Api mapping key already exists for this domain name

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This ended up being very easy to accomplish. I had been focused on the custom domain part so much I overlooked that I could simply create a BasePathMapping. The following worked fine for me:

BasePath: Type: AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping Properties: BasePath: my-service DomainName: !Ref DomainName # I pass this in as a parameter per environment. RestApiId: !Ref MainApi # This is my AWS::Serverless::Api resource Stage: default

Edited by: StealthSid2 on Jul 16, 2020 12:12 PM

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  1. Pulumi Registry
  2. AWS Classic
  3. AWS Classic
  4. apigateway
  5. BasePathMapping

Connects a custom domain name registered via aws.apigateway.DomainName with a deployed API so that its methods can be called via the custom domain name.

Example Usage

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Pulumi; using Aws = Pulumi.Aws; return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => { var exampleStage = new Aws.ApiGateway.Stage("exampleStage", new() { Deployment = aws_api_gateway_deployment.Example.Id, RestApi = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.Example.Id, StageName = "example", }); var exampleDomainName = new Aws.ApiGateway.DomainName("exampleDomainName", new() { Domain = "example.com", CertificateName = "example-api", CertificateBody = File.ReadAllText($"{path.Module}/example.com/example.crt"), CertificateChain = File.ReadAllText($"{path.Module}/example.com/ca.crt"), CertificatePrivateKey = File.ReadAllText($"{path.Module}/example.com/example.key"), }); var exampleBasePathMapping = new Aws.ApiGateway.BasePathMapping("exampleBasePathMapping", new() { RestApi = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.Example.Id, StageName = exampleStage.StageName, DomainName = exampleDomainName.Domain, }); });

package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v5/go/aws/apigateway" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" ) func readFileOrPanic(path string) pulumi.StringPtrInput { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } return pulumi.String(string(data)) } func main() { pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error { exampleStage, err := apigateway.NewStage(ctx, "exampleStage", &apigateway.StageArgs{ Deployment: pulumi.Any(aws_api_gateway_deployment.Example.Id), RestApi: pulumi.Any(aws_api_gateway_rest_api.Example.Id), StageName: pulumi.String("example"), }) if err != nil { return err } exampleDomainName, err := apigateway.NewDomainName(ctx, "exampleDomainName", &apigateway.DomainNameArgs{ DomainName: pulumi.String("example.com"), CertificateName: pulumi.String("example-api"), CertificateBody: readFileOrPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%v/example.com/example.crt", path.Module)), CertificateChain: readFileOrPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%v/example.com/ca.crt", path.Module)), CertificatePrivateKey: readFileOrPanic(fmt.Sprintf("%v/example.com/example.key", path.Module)), }) if err != nil { return err } _, err = apigateway.NewBasePathMapping(ctx, "exampleBasePathMapping", &apigateway.BasePathMappingArgs{ RestApi: pulumi.Any(aws_api_gateway_rest_api.Example.Id), StageName: exampleStage.StageName, DomainName: exampleDomainName.DomainName, }) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) }

package generated_program; import com.pulumi.Context; import com.pulumi.Pulumi; import com.pulumi.core.Output; import com.pulumi.aws.apigateway.Stage; import com.pulumi.aws.apigateway.StageArgs; import com.pulumi.aws.apigateway.DomainName; import com.pulumi.aws.apigateway.DomainNameArgs; import com.pulumi.aws.apigateway.BasePathMapping; import com.pulumi.aws.apigateway.BasePathMappingArgs; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { Pulumi.run(App::stack); } public static void stack(Context ctx) { var exampleStage = new Stage("exampleStage", StageArgs.builder() .deployment(aws_api_gateway_deployment.example().id()) .restApi(aws_api_gateway_rest_api.example().id()) .stageName("example") .build()); var exampleDomainName = new DomainName("exampleDomainName", DomainNameArgs.builder() .domainName("example.com") .certificateName("example-api") .certificateBody(Files.readString(Paths.get(String.format("%s/example.com/example.crt", path.module())))) .certificateChain(Files.readString(Paths.get(String.format("%s/example.com/ca.crt", path.module())))) .certificatePrivateKey(Files.readString(Paths.get(String.format("%s/example.com/example.key", path.module())))) .build()); var exampleBasePathMapping = new BasePathMapping("exampleBasePathMapping", BasePathMappingArgs.builder() .restApi(aws_api_gateway_rest_api.example().id()) .stageName(exampleStage.stageName()) .domainName(exampleDomainName.domainName()) .build()); } }

