrist?

It is important to see a psychiatrist when you or your primary care doctor suspects you are experiencing some mental problem. People already diagnosed with mental disorders need to visit a psychiatrist regularly, especially in cases where the symptoms are becoming more severe.

Moreover, it is also important to visit a psychiatrist in Peshawar when your mental health is lagging and you feel overwhelmed by anxiety or stress. Perpetually feeling an intense feeling of sadness and hopelessness is a common symptom of depression and is cause for concern.

If you experience any of the symptoms of depression, consulting a psychiatrist can be very helpful, if not life-changing.

A morphed thinking process is also a cause for alarm. Mental health causes people to think negatively of themselves and others, incoherence and lack of focus in their thoughts, and most alarming are the suicidal thoughts. Some patients might also think of hurting others instead.

Mental problems also have physical symptoms. Having too much or too little energy, getting too little or too much sleep and extreme eating habits are common in patients with mental health problems. Those suffering from anger management issues also need intervention from a psychiatrist.

Similarly, some people have performance anxiety that interferes with their intimate relationships leading to sexual dysfunction. A trained mental health specialist can properly and safely treat this.

Children with problems like autism, ADHD, and other intellectual issues also need to be treated by a mental health specialist before these problems become lifelong.

Many psychiatrists are also specially trained to deal with young children and can effectively treat children who have a mental illness or severe trauma.

New mothers might also need to visit the best psychiatrist in Peshawar if they suffer from postpartum depression. The changing hormone levels, the trauma of birthing, and the responsibilities of motherhood can overwhelm mothers.

If they feel depressed, suffer from mood swings, cannot connect to the baby, have altered sleep and dietary habits, cry and feel hopeless for more than two weeks, then they need the help of a mental health specialist.

How to book an appointment with the best female Psychiatrist in Peshawar

To find the best female psychiatrist near you, all you have to do is click the gender filter at the top of the page and select female. You can filter the doctor list by area, availability, and experience.

What are a Psychiatrist's main areas of concern?

Psychiatrists are responsible for helping patients manage their mental health and understand its impact on their bodies.

Commonly used psychiatric medication includes antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants, sedatives, mood stabilizers etc.

Since these drugs impact the patient's overall health, psychiatrists ensure that they don't have any contraindications for the patients and are safe to take. The prescription process can sometimes be hit, and trial as the doctor does not know which drug and dosage the patient will respond well to.

Psychiatrists also perform different therapies on the patients. For example, those who suffer from seasonal depression are often treated using light therapy, a form of psychiatric treatment.

Electroconvulsive therapy is reserved for patients suffering from extreme depression that does not respond to other treatments. It involves giving electrical current to the brain. On the other hand, another treatment technique, psychotherapy, entails talking to the patients, similar to counselling.

What are the most common mental health issues in Pakistan?

Mental health problems are a growing concern in Pakistan. Pakistani people regularly visit a psychiatrist in Peshawar to get treatment for various psychiatric disorders.

According to a study, the most common mental health problems in Pakistan are as follows.

Mental Illness

Percentage of Population







Alzheimer’s disease


How can I find and book an appointment with a psychiatrist near me?

One of the most common queries for a mental health patient in Pakistan is, "How can I find a psychiatrist near me?" Well, you can easily find and book an appointment with a psychiatrist near you using

To do that, click or tap the "Near me" filter at the top of the page. A list of the best psychiatrists in Peshawar near you will show up. Choose any psychiatrist from the list and click or tap the "Book Appointment" button to confirm your appointment.

What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?

The main difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is that unlike psychologists, psychiatrists can also prescribe medications to patients for the treatment of mental illnesses whereas psychologists mostly provide counseling and psychotherapy to patients.

What kinds of Psychiatrists are there?

Psychiatry is a broad field that has many subspecialties. The best psychiatrists in Peshawar may therefore specialize in:

  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Experts in this field help diagnose, treat and manage thinking and behavioral issues in children. They are specially trained to deal with children's disorders like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, delinquency, learning disabilities etc.
  • Forensic Psychiatry: This specialty deals with the treatment of prisoners and patients locked up in secure hospitals. They also address the mental issues plaguing the community at large and therefore have close ties with the legal system.
  • Geriatric Psychiatry: Specialist psychiatrists that diagnose, treat, prevent and manage the mental health issues present in the older population.
  • Perinatal Psychiatry: This category deals with the mental health of pregnant women and follows their progress through their first year with the baby.
  • Neuropsychiatry: Brain and mental diseases share a common terrain, and neuropsychiatry is a blend between neurology and psychiatry.
  • Young Adult Psychiatry: Dealing with people aged 18-29 and the problems they face due to the transitions they undergo in their lives lead, young adult specialists exclusively cater to the many mental health issues in young people.

How to become a Psychiatrist in Pakistan?

To become a psychiatrist in Pakistan, you must complete an MBBS and a one-year house job. After this, you must pass the first FCPS exam to get accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan.

Once that is cleared, training in psychiatry is required. Upon completing training and passing the required exams, you will be a fully accredited psychiatrist and can practice psychiatry all over the country.

Why Choose oladoc to Book Your Appointments with the Best Psychiatrist in Peshawar?

You can book appointments or online video consultations with the best psychiatrist in Peshawar, instantly through - Pakistan's biggest and most trusted healthcare platform and save your precious time and money.

To book your appointment with the best psychiatrist in Peshawar right now with no additional charges, click the book appointment button, download the app or call 0917158555 to confirm your booking.

How to pick a good psychiatrist?

How To Find a Good Psychiatrist.
Seek Referrals..
Screen the Providers..
Read Reviews From Clients..
Consider Your Insurance Coverage..
Weigh Other Factors That Will Make You Comfortable..
Be Prepared for the First Appointment..
Don't Be Afraid To Ask Questions..
Consider the Psychiatrist's Specialty Area..

How to find a good psychiatrist in my area?

Talking to any friends or family who also live with mental illness can be a great place to start. You can also ask your therapist or primary care doctor for a recommendation. There are several online directories, but you should keep in mind that some only require a fee to be listed.

How do I see a psychiatrist for the first time?

Before your first psychiatrist appointment, you'll need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your contact information, medical history, and insurance information. It may be possible to do this online before your appointment, but you can also often do this at the office when you arrive.

Can you self refer to a psychiatrist?

You can also see a psychiatrist privately, although most private psychiatrists prefer a referral from your GP. Your GP may be able to recommend psychiatrists in your area. You can also try contacting a psychiatric clinic directly or using online psychiatry services.


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