Best over the counter medication for stress and anxiety

Content Warning:Please be advised, the below article mentions prescription medication and addiction. The information found in the articleis nota substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers before trying any medication option, including over-the-counter medication.

Over the counter (OTC) anxiety medications have a lot of appeal. After all, you can pick them up easily at your local pharmacy. They can also cost much less than prescription drugs, especially if you don't have insurance. Why, then, should you bother going to your doctor for a prescription?

Well, there may be some very good reasons to make that trip. Read on to learn about the differences between OTC and prescription anxiety meds.

Types of Anxiety Meds

Anxiety is extremely common in modern society. In fact, it's the number one mental illness among adults in the world and also affects children. It's no wonder that many different solutions are available to treat it. Not all anxiety meds are created equal, but most of them do have some benefits. Here are some of the most common types of anxiety medicines.

Herbal Anxiety Remedies

Learn More About Prescription And Over The Counter Anxiety Meds

Some herbs can work as natural anxiety remedies, though there are only two (St. John’s Wort and Kava) that have been shown by studies to be effective. The reason these plants can work well is that they have natural substances within their leaves, roots, flowers, fruits, or bark that interact with the nervous system to decrease the symptoms of anxiety.

Herbal remedies can come in several different forms. You can get them in capsules or drink them in the form of herbal tea. Tinctures, another possibility, are made by dissolving the herb in alcohol. You can get these remedies at many local stores, online, or through an herbalist.

Some of the most used herbs for anxiety include:

  • Valerian root
  • Kava kava
  • Ashwagandha
  • Rhodiola
  • Lavender
  • Passionflower
  • Chamomile
  • Lemon balm
  • Holy basil
  • Green tea

In addition to herbal remedies, another natural remedy is homeopathic medicine for anxiety. Homeopathy is a form of natural medicine that is widely used in many parts of the world, though it's less practiced in the United States. Remedies chosen in homeopathic medicine are meant to help facilitate the body’s own healing processes.

Some of the homeopathic remedies used for anxiety include:

  • Aconite
  • Argentum nitricum
  • Arsenicum album
  • Calcarea carbonica
  • Gelsemium
  • Ignatia
  • Kali arsenicosum
  • Kali phophoricum
  • Lycopodium
  • Stramonium

While these remedies can be easily found online, you shouldn’t necessarily expect results. Homeopathy is largely denounced by the scientific community as a pseudoscience, and more research needs to be done.

Other Anti-Anxiety Over-The-Counter Treatments

Although natural remedies don't require a prescription, many people don't think of them when they're considering over-the-counter anxiety meds. OTC meds can refer to drugs you can get in a pharmacy without a prescription. These medications are typically designed for other purposes, but they have properties or side effects that may help with anxiety. Another thing about these OTC meds is that none have been approved for use as an anxiety medication.

The most commonly used OTC medication for anxiety is Benadryl, or diphenhydramine. This medication is an antihistamine that’s generally used for allergies and similar conditions. Its calming effects for anxiety are only mild, but it can provide a bit of fast-acting relief. It can can also have negative effects, however, that make it a poor choice for anxiety symptoms.

Individuals wanting to reduce nervousness have also used other OTC drugs that cause sedation. These include other antihistamines, cold medicines, cough syrups, sleep medications, and painkillers. Again, they may provide a brief respite, but they typically will cause more problems than solutions and are not at all recommended.

As always, you should consult a health care professional before trying any type of medication or remedy for your anxiety.

Problems With OTC Anxiety Meds

Over-the-counter anxiety meds may seem like an easy fix for troublesome symptoms. However, there are a few reasons to be cautious or avoid certain OTC meds.

First, natural and herbal remedies are not regulated in the same way as medication. You won't necessarily know precisely how much you're getting or what the quality is. Also, there generally hasn't been extensive research on natural anxiety remedies to understand how effective they are.

Another problem is that certain herbal remedies can carry serious risks. For example, kava has been banned in some countries because it may pose a risk of liver damage. When you're taking natural or other anti-anxiety over the counter meds without supervision, you can’t always be sure how they'll interact with each other or with prescription drugs you take for other conditions.

What Drugs Are Prescribed For Anxiety?

Prescription medications are usually the recommended solution when you have moderate to severe anxiety. So, if you seek help from a physician or psychiatrist, they may suggest a prescription anxiety medication.

