Algebra 2 chapter 1 equations and inequalities answer key

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Chapter 1, Equations and Inequalities - 1.6 Solve Inequalities - 1.6 Exercises - Skill Practice - Page 45: 11


The compound inequality shown on the graph is $-3\leq x\leq 1$

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Solid dots are used on $-3$ and $1$ which indicates they are solutions of the compound inequality. The colored part of the number line between these two numbers indicates that the solutions are all real numbers greater than or equal to $-3$ and less than or equal to $1$.

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Chapter 1 - Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities - 1-3 Algebraic Expressions - Practice and Problem-Solving Exercises - Page 23: 38


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We start by combining like terms. -3x and x are like terms because they both contain one x: -3x+4y+x =4y-2x

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