import pulumi import pulumi_aws as aws example_stage = aws.apigateway.Stage("exampleStage", deployment=aws_api_gateway_deployment["example"]["id"], rest_api=aws_api_gateway_rest_api["example"]["id"], stage_name="example") example_domain_name = aws.apigateway.DomainName("exampleDomainName", domain_name="example.com", certificate_name="example-api", certificate_body=(lambda path: open(path).read())(f"{path['module']}/example.com/example.crt"), certificate_chain=(lambda path: open(path).read())(f"{path['module']}/example.com/ca.crt"), certificate_private_key=(lambda path: open(path).read())(f"{path['module']}/example.com/example.key")) example_base_path_mapping = aws.apigateway.BasePathMapping("exampleBasePathMapping", rest_api=aws_api_gateway_rest_api["example"]["id"], stage_name=example_stage.stage_name, domain_name=example_domain_name.domain_name)

import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws"; import * as fs from "fs"; const exampleStage = new aws.apigateway.Stage("exampleStage", { deployment: aws_api_gateway_deployment.example.id, restApi: aws_api_gateway_rest_api.example.id, stageName: "example", }); const exampleDomainName = new aws.apigateway.DomainName("exampleDomainName", { domainName: "example.com", certificateName: "example-api", certificateBody: fs.readFileSync(`${path.module}/example.com/example.crt`), certificateChain: fs.readFileSync(`${path.module}/example.com/ca.crt`), certificatePrivateKey: fs.readFileSync(`${path.module}/example.com/example.key`), }); const exampleBasePathMapping = new aws.apigateway.BasePathMapping("exampleBasePathMapping", { restApi: aws_api_gateway_rest_api.example.id, stageName: exampleStage.stageName, domainName: exampleDomainName.domainName, });

Create a BasePathMapping Resource

type: aws:apigateway:BasePathMapping properties: # The arguments to resource properties. options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

resource_name strThe unique name of the resource.args BasePathMappingArgsThe arguments to resource properties.opts ResourceOptionsBag of options to control resource's behavior.

ctx ContextContext object for the current deployment.name stringThe unique name of the resource.args BasePathMappingArgsThe arguments to resource properties.opts ResourceOptionBag of options to control resource's behavior.

name StringThe unique name of the resource.args BasePathMappingArgsThe arguments to resource properties.options CustomResourceOptionsBag of options to control resource's behavior.

BasePathMapping Resource Properties

To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


The BasePathMapping resource accepts the following input properties:

DomainName string

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

RestApi string | string

ID of the API to connect.

BasePath string

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

StageName string

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

DomainName string

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

RestApi string | string

ID of the API to connect.

BasePath string

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

StageName string

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

domainName String

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

restApi String | String

ID of the API to connect.

basePath String

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

stageName String

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

domainName string

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

restApi string | RestApi

ID of the API to connect.

basePath string

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

stageName string

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

domain_name str

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

rest_api str | str

ID of the API to connect.

base_path str

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

stage_name str

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

domainName String

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

restApi String |

ID of the API to connect.

basePath String

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

stageName String

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.


All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the BasePathMapping resource produces the following output properties:

Id string

The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

Id string

The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

id String

The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

id string

The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

id str

The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

id String

The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

Look up an Existing BasePathMapping Resource

Get an existing BasePathMapping resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

@staticmethod def get(resource_name: str, id: str, opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None, base_path: Optional[str] = None, domain_name: Optional[str] = None, rest_api: Optional[str] = None, stage_name: Optional[str] = None) -> BasePathMapping

func GetBasePathMapping(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *BasePathMappingState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*BasePathMapping, error)

public static BasePathMapping get(String name, Output<String> id, BasePathMappingState state, CustomResourceOptions options)

Resource lookup is not supported in YAML

name The unique name of the resulting resource.id The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.state Any extra arguments used during the lookup.opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.

resource_name The unique name of the resulting resource.id The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.

name The unique name of the resulting resource.id The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.state Any extra arguments used during the lookup.opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.

name The unique name of the resulting resource.id The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.state Any extra arguments used during the lookup.opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.

name The unique name of the resulting resource.id The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.state Any extra arguments used during the lookup.opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.

The following state arguments are supported:

BasePath string

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

DomainName string

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

RestApi string | string

ID of the API to connect.

StageName string

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

BasePath string

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

DomainName string

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

RestApi string | string

ID of the API to connect.

StageName string

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

basePath String

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

domainName String

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

restApi String | String

ID of the API to connect.

stageName String

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

basePath string

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

domainName string

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

restApi string | RestApi

ID of the API to connect.

stageName string

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

base_path str

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

domain_name str

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

rest_api str | str

ID of the API to connect.

stage_name str

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.

basePath String

Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain.

domainName String

Already-registered domain name to connect the API to.

restApi String |

ID of the API to connect.

stageName String

Name of a specific deployment stage to expose at the given path. If omitted, callers may select any stage by including its name as a path element after the base path.


aws_api_gateway_base_path_mapping can be imported by using the domain name and base path, e.g., For empty base_path (e.g., root path (/))

$ pulumi import aws:apigateway/basePathMapping:BasePathMapping example example.com/


$ pulumi import aws:apigateway/basePathMapping:BasePathMapping example example.com/base-path

Package Details


This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.


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