Several different drugs are commonly prescribed as anti-anxiety medications, including:

  • Anxiolytics (such as alprazolam or clonazepam)
  • Antidepressants (such as escitalopram or sertraline)
  • Beta blockers (such as atenolol or propranolol)

The above medications have been approved specifically to treat anxiety disorders. They affect your brain, and the results can be powerful. That's not something that's safe to do on your own, so it’s best to seek help from a doctor.

Because any drug for anxiety has the potential for misuse, taking it without a doctor's guidance can spell serious trouble. These drugs may work for a while, but then you may need to take more to get the same effect. When you end up taking more than you should, it could result in severe health consequences. And, if you stop taking them suddenly, they can cause withdrawal symptoms.

How To Avoid The Downsides Of Anti-Anxiety Meds

Regardless of the remedy or medication you would like to try, ask your doctor before you take them. It’s also important to report any side effects or unusual problems that start after you begin consuming them.

As for OTC drugs not intended for anxiety, again, it’s best not to take them unless you first speak a health professional instead.

When you take prescription medications, you have an advantage. Your doctor will be there to track your progress and watch for side effects. They can also determine the right dose for you and keep track of how it's working and affecting you. When the time comes to stop taking them, they'll help you do so in a safe manner.

You can help your doctor in several ways:

  • Keep a written record of symptoms and side effects
  • Tell your doctor about any OTC meds or supplements you're taking
  • Always keep your anxiety meds list with you
  • Take the medication only as your doctor tells you to take it
  • Don't stop taking it suddenly or without telling your doctor
  • Build a healthy lifestyle
  • Prepare for the day when you will no longer take the meds

The Role Of Therapy In Anxiety Treatment

Taking meds for anxiety can be helpful, but most bring with them unwanted side effects. If you don't do something besides that, your anxiety may increase over time even if you keep taking the meds. One recommended option to help avoid this situation is to speak with a therapist.

Learn More About Prescription And Over The Counter Anxiety Meds

Getting help can be simple and convenient. It has also been shown to work. A technique known as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been proven to work especially well. According to a team of anxiety scientists led by Dr. Borwin Bandelow, “The efficacy of CBT for all anxiety disorders has been shown in a large number of controlled studies.”

With the availability of online counseling, seeking treatment for anxiety is easier than before. You can get treatment from a BetterHelp counselor anywhere you have an internet connection. What’s more, you can schedule your session according to your weekly demands. Read what others have said about their experiences with BetterHelp below.

“Two sessions in and she got right to the root of my anxiety. I have been trying therapists for at least 5-6 years and nothing has ever come of it. I am so happy I was matched with Dr Swingler, she really gets me and she is a compassionate listener.”


“I've really enjoyed working with Jennifer. She's sensitive but practical and has given me great tools to work through my anxiety and depression. I'm in a much better place than I was when I started. She's been a great support.”

You can connect with a counselor at BetterHelp for online therapy. Whether you also take anxiety meds or not, it's critical that you learn how to deal with anxiety in practical and thoughtful ways. Once you overcome your anxiety, you ca n live a calmer, more peaceful life.

Below are some commonly asked questions on this topic:

Is there any over the counter anxiety medication?
What is the best over the counter anxiety supplement?
What can I take to calm my anxiety?
Does Benadryl help anxiety?
What can I take naturally for anxiety?
What deficiency causes anxiety?
Does B12 Help anxiety?
What is the 3 3 3 rule for anxiety?
How do I get rid of anxiety without medication?

What over the counter medicine is good for stress and anxiety?

OTC Anxiety Medications.
Antihistamines. Most often used to treat allergies, antihistamines typically cause side effects of drowsiness or sedation. ... .
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) 5-HTP, sometimes called tryptophan, is a compound found naturally in the body. ... .
Magnesium. ... .
CBD. ... .
Ashwagandha. ... .
Kava. ... .

Is there over counter medicine for anxiety?

Unfortunately, the only medications for anxiety are prescription and can not be bought over the counter. There is no such thing as over-the-counter anxiety medication. Anxiety medication alters the brain which is why it is a controlled substance and something you have to obtain from a doctor.

What is the best over the counter for stress?

What are the best natural remedies for anxiety?.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) This may not look familiar to you, but you have lots of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) floating around in your body. ... .
Magnesium. ... .
Cannabidiol (CBD) ... .
Kava kava. ... .
Valerian root. ... .
Holy basil. ... .

How do I deal with severe stress and anxiety?

Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress.
Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media. ... .
Take care of yourself. ... .
Take care of your body. ... .
Make time to unwind. ... .
Talk to others. ... .
Connect with your community- or faith-based organizations..
Avoid drugs and alcohol..


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